Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 12 November 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 12 November 2013.

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW); Deputy Force Solicitor Jane Wintermeyer (JW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).

Also in attendance: ACC Ken McIntosh (KM) for minute 240(1).

Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


Apologies were received from Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM) and Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD).


Subject to several amendments the minutes were approved.

The following updates were provided against the previous minutes:

  • Regarding the aviation contract with the NPAS (minute 233(2)), clarity was sought as to whether the revised Schedule 1A has been signed.(Post meeting note: Documents have been signed and recieved).
  • JM informed the board that following a meeting on 11 November 2013 with Home Office officials regarding the Integrity Working Group, indications are that the PSD funding will not be top sliced but funding will be transferred incrementally.ACTION: JP to reduce the provisional budget for PSD by £200k for 2014-15.In order to prepare financially and accommodate any re-structuring GM sought clarity on the implementation date – JM advised that the date was unknown but the report with recommendations is due to ministers on 31 January 2014.
  • LW confirmed that the actions against minute 233(6) for the Command Team Support have been completed.
  • In reference to the Police Innovation Fund, DJ confirmed that Damian Green MP has sent out an invitation to Commissioners and Chief Constables to attend a summit for ‘Innovation through Collaboration’ on 10 December 2013. Attendance from North Yorkshire to be confirmed (Post meeting note: The Head of Commissioning and Partnerships Jenni Newbury may be attending).
  • JM provided feedback on her meeting with HMI Roger Baker on 5 November 2013. The Board also briefly discussed the recent press speculation regarding HMCIC Tom Winsor wearing a ceremonial uniform designed for the inspectorate to a recent National Police Memorial Day Service, despite having never served as a police officer.ACTION: WN to draft letter to Home Office supporting proposals that HMCIC should not wear the ceremonial uniform.


  1. Employee Benefits Scheme (Verbal Update): KM provided a verbal update on the five categories of the Employee Benefits Scheme:
    1. Employee access to ‘Company Based Offers Scheme’, which will offer employees discounts and offers for various high street retailers. Work is being completed to check that NYPs security firewalls are in place but do not prevent access to the site for users. The scheme will allow individuals to self-register, which should help to stream line information compliance.
    2. pension contributions.
    3. Car Scheme: This scheme will also be based on gross salary sacrifice, however further work is required to identify if there are any implications for the employee.
    4. Cycle to Work Scheme: The Board discussed the potential for using local suppliers for this scheme and the potential to link in with the Grand Depart.
    5. Employee Computer Scheme: This scheme will also be based on salary sacrifice and again, concerns were raised regarding employees reduced pension contributions.
    6. A Decision Notice for the Employee Benefits Scheme will be considered by the Executive Board on 10 December 2013. This will include a Communications Plan intending to implement stage one of the Employee Benefits Scheme prior to Christmas 2013. The different categories of the scheme will be rolled out every 2 months throughout 2014, which will allow time for the additional work for the Car Scheme to be completed. 2) NYPCC Report on Local Supplies: The Board discussed a number of points, including:

      • Identifying national business’ who employ locally and linking local business into forthcoming contracts;
      • How contracts under £50k awarded to SMEs will be measured;
      • How to engage with local SMEs and make sure they are made aware opportunities exist;
      • The definition of SMEs;
      • Ensuring all contracts are listed in one place.ACTION: GM to discuss the above points with the Procurement Service Delivery Advisor and bring a report back to the Executive Board (date to be confirmed);ACTION: JP to work with the Procurement Service Delivery Advisor to produce a summary of spend in North Yorkshire to be brought back to the Executive Board (date to be confirmed).
  2. HMIC Valuing the Police 4 Inspection and 4) HMIC Inspection Making the Best Use of Police Time (Discussion Documents): The Board agreed to discuss items 3 and 4 together. JP circulated a briefing of a HMIC TAG Session she attended for the HMIC Making the Best Use of Police Time Inspection. JP highlighted that it was clear from the session that during the inspections it would be up to NYP to emphasise any work undertaken with partner agencies as HMIC cannot make direct contact with the agencies. It was also emphasised that HMIC can only make their inspection on current NYP activities.

    JC requested an update on the Domestic Violence Inspection. GM advised that the Service Review Manager will be able to provide a de-briefing later in the day on 12 November 2013. LW asked if anyone was aware of any feedback from the NYCC Troubled Families evaluation which NYP had been engaged with. No information was available.

    ACTION: GM to be the Executive portfolio lead for the HMIC Valuing the Police 4 Inspection;

    ACTION: ACC Kennedy to be the Executive portfolio lead for the HMIC Inspection Making the Best Use of Police Time

  3. Crime Capital Replacement Programme 2013/14: JP advised that a 2014/15 Capital Rolling Programme incorporating fleet, estates, ISD and crime plant and equipment will be established and scheduled for the Executive Board in January 2014.

    RESOLVED: The Crime Capital Replacement Programme 2013/14 was approved;

    ACTION: Overarching Capital Replacement Programme 2014/15 to be scheduled on the Decision Making Forecast for Executive Board January 2014.


  1. Decision Making Forecast Status Update: The following alterations were made to the Forecast:
    • DJ queried the ‘Requirement for a new vehicle – Acomb’ Decision Notice scheduled for 10 December. JP confirmed that this should be included within the Fleet Strategy and will be removed from the Forecast as a separate item on 10 December;
    • JM confirmed that a separate Decision Notice is required for the Domestic Abuse Co-Ordinators on 10 December;
    • GM advised that following the recent Multi-Agency Event, an assessment on the Commissioning and Bidding Process will be provided to the Executive Board on 26 November;
    • In light of JP confirming that an Overarching Capital Rolling Programme 2014/15 will be provided in January 2014, the Crime Assets Capital Rolling Programme scheduled for 7 January 2014 can be removed from the Forecast.GM also confirmed that Superintendent Amanda Oliver will be attending the Executive Board on 19 November to provide a presentation on the Operational Policing Model.JM requested that for the Business Planning and Budget Setting discussion on 3 December an analysis on officer numbers is provided.
      ACTION: JP to provide analysis.


There were no matters to note.


Governance Process Discussion Document: Guidance had been prepared in order to provide officers and staff an outline of the process for submitting ideas through to decisions requiring approval to the Executive Board. The Board also discussed the recording of operational decisions made by the Chief Constable. In light of the Stage Two Transfer Proposals coming into effect in March 2014 which may effect governance and the decision making process, the current proposals were agreed for the interim and will be reviewed in March 2014.

ACTION: Current guidance to continue until March 2014, when a review will be undertaken of any implications arising from the Stage Two proposals effecting governance and decision making.


  • APCC will be hosting an event for Police and Crime Commissioners on 14 November 2013 which JM will be attending and providing a speech on the integrity agenda.
  • GM will be attending a Regional Treasurers and Directors of Finance Meeting on 14 November. Following this meeting GM offered to provide a briefing to Executive Board members.
  • DJ and KM will be attending the ACPO Winter Conference held 20 – 22 November 2013.
  • JC confirmed the NYP attendees at the British Association for Women in Policing Conference. LW mentioned that work is taking place to move the Gender Agenda forward.


JP circulated the first draft of the 2014/15 budget. The Board noted the report, which JP will continue to develop for discussion at the Executive Board on 3 December 2013.


The next meeting will be dedicated to discussion of the Operational Policing Model and will take place at 9am on Tuesday 19 November 2013 at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Harrogate.