Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 14 January 2014

Minutes of the meeting held at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 14 January 2014.


In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM).

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Lisa Winward (LW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN); Head of Workforce Support Services Julie McMurray (JMcM) for minutes 301(1).

Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


As all members and advisors were in attendance, no apologies were received.


Subject to amendments provided by JC, the minutes of the Executive Board held on 7 January 2014 were approved as a true record for publication. The following updates were provided:

  • GM advised that he is unable to attend the PACCTS meeting on 15 January 2014 but will provide any information of significance from the agenda papers and minutes to the Board.
  • The Board also discussed the timescales provided by the College of Policing for distributing papers and consultations, in order to allow senior leads to be sighted earlier.

ACTION: DJ to raise at the next Chief Counsels meeting on 15 January 2014.

  • In relation to minute 296, GM advised that the Stage 2 briefings scheduled for 10 January were considered too early and will be re-scheduled for a later date.


  1. Estates Briefing (Presentation): JMcM provided a presentation of the current position for the Northern Base project; Harrogate, miscellaneous properties and potential disposals throughout the NYP estate.

    In regard to the North Base, JMcM highlighted the progress of the stakeholder consultation process and the requirements being submitted. The Board agreed that TM would become the operational lead for the internal accommodation requests and that meetings to challenge and manage requirements would be arranged as a matter of priority with operational stakeholders in order to meet the deadlines for completion. TM will convene with JMcM and the outcomes of these meetings will be reported back to the Executive Board, in order for Board Members to assess the requirements going forward, assess assumptions and provide strategic direction for the final requirements of the building.

    JC will establish an Estates Board to convene at the end of February. TM will be invited to attend as senior operational stakeholder. It was agreed that a strategic estates update would be scheduled to be provided to the Board. Following the initial session, these would be undertaken on a quarterly basis.

    ACTION: JM to provide a verbal briefing of her meeting with South Kilvington stakeholders;

    ACTION: JC requested to be kept directly informed of requirements for the Northern Base submitted by teams under her direction;

    ACTION: Outcome of Northern Base stakeholder meetings to be reported back to the Executive Board;

    ACTION: All key decisions in relation to the Northern Base are to be scheduled on the Decision making Forecast.

    ACTION: Estates Board to be established, first meeting at the end of February (Lead: JC)

    ACTION: Strategic Estates Update to be scheduled for the Executive Board on 18 February 2014 (prior to the OPM discussion scheduled for 4 March 2014), to include related estates issues, estates maps and address options for colocation of NYP estates.

  2. Central storage of Exhibits and Paper Records (Presentation): This presentation was withdrawn and will be re-submitted to a future meeting of the Board to provide background information to the ‘Centralisation of NYP’s storage of exhibits of operational and corporate paper records evaluation’ Decision Notice, also withdrawn and due to be re-submitted. Board Members requested that the presentation and Decision Notice provides:
    • Full detail of benefits;
    • Evidence of findings;
    • To be considered alongside the new Northern Base proposals;
    • Detail of risks and needs;
    • Explanation of function costs.

    JC sought clarity if the ‘Centralisation of NYP’s storage of exhibits of operational and corporate paper records evaluation’ Decision Notice title was included on the Risk Register due to the amount of investment required.

    ACTION: Central Storage of Exhibits and Paper Records presentation and the ‘Centralisation of NYP’s storage of exhibits of operational and corporate paper records evaluation’ Decision Notice to be resubmitted to the Executive Board (date to be confirmed);

    ACTION: Report author to receive feedback on the Executive Board requirements (Lead: TM).

  3. 5th Draft 2014/15 Budget (Discussion Document): JP provided Board Members with a “2014/15 Information Pack” which Board Members agreed could provide the basis for quarterly reviews if updated on a rolling basis. The Board also agreed that it could be also be potentially used to financially inform the Police and Crime Panel. JP advised that the pack was not complete and a work in progress, requesting any feedback from Board Members by email.

    During discussion of the 5th draft 2014/15, JP confirmed that she had received up to date figures for the tax bases which indicate an increase of £250k on the original estimate in the draft budget.
    The Board also discussed the impact of the move to a Lead Force model for Regional Collaboration, which led to discussion of the provision of regional forensics scientific support services. The Board agreed that in preparation for the Regional Collaboration Board on 23 January 2014 a briefing giving an assessment of the regional proposals including finance will be prepared by NYP Service Delivery Advisors.

    ACTION: Date for the Budget Proposal Paper to be confirmed and scheduled onto Decision Making Forecast;

    ACTION: Briefing for Regional Collaboration Board on 23 January 2014 to be prepared by NYP Service Delivery Advisors and circulated to JM, TM and GM.

    ACTION: JP to amend the report and resubmit to the Executive Board on 22 January 201


    Decision Making Forecast: GM circulated an updated version of the Forecast, updated to reflect changes made at the Chief Constables briefing the previous day, which the Board reviewed and agreed. The following items were also agreed:

    • Northern Base key decisions to be scheduled onto the Forecast (see minute 301 (1));
    • Strategic briefings schedule- GM to provide verbal update 22 January 2014;
    • Delivery of governance arrangements for Third Entity – to be scheduled onto Forecast;
    • Budget Report – schedule for 11 March 2014.


There were no matters to note.


Partnership Opportunities: Full discussion to take place regarding Third Entity/Fire and Rescue will take place at the change Management Sub-Group on 22 January 2014 (JM; DJ; TM;DJ to attend).


  1. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
  2. Events: The report was noted.


LW confirmed that the Scarborough Place of Safety is due to open at the end of January, followed shortly by the Place of Safety in York (date to be confirmed).

ACTION: Communications plan for the launch of the Places of Safety to be developed (Lead: OPCC Engagement Officer M Sargood).


There were no items to note.


The next meeting will take place at 10am on Wednesday 22 January in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters.