Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes 15 October 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at the Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, on Tuesday 15 October 2013.

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).

Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA)


Apologies were received from Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM).


Subject to five amendments the minutes were approved for publication.
Several updates were also provided against the previous minutes.

  1. GM confirmed that the Single Tender Action had been completed.
  2. Regarding funding for the Grand Depart in 2014, JM updated the Board that correspondence has been drafted for Tom R Riordan. DJ also advised that a response has not yet been received from Mark Milsom and there continues to be copyright issues regarding the ‘Tour de France’ wording.
  3. JM dispensed with the requirement to submit an update in relation to the Specified Information Orders (SIO) to the Executive Board on 5 November 2013; a verbal update when the work has been completed would be sufficient. The Board discussed the work done to date and the remaining ‘full compliance’ issues in relation to contractual information. Work to identify resource to be tasked with the assemble of the list of contracts for publication, is underway. JM queried the identified solution in respect of value-assurance statements for expenditure over £500. SD advised that the solution appeared to him to be the least bureaucratic way of meeting the legal requirement for a bespoke value assurance statement on each entry, albeit that the alteration to financial approval paperwork would entail some additional work of a bureaucratic nature. The Board agreed that (notwithstanding the formal legal requirement for a tailored statement) having regard to the need to minimise bureaucracy the appropriate measure would be for JP to amend the Devolved Resource Manual to ensure that when individuals are signing off expenses they have given assurance on value for money, allowing a standard value assurance statement to accompany each published item of expenditure.
  4. York LPO – Mill House Decision Notice: At the Board on 1 October 2013 it was agreed to defer this Decision Notice to obtain further operational clarity. JC confirmed that this work was in progress.
  5. Tier 2 Change Proposal: GM advised that in order to avoid delaying the management proposals, there were roles which will be treated as out-of-scope for the time being in order to fully clarify the role requirements, gradings and ensure thorough consultation. JC requested that the individuals concerned were kept informed; SD to provide legal advice to GM on associated matters and in time for Tier 2 Change Proposal briefing sessions with SMT’s taking place on Wednesday 16 October 2013.
  6. Police and Crime Panel Meeting: Following the meeting on 10 October 2013 the Board briefly discussed by what means panel members can be further engaged with NYP and the OPCC.


  1. Employee Benefits Decision Notice (069/2013): The Board agreed to support the decision sought in the Notice in principle, however SD and JP highlighted that there are some elements which require further clarification, such as the Child Care Voucher Scheme and the Eye Care Voucher Scheme. DJ requested that these issues be clarified and resolved and the Decision Notice resubmitted to the Executive Board by December 2013 in time for the scheme to be launched before Christmas 2013.
  2. ACTION: SD and JP to resolve the outstanding issues and liaise with ACC McIntosh (Decision Notice author);

    ACTION: Decision Notice to be re-submitted to the Executive Board on 12 December 2013.

  3. Safety Camera Operation Back Office Decision Notice (070/2013): JC raised several concerns which the Board agreed need to be addressed. JP informed the Board that as she is due to prepare a separate paper summarising the income and spend generated from Safety Cameras, she will consult with the author of the Decision Notice to address the concerns raised and bring the Decision Notice back.
  4. ACTION: JP to consult with the Decision Notice authors to address the concerns and re-submit the Decision Notice to the Executive Board on [JP to confirm date].

  5. National Police Air Service Revised Contract Decision Notice (071/2013): JP confirmed that the 110 contracted hours has been included within the budget. The Board discussed the number of hours required and agreed to refer back to the Operational Policing Model to assess NYP’s requirements.
  6. ACTION: The Board agreed to the Decision Notice in principle, but requested the operational requirements and benefits be further assessed and the Decision Notice to be re-submitted to the Executive Board on a date to be assigned.

  7. Capital Approval for Replacement Equipment (Report for a decision): DJ declared this item restricted due to being operationally sensitive.
  8. ACTION: Report withdrawn and to be approved under delegated powers.

  9. Option to Replace Hire Cars with Permanent Fleet Vehicles (Report for a Decision): The Board approved the recommendation to replace the 3 permanent hire vehicles with 3 capital purchased fleet vehicles, producing savings over of approximately £39,660 over 5 years.
  10. PCCs Responsibility to Respond to HMIC Reports (report for a decision): JM requested that a final bullet point be added to the process to address that final agreed response will be published on the PCC’s website and a press release undertaken by the OPCC.
  11. ACTION: That the report author is requested to amend the report and response process to reflect the above.


  1. Decision Making Forecast Status Update: GM provided several updates on forthcoming reports to the Executive Board. The Status Update was noted.
  2. Approved Items Against the Police and Crime Plan Goals: GM sought feedback on the format of the document and how to present the decisions listed to link into the Police and Crime Plan Goals. As this document will be published on the Commissioner’s website, it will be important to show the benefits. Regarding the layout, JM referred to the G4S Lincolnshire Police Strategic Partnership Annual Report and their use of info graphics (on page 4 of the report:
  3. ) and DJ referred to the spider grams used in iQuanta reports.

    ACTION: GM to develop draft document.


The next meeting for this group is to be held on 6th November 2013.

The Board discussed the Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel (OCDSP), which is being set up in response to public concerns about the use of Out of Court Disposals in North Yorkshire. The first stage in setting up the panel is to appoint an independent Chair which will be advertised week commencing 21 October 2013.

ACTION: Decision notice to appoint the chairman and arrangements of the OCDSP scheduled for 5 November 2013 (lead L McConnell).


  1. On Call Allowance (Final Report): The report was noted.
  2. The Board agreed that in future only exception reports will be submitted to the Executive Board.

  3. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications: The report was noted.
  4. JM provided an update on the Integrity Issues work stream: JM is one of six Commissioners who are reviewing the Police Complaints System.


The next meeting will take place at 9am on Wednesday 23 October at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 4ST.