Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 17 March 2014

Minutes of the meeting held in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske at 2:00pm on Monday 17 March 2014.

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM).

Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Acting Assistant Chief Constable Ken McIntosh (KM); Commissioner’s Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Chief Constable’s Executive Officer Lisa Winward (LW); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN);

Also in attendance: Interim Head of Communications (Cicada) Di Burton (DB); Communications Leadership Development Manager (Cicada) Barbara Paterson (BP); Acting Head of HR Rosie Holmes (RH); Innovation and Leadership Manager Leanne Dudhill (LD); Corporate HR Manager Leanne Consett (LC); Interim Head of Training Claire Bean (CB);

Minute taker: Chief Executive Officer’s Support Officer Debbie Allinson (DA).


Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM).


Thematic discussion – People Strategy: RH, LD, LC and CB provided a presentation on the People Strategy to explain their vision and how the delivery plans will support cultural change across the organisation. Focus groups have been held with senior operational officers, HR and Training Teams and Staff Associations / UNISION to capture thoughts and feelings of employees. The aim of the People Strategy is develop plans and ways of working which put people first, empower managers and provide enabling systems and structures which aid the cultural development of the organisation.

RH circulated copies of the People Strategy to members of the Board.

The Board recorded their thanks for the presentation, their commitment to the time and effort.

In order to progress with key strands of the People Strategy, papers have been submitted to the Executive Board for approval and decisions are recorded at 365(2), 365(3), 365(4) and 365(5) of the these minutes.
The Board discussed how the People Strategy will support and integrate with other Delivery Board work-streams to help deliver and achieve the Police and Crime Plan. The timing and interdependencies of these activities with other pieces is important and how messages are communicated is critical. Messages need to be correct and supported by Internal Communications expertise.

KM explained that the People Strategy is a 3 year strategy in HR and Training which everyone can work to so that deliverables are clear and supportive of the Police and Crime Plan.

RH would like to see a copy of the Police and Crime Plan once refreshed.

ACTION: RH to provide copies of the presentation to the Board.

  1. Terms & Conditions Allowance Payments (Discussion Paper): The report highlights payments currently paid to members of police staff within North Yorkshire Police under their Terms and Conditions of Employment and seeks approval to pursue changes across the force.

    SD declared that he was a recipient of the Essential Car User Payment and wished this interest to be noted in the minutes.

    The Board discussed the following recommendations;

    a) To consider the option to commence consultations with UNISON on removing/phasing out the following allowances within the force as soon as possible:

    • Essential Car User Payment
    • Retention Allowance
    • Market Supplement

    RESOLVED: Approved, however, prior to agreeing to negotiations with UNISON, key principles need to agreed and worked to.

  2. To consider the option to wait and work within time frames outlines in the Job Evaluation proposals in relation to removing other allowances.

    RESOLVED: Approved. The Board does not wish to make changes to employees terms and conditions that would impact on employees several times. It was agreed changes to additional allowances must form part of the longer term People Strategy progressed through the Delivery Board.

    JM requested that all savings identified will be realised within 2015/16 budget.

    ACTION: 3.4 of the report needs to be amended to reflect accurate financial figures.

  3. Implementation of Policing Professional Framework and Job Evaluation Scheme (Discussion Paper): The report seeks progression of PPF role profiles for all police officer and staff roles and to progress a procurement exercise for Job Evaluation Scheme. The intention is not to achieve savings directly from the Job Evaluation Scheme. The shape of the organisations for the future and roles required will be considered in line with up to date, meaningful role profiles and Job Evaluation Scheme.

    RESOLVED: Agreed in principle, the Board agreed that the right Job Evaluation Scheme needs to be procured to provide the organisation with the tools required to be effective and drive change. However, this needs to be a staged approach. The first stage is to assess what schemes are available and agree what the organisation requires. An option paper should then be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.

    ACTION: Market engagement exercise to be progressed and findings to inform future DN.

    ACTION: SD and RH to discuss risk management of this and other forces’ experiences.

  4. World Careers Network (Discussion Document): The report seeks approval to proceed with a regional procurement exercise to procure and implement an e-recruitment system.

    RESOLVED: The Board approved progression to a Decision Notice which should include a completed Single Tender Action Form which reflects the financial implications.

  5. Seek approval to purchase Athena House (Decision Notice): This report seeks approval to purchase Athena House, Clifton Moor, York as part of the ongoing Estates Requirement for NYP in the York locality.

    RESOLVED: The Board approved the purchase of Athena House as it is cost effective for the organisation.

    SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed at 07.10 prior to the meeting.

    ACTION: JP to include in the Executive Summary a limited financial comment prior to publication of the DN.

  6. Accounting Policies: The report seeks approval to endorse the proposed accounting policies
    RESOLVED: The Board approved the report.


Subject to a minor amendments, the minutes of the Executive Board held on 4 March 2014 were approved as a true record for publication.


  1. Decision Making Forecast: The report was noted. GM gave the following update:
    1. Some amendments were made to the Forecast following earlier Command Team Meeting
    2. Suggestion that Executive Board on 1 April be brought forward to 9am. The 1 April will be a Strategic Themed meeting. SMSR will provide an update on the Police and Crime Plan refresh and how it links to OPM. Consultation findings will be presented to Executive Board on 15 April.
    3. March 2014 TBC FSU Interoperability items x 2 to both move to April TBC and Author to change to Supt McMillan.
    4. March 2014 TBC Purchase of Lima system DN defer to April TBC
    5. March 2014 TBC IPCC/Professional Standards paper defer to April TBC
    6. March 2014 Tour de France DN defer to April TBC
    7. March 2014 TBC Stage 2 item to remove, this will be covered as part of the item on 25th March 2014.
    8. 1 April 2014 10 minute presentation requested by CC on “Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014” which received Royal Assent on 13 March 2014. Simon Lovell Author and DCC sponsor.
    9. The Outcome based performance management DN scheduled for today’s meeting to be circulated to Executive Board members this week. Feedback to be provided to GM and Claire Askew to consolidate.
    10. GM has requested that HMIC Inspections and response timescales are incorporated into the Decision Forecast for consideration by Executive Board.

      ACTION: JM to request of overview of the financial position re the Tour de France at the next RCB.

  2. Feedback of Executive Board 11 March 214 (agenda papers circulated but meeting not held):
    1. NYP Employee Benefits Scheme (Decision Notice) – Approved. Amendments to the NYP Internet, Email and Mobile Telephone Procedure are necessary prior to the launch and a Communications Plan is required. The Cycle to Work scheme is scheduled for the end of May but this is not to be implemented until the impact on Payroll resources is identified.

      SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed.

    2. Improving Customer Access – ASPIRE Customer Contact Software in Front Counters Pilot Evaluation Scheme (Decision Notice) – Approved. Roll out to stations currently providing a front counter service which are staffed by Organisational Support Officers. Further roll out to be reviewed post implementation.

      SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed.

    3. Safety Camera Van Operations / Criminal Justice Traffic Processing (Decision Notice) – Deferred, further discussion is required. The Board would like to see answers to questions raised fed back prior to progression.

      SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed.

    4. NDORS DN (Decision Notice) – Deferred, further discussion is required. The Board would like to see answers to questions raised and timescales prior to progression.

      SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed.

    5. Delegated Decisions (Report for a Decision) – The report was noted and approved.
      SD confirmed that compliance checking had been completed.

      JC would like content for the BUZZZ request.

      ACTION: JC requested background detail DEL5011314 to be provided by SD.


There were no items for discussion.


There were no items for discussion.


  1. APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications:The report was noted.
  2. Events:The report was noted.


There were no items for discussion


There were no items for discussion.


The Board discussed 2014 being the 40th Anniversary year in Policing.
ACTION: DB to provide an overview of activities and communications planned to Executive Board on 1 April 2014.


The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 10 am on Tuesday 25 March 2014 in the Boardroom, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske.