Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 2 November 2021



Tuesday 2 November, 09:00 – 12:00

Via Microsoft Teams


Attending: Simon Dennis (SD)              – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC – Chair

Jonathan Foster (JF)           – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Lisa Winward (LW)             – Chief Constable, NYP

Ray Ward (RW)                   – Managing Director, enableNY

Thomas Thorp (TT)             – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB)     – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Maria Earles (ME)               – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY

Jenni Newberry (JN)           – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Mike Clements (MC)          – Head of Finance, enableNY

Jane Wintermeyer (JW)      – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor, Evolve

Michael Porter (MP)           – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Ruth Warman                       – Executive Assistant to the PFCC, OPFCC in attendance

Presenting: Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, enableNY

Andy Nunns                        – Chief Firearms Instructor

Apologies: Phil Cain (PC)                      – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Maeve Chappell (MCh)      – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Jonathan Dyson (JD)           – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Lindsey Butterfield (LB)      – Acting Assistant Chief Constable


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

SD welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for PC, JD and LB, and welcome back to Maeve Chappell who sent apologies for this meeting.


2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 28 September 2021 & Action Log

The minutes and action log of the previous meeting were noted and updated.  There was also one minor correction to the minutes under item 9, to the word “with”.


3. NYP Items


a.  NYP Quarterly Service Delivery Update including Change Management


The meeting received an update on service delivery priorities 2021/22 which reflected the changing environment for policing services as we transition out of the Covid19 pandemic.


The priorities presented were Prevention/Right First Time, Partnerships & Collaboration, Recruitment, Retention, Inclusion and Diversity, Skills & Leadership Programme, Embedding enableNY, Financial and Business Planning, Change and Benefits Management, Business Change, Working Towards a Strategic Asset Management Plan and Key ICT Activities.


The key points discussed were as follows.


Prevention/Right First Time – time required to train new officers and also partnership working at point of first contact.


Inclusion and Diversity – recruitment progression and retention was discussed, and the meeting asked that a more detailed analysis come to a future EB at a future date to be fixed.  The meeting also received an update about the purpose of the EDI Board and thought that OPFCC representation at this Board would be useful.


Embedding Enable – the meeting asked Enable to further develop the paper presented for this agenda item and bring it back to a future EB, for discussion with the incoming PFCC.



·       LW to follow up OPFCC representation at the NYP EDI Board with PC.

·       A detailed analysis of EDI in terms of recruitment progression and retention to come to a future EB, date to be fixed.

·       RW to further develop the Enable paper which is being presented at the Collaboration Steering Group and bring back to a future EB meeting for further discussion.


b. Specialist Support Asset Replacement Programme


The meeting received a request for funding for replacement of the current NYP response assets which were coming to end of life and required replacement.  Previously, a full report had been presented to the Investment and Efficiency Board on 13 September, where the funding was agreed in principle.


The meeting approved the request for funding and agreed a decision notice was not required.  Enable, working with NYP, to provide a communications brief if there is public interest in this procurement.



·       Enable/NYP to provide a communications brief for asset replacement if there is public interest in this particular procurement.


4. NYP/NYFRS Items

a. York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership


The meeting received an update on the timetable for implementation so as to accommodate the pre-election period of the By Election.


It was proposed that partner feedback be received by 10 November on the draft Safer Roads Strategy, so that the final version can be prepared for 17 November and be ready for wider circulation and publishing early December.  It was proposed that the Strategy can be launched in conjunction with planned winter safer drive messages.


The meeting noted and approved the recast of the timetable and also noted that the most mature draft version of the Strategy had already been approved at the previous meeting.  Therefore, once the final version of the Strategy is prepared, this will be circulated to all EB Members prior to publication.



·       Final version of the Safer Roads Strategy to be circulated to members prior to publication in December.


5. NYFRS Items
  a.  Risk & Resource Model Update


The meeting received an update on progress of the delivery of the Risk and Resource Model Transformation Programme.


Overall, the programme was reported as being on schedule and progress updates were provided in terms of governance, resourcing, programme activity and programme risk.


The meeting discussed management of the risks presented and it was agreed that in-house understanding of Cadcorp GIS and modelling capacity were red rather than amber status.


b. HMICFRS Inspection Readiness


The meeting received a progress update on the status of the HMICFRS Action Plan and asked for a progress update to be provided at the next meeting.  It was also agreed HMICFRS progress are included as a future standing agenda item to report of the progress of HMI recommendations/areas for improvement.



·       HMICFRS Inspection Readiness Action Plan update on progress to be provided at the next meeting on 7 December and to continue until March 2022.

·       It was proposed that regular reporting on HMICFRS areas for improvement reporting could be summarised and included on EB at quarterly intervals.


c. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Update – Verbal Update


The meeting received a verbal update on EDI.  Upgrades to Estates in the Fire Service would also form part of the update that would be presented at the next meeting on 7 December.


d. NYFRS Quarterly Service Delivery Update including Change Management


The meeting received a progress update on delivery priorities for the Service, covering the period 1 May to 30 September 2021.


The strategic priorities identified for delivery during 2021/22 reflect the changing environment for Fire and Rescue Services and both the challenges and opportunities posed through the national and local changes and demands.


The meeting discussed key areas including: Financial Deficit, Data Provision and Quality, Cultural Change, HMICFRS Inspection, Succession Planning and Talent Management, Pensions Remedy, Implementation of National Guidance/Learning and Public Safety Service.


e. Quarter 2 Fire Finance Outturn Report 2021-22


The meeting received an update on finances to the end of August 2021, an early forecast of the finances for the remainder of 2021/22 and a number of areas from a financial perspective to be considered for budget and precept planning for 2022/23.


The contents of the report were noted and discussed.


Regarding precept flexibility, the meeting agreed a joint letter be sent to the Fire Minister.



·       TT to compile a draft joint letter to the Fire Minister regarding precept flexibility, to be issued by the end of the week (Friday 5 November).


6. Enable Items


a.   York Area Estates Development Plan


The meeting received a verbal progress update on the York Review Project, for their information.


An options appraisal paper will be presented at this meeting in February next year, in order to establish direction of travel for this programme of work, with a view to commitment of resources next year to progress the business case.


b.   Sustainability Strategy Update


The meeting received an overview of the activity which is on-going in reducing the impact on the environment of police, fire and OPFCC activity, for their information.


The meeting thanked SGS and his team for their efforts in developing this report, which had helped the OPFCC in terms of their thinking.  The meeting also acknowledged careful consideration be given to the use of electric vehicles within North Yorkshire.


7. Commissioned Services Update


The meeting received the OPFCC Commissioning and Partnerships Update, receiving and noting the contents.


SARC/CSAAS premises were discussed.  A new recommendation would be put together in readiness for the incoming PFCC because we are unable to move forward on the basis of the decision made in July due to availability and price of appropriate premises available.



·       New recommendation for decision on SARC Premises to be presented at the next meeting on 7 December.


8. Forward Plan


Attendees were asked for their input into the Forward Plan, and the meeting requested items discussed in the meeting today to also be added.


9. Any Other Business

All attendees were reminded to note that the November meeting would take place on Tuesday 7 December, to accommodate the arrival of the new PFCC.  The new deadline for paper submission would be 12 noon on Thursday 25 November.


10. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 7 December 2021, 09:30 – 12:30, via Microsoft Teams