Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 21 July 2020


Tuesday 21st July 2020 09:00-10:00 

Via Microsoft Teams

Present: Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Will Naylor (WN) – Deputy North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (from Item 4)

Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable

Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police

Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor

Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police

Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, North Yorkshire Police

Tina James-McGrath – Office Manager to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Amanda Bowers (Exec Assistant) – Interim Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (minutes)

Apologies: Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service


    For Action By

Welcome, Introductions & Apologies  
  Attendance and apologies are noted above.  
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 30th June 2020 & Action Log  
  The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting, with one amendment noted in respect of dates for the NPCC FPN Report – now to be a delayed release taking place on to 22nd July not 13th.

Matters Arising & Action Log Updates

Action log reviewed as follows:

Ø  Action 1: Ingleton & Bentham: RW updated and confirmed this will be brought to August EB.

Ø  Action 2: Major Crime Unit: Meetings have been set up as advised.

Ø  Action 3: WFH Allowance:   MP on WFH Allowance – nothing further to update at present will be wrapped up in wider work on agile working.

Ø  Action 4: NYFRS RRM: Will be providing further update at EB on 25th August.

Ø  Action 5: Outcomes Tracker: JM confirmed to ME that Thomas Thorp (TT) is picking this up and will need to continue with ongoing work before it comes back to the board. Item remains deferred for a future EB Meeting.

Ø  Action 6: FPN’s: Amendment discussed above regarding action.

Ø  Action 7: T.O.M Summary: Presentation to still be circulated.

Ø  Action 8: Financial Outturns & Internal Audit Summaries: Verbal Briefing on it today.

Ø  Action 9: NYFRS HMICFRS Action Plan: Jonathan Dyson (JD) making amendments as suggested.







3. Urgent Matters for Discussion  
  Clive Haynes – The meeting conveyed their sympathies in respect of the passing of Mr Haynes. AB confirmed online book of condolences arranged for colleagues. There will be one-minute silence held at 7pm on Wednesday 22 July in Ripon. Then at 10am on Thursday 23 July a further one-minute silence when Clive’s colleagues in Acomb are back on duty.


Q1 Finances – MP and MC provided brief verbal update confirming as follows:


·        Full forecast reports will be brought to August EB meeting. MP drew EB’s attention to significant anticipated deficits in on Council Tax and Rates collections, which could impact on financial plans and will require ongoing EB focus.

·        Best endeavours will be made by MP and MC re input into the CSR submission by APCC. The challenging deadline was noted by EB.

·        MP and AB will establish the method by which Fire & Rescue CSR input will be made.




4. Deputy PCC Will Naylor – End of Term  
  JM on behalf of the Board thanked WN for his distinguished 8 years of service as Deputy Commissioner and in his prior roles in OPCC. The Board wished WN the very best for his new career ahead of stepping down as DPCC on the 24th July. JM thanked him for building strong positive relationships with NYP, NYFRS and his service for the public across North Yorkshire and the City of York.

WN reciprocated the well wishes, reflecting positively on his term as DPCC and his appreciation for the support he had received in role.

5. A.O.B  
  No matters arose, JM concluded the meeting.  
6. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting:  
  Tuesday 25th August 2020, 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams.