Executive Board Minutes – 22 September 2015
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 22nd September 2015, 09:30-11:30am
Location: The Thornton Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones Chief Constable of NYP
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Debbie Allinson(DA) Senior Support Officer to the CEO (Minutes)
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Observer)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Items and Decisions:
No | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
723 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 28th July 2015, were approved for publication, subject to minor amendments. |
724 | Decisions Required | |
724a | Estates Strategy Phase 1 – Ripon Reprovision Decision Notice: JC gave an overview of the matters included in the Ripon Reprovision Decision Notice. The benefits of the proposals included were outlined. A discussion took place around the proposed timescales and assurances have been provided by the Chief Finance Officers that value for money has been achieved via this co-location proposal. | The Decision Notice was approved subject to slight redrafting to include that Ripon Police Station is being sold subject to planning permission and to make it clearer that operational service delivery will be maintained throughout the transition. Internal and External Communications to link in with the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority decision to be made on 23rd September. |
724b | Estates Strategy Phase 1 – Selby Reprovision Decision Notice: JC gave an overview of the matters included in the Selby Reprovision Decision Notice. The benefits of the proposals included were outlined. A discussion took place around the proposed timescales and assurances have been provided by the Chief Finance Officers that value for money has been achieved via this co-location proposal. | The Decision Notice was approved subject to slight redrafting to make it clearer that requirements for car parking facilities were operational use. Internal and External Communications to link in with Selby District Council’s meeting to consider the decision to be made on 1st October. Arrangement to be made for a timetable to be circulated which confirms coordination internally and externally. |
724c | Final Accounts Report: MP advised that the finalised accounts were unavailable for the meeting due to a national issue around pensions. Any necessary changes will be made before the end of September. The intention is that the Executive Group can sign them off before the statutory deadline. | Arrangements are to be made for Final Accounts to be added to the Executive Group agenda for 29th September. |
724d | Civil Litigation Decision Notice: JC gave an overview of the matters included in the Civil Litigation Decision Notice. The scrutiny process was explained. This Decision Notice demonstrates that the Commissioner is holding the Chief Constable to account as well as undertaking her responsibilities of maintaining an efficient and effective police service by monitoring the financial support provided to a specific legal case, which is in the public interest. These responsibilities are balanced with the needs of the Chief Constable’s duty of care as an employer and not impacting on ongoing legal matters. | The Decision Notice was approved subject to slight rewording to ensure clarity and transparency. |
724e | Pensions Governance Decision Notice: JC gave an overview of the matters included within the Pensions Governance Decision Notice and provided background to the recent changes and processes which North Yorkshire Police have engaged in regarding pension board arrangements. JM notified members of the Board of a potential conflict of interest due to her husband’s position on the NYCC Pension’s Board. Members of the Board expressed their thanks to Sarah Mekins for work undertaken in relation to this. |
The Decision Notice was approved. CEO Carter subsequently confirmed that as she was the delegated lead this would deal with any potential conflict. CEO Carter has pass this on directly. |
725 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | |
725 | Decision-Making Forecast Status Update: Discussions took place around members’ availability and matters to be raised at future meetings of the Executive Board. | Amendments to be made to the Decision-Making Forecast and consideration to be given to reports listed for the October Executive Board to ensure the Chief Constable has oversight in advance due to his apologies at this meeting. See Action 725. |
726 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board JM confirmed that Hate Crime was removed from the Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board for September for initial discussion at Executive Group on 29th September 2015. |
727 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
727a | APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications: Discussions took place around consultations pertaining to the Powers of Police Staff and Volunteers in Emergency Services and Local Justice matters. | An update on the YJB Consultation to be provide to MP. Public Health Outcomes Consultation details to be provided to Sarah Graham. See Action 727a. |
727b | Events: The Report was noted. The Board was advised of any amendments and additional events. | The Princes Trust and NYP Annual Awards dates are to be added to the report. See Action 727b. |
728 | Forthcoming Events or Communications The possibility of environmental protests was discussed and it was agreed that a high level briefing is required. ME attended a Public Sector Leadership meeting where the implications of funding cuts for different organisations were discussed. Harrogate District Council have agreed to offer services to other public agencies. JM advised that York City Council are also doing the same. |
T/ACC McIntosh to produce high level briefing for Executive Board members. See Action 728. |
729 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception No matters were raised for discussion. |
730 | Any Other Business. LW advised that voting has opened for the NYP Public Choice Award. The Commissioner is sponsoring. The public and staff are being encouraged to vote |
731 | Date & Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30am on Tuesday 27th October 2015 in the George Hudson Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York. |