Executive Board Minutes – 23 February 2021
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
09:30-12:30 Via Microsoft Teams
1. | Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
SD welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for JM. |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 26th January 2021 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated.
ACTION · ME to send Executive Assistant adjusted wording to the minutes and actions. · MC and MP to be invited to future Chief’s Catch-up to discuss savings plan post T2020. |
3. | NYFRS & NYP Finance Updates |
a) NYFRS Treasury Management Strategy
The updated Annual Treasury Management Strategy for the financial year 2021/22 from a Fire & Rescue Perspective was presented and the meeting accepted the paper as read. |
b) NYFRS 2021/22 Budget & Capital Programme and MTFP to 2024/25
A summary of the position in relation to the medium term financial plan and capital plans for Fire & Rescue was discussed.
ACTION · MP to produce a Decision Notice for formal approval and sign-off by the Commissioner. |
c) NYP 2021/22 Budget & Capital Programme and MTFP to 2024/25
A summary of the position in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan and capital plans for Police was discussed. The meeting wished to further maximise investment in Commissioned Services. ACTION · MP to produce a Decision Notice for formal approval and sign-off by the Commissioner. · JN to pick up and develop draft Service Plan for Commissioned Services. |
4. |
Public Safety Service: Recommendation to Extend Trial
The meeting was asked to consider the effectiveness of the pilot to date, including the findings of the phase 2 evaluation, and to give their approval for an extension to the pilot for an additional year.
Given the excellent evaluation outcomes, the meeting wished to raise the profile of this pilot and discussed if we were being ambitious enough and if we were capturing all of the business benefits. The meeting also considered funding and the long term success of the pilot through partnership engagement.
The extension of the pilot was approved in principal, subject to the completion of the action below.
ACTION · MP to review finances for the pilot and produce a Decision Notice. |
5. | NYFRS Updates |
a) NYFRS Risk and Resource Model – Update following Informal Panel Briefing
The Police Fire and Crime Panel gave positive feedback on the Risk and Resource Model presented to them at the Informal Panel Briefing that took place yesterday.
The person-centred approach to risk being taken was well received by the Panel who were keen to know how they could support further. The meeting agreed that engagement with the Panel (and local authorities) pre-consultation would be advantageous. |
b) Equality Diversity Inclusion Estates Plan/People Impact Assessment (including Priorities and Investment Options)
This item had previously been presented to the Executive Board in relation to some Estates work that had been undertaken. The purpose of this item today was to give the meeting a progress update, for their information.
A programme of work has now been devised to see whether the work can be funded. The work will be treated as stand-alone and a consultant will be procured to provide project management.
The meeting was advised the programme would be governed through the Change Board and were asked if they were happy with the proposed process and governance.
Given the importance of this work for the public, the meeting agreed that they wished regular updates on this programme to be featured at future Executive Board meetings and, therefore, to be planned into the Executive Board Forward Planner.
ACTION · SGS to add EDI programme updates to the Executive Board Forward planner. |
6. | NYP Updates |
a) Force Management Statement The meeting was presented with an overview of the key benefits of the Force Management Statement. Force Management Statement 3 is an excellent assessment and analysis of the demands on policing in North Yorkshire. It will inform the baseline for force delivery planning, as well as provide a robust foundation for police precept discussions for the following year.
Once Force Management Statement 3 has been signed off, it will be circulated to Executive Board Members for their information.
The meeting agreed it would be useful to incorporate this document into the induction plans for the new PFCC.
ACTION: · LW to circulate the signed off FMS 3 to Executive Board Members. · SD to incorporate FMS 3 into induction plans for new PFCC. |
b) Early Action Together (Target Operating Model) Progress Update, Prevention & Early Intervention Strategy
NYP had the opportunity to outline the four project areas to the Police Fire and Crime Panel at the Panel Informal Briefing yesterday. This was well received and supported by the Panel, who gave positive feedback on the Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy. |
7. | Enable Updates |
a) Enable Financial Business Case
The meeting was presented with a clear and succinct overview of the Enable Financial Business Case and agreed on the importance of the evidence base for this programme. The full business case was anticipated to be ready next month.
Subject to review by the Commissioner, the meeting agreed the recommendations set out with the exception of an amendment to recommendation 3.
ACTION · SD to consider recommendations with JM, and feedback to RW/ME. |
b) T2020 Report for Publication (Summary and Outcomes)
ME had issued a draft for consideration and review by this meeting. It was agreed ME take the report forward outside of this meeting with TT, so that it can be finalised and presented to the Commissioner.
ACTION · ME/TT to finalise report then submit it to JM for review. |
c) Change Activity and Prioritisation
The meeting agreed this item be presented at the Executive Board in March. |
8. | Commissioned Services Update |
The update from Commissioned Services included a progress update on the Diversion Contract, which had now been awarded to HumanKind and North Yorkshire Youth. |
9. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
The meeting noted the Forward Plan and SD thanked members for their input to date. SD asked attendees to review the Forward Plan and send their updates to the Executive Assistant to ensure a robust Forward Plan.
ACTION · Executive Board to send their updates on the Forward Plan to the Executive Assistant. |
10. | Any Other Business |
· Ripon Police/Fire Station – the meeting asked PC to give an update on this at the next Chief’s Catch-Up. |
8. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 27th April 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams |