Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 23 July 2024



09:00 – 12:30 in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Jo Coles (JC)                     – Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire and Crime, YNCA OPFCC

Scott Bisset (SB)         – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Dyson (JD)      – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Simon Dennis (SD)         – Corporate Director and Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Tamara Stevens (TS)    – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC

Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC (seconded to NYFRS)

Michael Porter (MP)       Assistant Director of Resources, OPFCC

Louise Branford – White (LB-W)– Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP

Lisa Stitt  (LS)                          – Assistant Chief Officer Enable

Jenni Newberry (JN)         – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Sarah Davies (SJD) –          – Executive Assistant OPFCC

Xanthe Tait (XT)               – Director Evolve Legal Services

Presenting: Catherine Clarke ACC NYP (item 1)
Guests: Rachel Antonelli – attending for James Farrar
Apologies: Tim Forber (TF)             – Chief Constable, NYP

Mathew Walker (MW)   – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Maeve Chappell (MC)  – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

James Farrar – Chief Executive YNYCA


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  JC opened the meeting with a short introduction and invited members to do the same. This is the first meeting of the Board since the Deputy Mayor for Police, Fire and Crime commenced in role.

North Yorkshire Police briefed members on a private agenda item.

Actions – NYP to convene discussions between comms professionals to plan ahead for respective comms requirements arising from the matter.

Initial source of funding to be efficiencies across the life of the MTFP, but close co-working between LB-W and MP in relation to special grant.

2. Minutes
  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
3. North Yorkshire Police
  a.      Current and significant issues emerging

SB provided the board with an update on recent issues emerging. This included court outcomes, convictions and matters that were in the public domain and likely to receive any press coverage.

 b.      For Information and Discussion

SB provided an update on Headline Performance to the Board.

 c.       Decisions Required

No items

 d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

Discussion with factual checking on the recent HMI inspection. Jo requested that a separate meeting is held outside of the board.

SD outlined the service recovery plans (including recruitment) for the Complaints and Recognition Team. 

4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  a.      Current and significant issues emerging

Group manager interviews have taken place and a successful candidate has been appointed.

Dynamic Cover Tool update provided which is a data system that shows appliance availability.

JD provided an update on the minutes from the last Senior Leadership Board.

JC sought further information in relation to some of the items from the minutes of SLB.

b.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

 The work on this is ongoing ahead of the next inspection. Relationship with HMI is continuing. JD advised the Board that he felt the Service is in a strong position which continues to improve.

5. enableNY
   a.  For Information and Discussion

 LS provided an update to members on the Ripon Project. As JC is early in role and has not yet received an estates briefing, it was agreed that this subject would be covered in more detail at a briefing for JC outside of this meeting.

Enable plans discussed.

Action: JC asked for a meeting with LS to discuss estates.

b.  Decisions required

Procurement options for the Wider Area Network (WAN) were presented to the Board. The paper was remitted to the Collaboration Steering Board for determination by officers; however for the reasons articulated in the paper and the associated legal advice, the WAN procurement process decisions made in the Executive Boards of June and September 2023, were rescinded.

7. Legal Services
   For the purposes of this meeting, this agenda item was linked with item 5b.
8. Finance
  a.      Updates

MP updated the board on the treasury management reports for Police and Fire, which members had sight of prior to the meeting. He explained the purpose of the reports and the detail within them. MP highlighted the key points and discussed these with members.

  a.       Commissioning & Partnerships

JN spoke to her paper circulated to members in advance of the meeting. An update on the progress on the Victims Centre was provided.

An overview of funding and Commissioned Services was given.

b.      OPFCC updates

SD summarised

·       the high-level ‘in principle’ outline of the process to develop new Police & Crime Plan and Fire & Rescue Plan – paper with JC for initial consideration.

·       the Police, Fire and Crime Panel agenda for this week and the topics that will be discussed.

An update on the Complaints and Recognition Team volumes and service recovery plan was provided. 

10. Risks
  No items for this meeting. Induction for JC in respect of Active Risk Manager content and format, to be provided.

Action – OPFCC EMT to brief JC on Active Risk Manager

11. Communications update/ Forward planning
  Apologies from MC. SB presented the Comms Grid which was circulated in advance of the meeting.

JC asked if the grid could show what was NYP, NYFRS, OPFCC and YNYCA and what was joint comms and advised  that this should be a consolidated document for all of the organisations including the Combined Authority.

Action – MC to continue discussions with Aissa Gallie, Sarah Woodcock and Simon Jones with a view to ensuring that a comprehensive Comms Grid comes to each Executive Board.

12. YNYCA OPFCC matters for discussion
  SD spoke to the discussion paper on the National Police Race Action Plan. Since the last meeting of the Board further input from the Independent Scrutiny & Oversight Board had been published and as a result it was important that members had the opportunity to read and discuss this, in view of the national focus on public confidence in policing.

SB provided members with an overview of the position from a North Yorkshire Police perspective; the modest progress made prior to the recent refresh of the local programme and the ongoing work, opportunities and challenges with local implementation of the Race Action Plan.

Further papers to come to the Board in due course.

Action – NYP to put forward comprehensive Race Action Plan paper for EB Work Programme, to include detailed progress on Race Action Plan implementation; and statistical baselines in respect of internal (staff, officer and volunteer) diversity; and external (Y&NY population, victim, offender) diversity.

Action – Briefing to be organised for JC by the Police Race Action Plan team