Executive Board Minutes – 23 March 2021
Tuesday 23 March 2021 09:30-12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
1. | Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for PC, MC, and Steve Cotter. |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 23 February 2021 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated. |
3. | NYP/NYFRS Updates |
Leadership Development Alignment Opportunities
The meeting received a verbal update on NYP and NYFRS leadership alignment opportunities.
The offer has been designed in a modular way, bringing together NYP Early Action Together and Intent Based Leadership more widely with NYFRS Ambitions 2025. An equality, diversity and inclusion package has also been developed for approval, as well as a programme to support under-represented groups.
A more detailed briefing was offered to members, and the meeting agreed they would benefit from receiving more information.
ACTION · SD to arrange with Annette Canning for Executive Management Teams in the context of OPFCC to receive a more detailed brief on the training. |
4. | NYP Updates |
Early Action Together (Target Operating Model) PCSO Pilot Extension Funding Approval |
The meeting was asked to approve the funding for the extension of the PCSO pilot based on the information provided for EB members, and that the four workstreams for Early Action Together can move forward to business case.
The funding was approved for the extension to 30 September 2021 for PCSOs at a total cost of £67,450. It was also confirmed to proceed to business case for the four workstreams outlined. |
5. | Enable Updates |
a) Enable Gateway Report
The meeting received an overview of the business case and the benefits were outlined, reflecting excellent programme value. Implementation of People Services, as previously agreed, had also been completed.
The meeting asked MCh (with input from Stephen Naylor) to develop communications on programme benefits to be published externally and shared with the appropriate internal stakeholders across policing and the OPFCC. AB to share draft benefits framework with MCh, and this will form the foundation of the communications.
There is an opportunity for us to further utilise our in-house legal expertise to support programme implementation. This would also help Legal Services to forward-plan and therefore maintain an effective service across NYP and NYFRS during implementation. RW to take forward with JW.
In terms of the opportunities this programme presented, the meeting requested further detail, so that risk mitigation could be considered. SD to take forward with RW.
The meeting provided their agreement to the recommendations outlined in the business case, subject to further consideration of risk mitigation in terms of programme opportunities.
ACTIONS · SD/RW to review risk and governance and present at April EB. · AB to share draft benefits framework with MCh. MCh to develop communications that can be published internally/externally with Stephen Naylor. · RW to work with JW on legal services provision to support programme implementation.
b) Prioritisation Matrix – Strategic Priority Identification
The meeting received an overview of how the strategic priorities are assessed and assigned through the planning cycle.
The meeting agreed the outline provided an effective overview of how the priorities will be adopted into the annual planning cycle for NYP and NYFRS going forwards.
The meeting discussed how the priorities developed by each of the Department Heads for their service delivery plans could be made available to Executive Board on a regular basis, so that it is clear to the new PFCC what priorities are going to be delivered over the coming 12 months, and how they underpin the Police Fire and Crime Plan in the context of the Force Management Statement.
ACTIONS · CB to work with ME in terms of OPFCC access to the Service Plan Quarterly Update meetings. · Service delivery and prioritisation work to be presented to the Executive Board on a quarterly basis.
c) York Area Estates Development Plan
The meeting received an overview, for their information, of the work completed as part of the first feasibility stage of the York project. The meeting was also asked for strategic direction to assist in completing the next stage of feasibility work. |
The meeting discussed the level of funding and questioned the affordability of the preferred options currently proposed. It was agreed that since successful partner engagement could influence the level of funding required (and therefore the options chosen) the meeting asked SD to work with SGS on engagement with HMCTS as a priority. The meeting agreed that from the outset, an affordable budget should be determined.
The meeting also asked JW to provide FOI Publication Strategy assistance.
ACTIONS · SGS to provide SD with a precis of HMCTS engagement, for SD to take forward with Head of Finance for HMCTS. · JW to provide FOI Publication Strategy assistance. · SGS to develop a draft brief on the parameters for feasibility development work and present to the next meeting. · This item is to be a standing item at future meetings. |
8. | Commissioned Services Plan |
JN presented an overview of the Commissioned Services Plan in terms of services commissioned, expired, and planned for the period 2020 to 2023.
Regarding Diversion Services and Young People within DA Households, the meeting was keen to understand how the effectiveness of the service would be evaluated from a wider perspective than contract management, and asked JN to present a proposal at the next meeting in April.
ACTION · JN to present Commissioned Services evaluation at April meeting. |
9. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
The meeting asked members for their input and agreed for the following items to be entered into the Forward Plan.
April meeting: · Benefits Framework (ME/VB) · NYFRS Corporate Governance Framework (SD, AB, MP) · Enable Gateway Review (RW) · Draft brief on parameters for feasibility development of the York Area Estate (SGS) · Evaluation of Commissioned Services (JN) · Executive Board Terms of Reference (SD)
Future meetings: · Risk & Resource Model end dates into the forward plan (AB)
The meeting agreed that Target Operating Model be referred to as Early Action Together going forward. JM thanked members for their input. |
10. | Any Other Business |
There being no further business, JM declared the meeting closed. |
8. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 23 May 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams |