Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 23 November 2015

Record of Meeting

Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Monday 23rd November 2015, 09.30 – 11.30
Location: The Thornton Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan


Julia Mulligan Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Lisa Winward (LWi) Temporary Chief Superintendent of North Yorkshire Police
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of NYP
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Sarah Chalmers Personal Assistant to the PCC (Minutes)
Sarah Dahlgren Press and Engagement Officer to the PCC (Observer)


Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC

Items and Decisions:

Discussion Outcome / Decision
741 Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th October 2015, were approved for publication, subject to minor amendments.
742 Decisions Required
742a Data Centre – Report:
JC gave an overview of the matters included within the Data Centre Decision Notice. A discussion took place around the costs being managed within the original budget allocation and reassurance was provided by JC that this will continue to be considered and tracked through the ICT, Estates and Governance Board.
The Decision Notice was approved subject to amendments to make it clear that there is ongoing work to establish the costs.
742b BAS Review – Report:
The Board noted the amended Decision Notice. A discussion took place around the future objectives and the need for clarity within the current Decision Notice that the decision being reached on 23rd November was only in relation to the opening hours of existing police station front counters to better reflect the access requirements of the communities they support.
LWi queried the position around the dedicated exhibits and it was agreed that this also would progress at this stage.
The Decision Notice was approved subject to amendments to make it clear that the decision made was in relation to the amendment of the opening hours of existing police station front counters. It was further agreed that the dedicated exhibits would progress.
LWi left the meeting
742c Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2016/17 to 2019/20 and Capital Plans 2016/17 to 2019/20 update – Report:
MP gave an overview of the Medium-Term Financial Plan. A discussion took place around the content of the report, in particular the future top slicing to fund the Emergency Services Mobile Community Programme and the impact this will have on a local level.
Further information for the CSR is awaited to be able to confirm the position for the future with any uncertainty. The request for significant savings and progression with the plans already in place remains.
742d Treasury Management Review – Quarter Ended 30 September 2015 – Report:
The report was noted by the Board.
743 Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note
743 Decision-Making Forecast Status Update:
Discussions took place around matters to be raised at future meetings of the Executive Board.
744 Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board
No matters were raised for discussion
745 National or Local Developments or Consultations
746a APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications:
No matters were raised for discussion
746b Events:
No matters were raised for discussion
747 Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.
748 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion
749 Any Other Business.
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris were acknowledged with regret. DJ noted that following the events in Paris there had been no specific threat to North Yorkshire, however, vigilance by all including the public continued to be encouraged.
JM commenced a discussion around the writing of Decision Notices and the need for Executive Summaries to be shorter and more concise. ME indicated that there is due to be a review of the Governance arrangements. It was therefore agreed that JM would provide feedback to ME so this could be incorporated.
JM to provide information to ME to continue work to improve Decision Notices
750 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at
09:30am on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 in the George Hudson Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York.