Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 24 July 2018

Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 24 July 2018
Location: Forge Meeting Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton
Chair: Julia Mulligan


Name and role

Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC)
Lisa Winward (LWi) Temporary Chief Constable (T/CC)
Fraser Sampson (FS) Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Will Naylor (WN) Deputy PCC for North Yorkshire
Tom Thorpe (TT) Policy and Scrutiny Manager for the Office of the PCC (OPCC)
Maria Earles (ME) Head of Organisation & Development
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Richard Jones (RJ) Chief Digital Information Officer
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jenni Newberry (JN) Head of Commissioning & Partnerships
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Claire Craven-Griffiths (CCG) Chief of Staff for North Yorkshire Police
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer (Minutes)


Name and role
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications

Discussion Outcome / Decision
927 Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd May 2017 were approved for publication. Updates were provided for the Action Log.




928 Decisions Required and Report for Information





















Budget Monitoring Report

MP gave overview of the report. The Board were advised that great improvements had been made in relation to police overtime and that matters were moving in the right direction in relation to recruitment both in terms of both staff and officers. It was agreed that a message needed to be circulated to heads of function thanking them for their focus on the efficiency requirements. JM enquired about the recruitment and it was agreed that JP would provide JM all the information outlining the process so far. The Board discussed the announcement that day around public sector pay and MP advised that it had already been factored into the budget. A discussion took place around the sale of the Newby Wiske property and JM indicated that the Police and Crime Panel had requested an update on the additional spend due to the delay in the sale, it was agreed that JP and MP would compile this report. A discussion also took place around the delivery of savings that were promised as part of the business cases and it was agreed that further information was required in relation to any future spend on ANPR due to capital replacement and that LWi needed to look at the current plans in relation to Body Worn Video and the phases of roll out.


Final Statement of Accounts

The Board noted the contents of the final statement of accounts. MP advised that they were due to be presented to the Joint Independent Audit Committee on 26th July 2018 and as no issues have been raised in relation to them, the documents were now ready for sign off. JM and LWi extended their thanks to the Finance team for the work undertaken around these and it was requested that this thanks was passed on.


Action 928a was raised
















Action 928b was raised




929 Transform 2020
  JN advised the Board that the preferred provider, PWC and had now commenced their third week and were progressing well. At this stage, it appeared that common themes were coming out from their meetings and that people who had already interacted with PWC had provided good feedback in relation to the process. The Board were further advised that Charlie French, programme manager continued to work closely with the PWC team.



930 Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update

The report was noted by the Board. A discussion took place around the need for Transform2020 work to be included on the decision-making forecast. TT queried whether there was a need for Board to meet monthly again to meet the demand. It was agreed that once more was known in relation to what will need to be approved, a decision can be made as to the frequency of Board.



Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list

The report was noted by the Board.



931 Matters relating to Public Accountability Meeting
No matters were raised for discussion.


932 National or Local Developments or Consultations
LWi provided an update in relation to the recent National Police Chief’s Council.


TT provided an update in relation to the potential ‘day in policing’ which was being organised with local MPs.


933 Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.


934 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion.


935 Any Other Business (AOB)
The Board were advised that the National Rural Crime Survey’s communications had been very successful with there being 313 articles written on the topic and approximately 17 hours of press coverage.


936 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on 25th September 2018 in the Forge Meeting Room, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters.