Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 24 March 2015

Record of Meeting

Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 24th March 2015, 09:30-11:15
Location: Conference Room 1, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan


Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) of NYP
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Michael Porter (MP) Chief Finance Officer (CFO) to the PCC
Jane Palmer (JP) CFO to the Chief Constable / Chief Accountant
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Lisa Matthews (LM) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Minutes)


Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC)

Items and Decisions:

No. Discussion Outcome / Decision
682 Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 24th February 2015, were discussed and approved for publication, subject to minor amendments as shown below:
682a 680e – Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Hub
The Board noted that the update provided at the previous meeting pertained to the City of York Council rather than North Yorkshire County Council.
The previous minutes have been amended to reflect this information.
672b Item 663g – Operational Estates Strategy Review
It was accepted that communication at the relevant points of development of the strategy internally and engagement with stakeholders and the public would be required.
683 Decisions Required
683a Accounting Policies
JP gave an overview of the Accounting Policies Discussion Paper, and noted that no issues were raised in relation to these at the recent meeting of the Joint Independent Audit Committee.
See Action 683a.
683b Citizens in Policing: Plans for Police Cadet Programme
TM provided an overview of the national evaluation of the Cadets scheme and reports that have been produced by external Forces in relation to this. A discussion took place around the Young People Strategy and how NYP may engage with youths across the Force area.
An analysis of need is required in relation to this matter. A pilot scheme has been approved for York; an evaluation of this will be provided to members of the Executive Board in due course. (See Action 683b.)
683cc Memorandum of Understanding for Transport & Logistics – Decision Notice
TM advised of the current position with regards to this Memorandum of Understanding. A discussion took place around the Decision Notice.
The Decision Notice was approved, subject to amendments to be made to phrasings within the document. (See Action 683c.)
683d PSNP: Re-profiling of Budget – Decision Notice
TM explained the reduction in PSNP costs. A discussion took place around the Cloud and costing of this.
The Decision Notice was approved with no amendments to be made.
684 Decisions and Delegated Matters to Note
684a Decision-Making Forecast Status Update
The Status Update was discussed and updated as necessary.
See Action 684a.
684b List of Pending or In-Progress Decision Notices
The report was noted.
685 Matters Arising from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny Group
No matters were raised for discussion.
687a APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications
The report was noted. DJ advised that there the HMIC have requested that Chief Officers to have oversight on Firearms Licensing within all Forces. As NYP is the National Lead for this and are considered best practice in this field, this will be discussed during the upcoming Corporate Risk meeting.
See Action 687a.
687b Events
The Events Log was noted and discussed. Discussions took place and the Reports were updated accordingly.
The necessary updates will be made to the Events Log. (See Action 687b.)
688 Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.
689 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion.
690 Any Other Business (AOB)
690a Any Other Business
680a Decisions & Purdah
JM advised of the commencement date of Purdah. A discussion took place around the restrictions and challenges of this period.
Decisions around new initiatives with a large impact would need to be considered for postponement.
680b Community Fund Meeting
JM provided information on the discussion around burglary that took place at the recent Community Fund meeting.
690b Tour of Yorkshire
DJ advised that there are no concerns regarding the upcoming Tour de Yorkshire.
690c Senior Leadership Day
TM provided an update on the Senior Leadership Day to be held on 26th March 2015.
691 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The Executive Board will next meet at 9am on Tuesday 28th April2015 in Conference Room 1, NYP HQ, Newby Wiske.