Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 24 November 2020


Tuesday 24th November 2020 09:30-12:30 Via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Julia Mulligan (JM)        – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Lisa Winward (LW)        – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Phil Cain (PC)               – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB)       – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Jonathan Foster (JF)     – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT)       – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Jenni Newberry (JN)      – Commissioning & Partnerships Manager, OPFCC Ray Ward (RW)             – Managing Director, Enable

Maria Earles (ME)         – Head of Business Design and Assurance, Enable Mike Clements (MC)      – Head of Finance, Enable

Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, Enable Michael Porter (MP)       – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Ruth Warman (Exec Asst) – Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner in attendance

Presenting: Annette Anderson (AA) – Assistant Chief Constable

Sam Millar (SM)            – Supt Operational Business Change & Tech Lead Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS)    – Head of Assets, Enable

Phil Whild (PW)             – Area Manager, Director of Capabilities

Apologies: Simon Dennis (SD)        – Interim Chief Executive, OPFCC



1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance and apologies as above were noted.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 27th October 2020 & Action Log

The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated.

3. Ingleton/Bentham Local Policing Provision

Proposals had been reviewed in line with feedback from the previous meeting. The revised proposal was for the neighbourhood policing team to relocate to Bentham Fire Station, and for a regular public drop-in service in Ingleton to be put in place. Early conversations had indicated that this could be based at the Community Centre, and a budget has been allocated for hire of facilities.


Analysis of policing activity and demand demonstrated that the service in Ingleton and wider area would not be adversely affected by the move from Ingleton to Bentham although there may be community concerns in Ingleton.


There was agreement that effective communications would be essential, particularly local stakeholder management, which would require close collaboration with OPFCC.


Having put in place these arrangements it was proposed that Ingleton Police Station would be sold, subject to the normal best value requirements.


AA was asked to consider the rural task force who might already be connected and can take forward engagement, including social media and rural watch groups.





·        Proposals approved, with an appropriate communications plan.

·        TT to draft/finalise a Decision Notice for approval and publication.

4. North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service – Equality Diversity and Inclusion Estates Survey

A survey had been undertaken across the service’s estate to understand facilities available, in terms of compliance with EDI requirements. The findings showed a significant amount of investment was required, largely due to age of the estate and the meeting was asked for feedback on a range of investment options, which would be considered alongside wider priorities for investment in the organisation.



·        SGS to draw up more detailed plan for discussion in February.

5. Transformation and Change Benefits Realisation Discussion

North Yorkshire Police – Target Operating Model Overview and Project Overview Document (“POD”) Updates


Work has been underway to review the force’s Target Operating Model in light of the Police and Crime Plan and the Chief Constable’s strategic priority on early intervention and prevention.


An overview was provided, followed by a summary of the four workstreams: Place Based Working Project, Customer Contact Project, Pathways Project, and Intelligence Project.


The meeting was asked to support the programme and the four workstreams, in order to progress to full business case.


The Commissioner and OPFCC expressed their full support for the overall direction and the projects.


Assurances were sought on the approval/governance process for the TOM, the financial implications, impact on other priorities including work currently within the change pipeline.


Due to potentially high levels of public interest and the use of precept funding, the Commissioner asked for further detail about the deployment of PCSOs to support the Initial Enquiry Team (service desk), due to commence at the beginning of December.



·        It was agreed that full business cases should be progressed, to be brought back to EB next year – timings to be agreed outside the meeting.

·        JN/SM to arrange a separate meeting with JM to discuss the detail of the PCSO service desk proposals.

·        SM to develop briefing papers for each of the workstreams, to be used in communications, including updating the Police, Fire and Crime Panel next year due to the use of precept funding.

·        ME is developing a prioritisation matrix for NYP change programmes – this is to be brought to a future meeting, date to be confirmed.


North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Risk & Resource Model Update


The meeting received a progress update on the model.


·        Risk Profile – on track to complete by the end of the year.

·        On-call Futures Project – also on track, with one part of the project to be completed slightly later to allow for a robust framework for pay to be tested.

·        Capabilities Project – on track, a matrix has been developed using evidence-based guidance.

·        Value for Money – will be completed on time.





6. T2020 Update

Transform 2020 – Programme Conclusion

A summary of the final financial position of T2020 was discussed. ACTION

·        To formally close the T2020 programme.

·        To develop a new savings plan, which would in part be informed by the detail of the financial settlement.

·        TT/ME to draft a document for publication that would summarise T2020 and the outcomes – to be brought to the Board in February 2021.


Forward Plans


The meeting received an update about Enable’s proposed next steps, post-T2020.

7. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Building Risk Review (BRR)

The BRR is a national programme of activity centred around high-rise residential buildings of which North Yorkshire has 33. The BRR is a national requirement, co-ordinated and monitored by the Fire Protection Board, and we are required to complete assurance audits across all 33 buildings within our county mainly centred around the protection element.


Funding has been provided specifically to undertake this work and the confidence level is high in terms of being able to complete this work by the deadline of 2021.


The meeting thanked PW for the update and agreed the appropriate forum for more regular updates on this work would be the Public Accountability Meetings.

8. Commissioned Services Update

The meeting received a programme update on commissioned services.


·        Diversion services – three schemes are now out to market and contract award will be made pre- purdah, with services to commence pre-election.


·        Young people within DA households – slight delay was noted due to the requirement for further partner collaboration work. The aim is for a pre-purdah award.


·        Mental Health Force Control Room and Street Triage services – TEWV have a number of staffing issues across the three services. The street triage service in Scarborough has been particularly affected. These issues are being addressed. Fully staffing the FCR service is the priority as it provides parity of access to mental health professionals across the county, the rota for December is fully covered.

9. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Recruitment 2020/21 Update

The meeting received a progress update of the Service’s wholetime firefighter recruitment campaign, which is in its final stages.


The service has adopted blended approach to recruitment this year, inviting applications from internal and external candidates, which has resulted in recruits from more diverse backgrounds, with six being women.


Members were asked to note the work undertaken and the positive outcomes in relation to the recruitment of under-represented groups to the Service.



10. Any Other Business
  ·        AB said that we received feedback from our Covid19 inspection by HM Inspectorate and it was a largely good result.

·        RW said that we have paused consultation on Enable remodelling until 4 January 2021.

·        JM asked about force readiness in terms of Brexit.



·        ACC Mark Pannone to brief JM on Brexit

11. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 26th January 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams