Executive Board Minutes – 24 September 2024
24 September 2024
9:30 – 13:00 in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Jo Coles – Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime, YNCA
Tim Forber (TF) – Chief Constable, NYP Scott Bisset (SB) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Simon Dennis (SD) – Corporate Director & Deputy Monitoring Officer, YNYCA Tamara Pattinson (TP) – Director of Delivery & Assurance, YNYCA Michael Porter (MP) – Assistant Director of Resources, YNYCA Mathew Walker (MW) – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Louise Branford – White (LB-W)– Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP Lisa Stitt (LS) – Assistant Chief Officer Enable Maeve Chappell (MC) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY Jenni Newberry (JN) – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Sarah Davies (SJD) – – Executive Assistant OPFCC Xanthe Tait (XT) – Director Evolve Legal Services James Farrar – Chief Executive, YNYCA |
Presenting: | |
Guests: | |
Apologies: |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
JC opened the meeting | |
2. | Action Log/Minutes |
Timeliness of the follow up for the actions needs to happen. Estates briefing needs to happen asap. To follow up on the actions. | |
3. | North Yorkshire Police |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
TF updated members on national concerns including pensions and the new scheme that has been announced. Residual Service Statements must be sent in by each force. Some members of staff are leaving without knowing what their pension will be and so staff morale and litigation is a concern. They need to be informed in a timely fashion. TF has asked to meet with the managing director of XPS for pensions to discuss the matter. Communication is a national problem. Different forces use different pension administrators. Regular meetings with LBW and the pensions administrators happen and formal concerns will be put in writing to them in due course. Taken the decision in the recruitment of future police officers to offer a blended approach to both degree and non-degree entry programmes starting in the new year. This is more diverse and offers more routes into policing. TF highlighted events from August. There was no disorder in North Yorkshire but the force did cancel all rest days with officers working 12 hour days and deployed where necessary. Response times were increased compared to the previous year and recorded crimes were lower. The force stepped up and delivered an exceptional service in difficult circumstances nationally. JC welcomed all of the briefings which were comprehensive and the effort of officers who cancelled their holidays and asked TF to ensure that they were formally thanked from her. Officers were voluntarily cancelling leave to help the cause. b. For Information and Discussion TF highlighted key topics from the Chief Officer Team meetings. Sales force presented which would be software improvements to enhance the victims journey. MA has been briefed on the new software and can feed back to JC if needed. This is a post reporting improvement, but we need to look at encouragement for initial reporting. Mobile data and usage needs to be looked at to save officers more time and avoid coming back to the stations to examine. Procurement would need to be considered. The board discussed updates to victims and the progress needed in this space in the meantime whilst this software is considered. Action: TF asked to link in with the Independent Ethics Panel. c. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions The Board was updated on areas for improvement. JC asked for clarity on clear hold build. |
4. | North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
JD updated the Board on local and national issues emerging locally. The Mayoral Remediation plan was discussed with no buildings requiring remediation work in North Yorkshire. This has been sent to the Mayor. A paper for Fire fighter competence and the role of a firefighter in a community is being sent to the Fire Chiefs Council. An update on this will come in due course. Firefighters and trade unions are involved. This has come as a result of the outcome of the Grenfell Enquiry. JC sought clarity on the well-fare of officers as a result of this enquiry. An update on pensions was provided to the board. Impact on well-fare is a concern. The government have released times for response and NYFRS are the most improved in the County. Huge amount of work ongoing across departments so a big thanks to the teams for all of the work in reducing the times. Action: LS & LBW to brief JC on pensions outside of the meeting. b. For Information and Discussion JD highlighted significant points from the Strategic Leadership Board meeting in July and August. c. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions MW spoke to the paper which was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The Areas for Improvement work will be completed by November. All recommendations have been appointed to SROs for completion. The timeline provided to the Board is until the next inspection. Attendance at the HMICFRS meetings was discussed so that attendance could be maximised. SD highlighted the improvements and the work that has gone into HMI. The work gone into striving for improvements for the public is ongoing. |
5. | enableNY |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
An update on the outcome of the Enable review was briefly provided to the Board. A full briefing is already planned in for JC. A brief update was given on the Ripon Estates project. Costs for the project were provided to JC who raised concerns on the budget. Members discussed the comms surrounding this matter. The new tender for facilities management contract provided to members. JC asked for further clarity on the tender progress for this and any impact this may have. An update on the Wider Area Network was provided. |
6. | BREAK |
7. | Legal Services |
Legal colleagues from the legal team ensured that there was cover throughout the month of August to meet operational requirements.
FOI and timelines for actioning them are an area for JC to be aware of. The matter was raised at the Joint Independent Audit Committee. XT updated the Board on progress from Evolve Legal Services and legal concerns in relation to contracts was discussed with members. Action: XT to be updated on the FOI process |
8. | Finance |
LBW presented key highlights from the reports shared with members. JC asked questions for clarity on key elements presented in the papers.
Explanations on funding and recharging processes were provided to JC. Revised Capital programme discussed. JC approved the continuation of the capital programme and the extra funds required for custody. Estates strategy to be completed by the end of the financial year. MP brought a paper for decision that JC asked to be deferred, pending a further briefing with her, on the Trade Union position. A further meeting is to be convened with an accompanying paper from the CFO. It was noted by JC that she must be briefed in advance of any papers coming to the meeting which would require a decision. The scope of this meeting and the time allocated to each agenda item does not provide enough time for her to make a fully informed decision. |
9. | OPFCC |
a. Commissioning & Partnerships
JN briefed the Board on the Victims Centre. JC had been briefed at length prior to the meeting and approved the extra budget for the work to be completed. Learnings must be taken from the process of getting to this point for any future projects. |
10. | Risks |
a. NYP
TF spoke to his paper in relation to the process for making Complaints and the current model in place for this. The remainder of this item is private. Accept the recommendations to bring this to another meeting – target meeting 26 November. b. OPFCC JN highlighted the OPFCC and the C&P register to members to note. |
11. | Communications update |
MC updated the board on the Corporate Communications plans for both North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service for the remainder of the year.
Action: JC asked MC to link in with the wider Combined Authority comms team so they are aware of the Comms Grid and plans going forward. |
12. | YNYCA OPFCC matters for discussion |
Wider updates and actions on VAWG, Neighbourhood policing.
HR support for NYFRS colleagues. |