Executive Board Minutes – 25 April 2023
Tuesday 25 April 2023, 09:15 – 10:40, in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Mabs Hussain (MH) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Matthew Walker (MW) – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Tamara Pattinson (TP) – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Gordon McQueen (GM) – Interim Managing Director of enableNY Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Force Solicitor & Head of Legal Services, NYP – Evolve Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY Sarah Davies (SJD) – Executive Assistant OPFCC (Minutes & Actions) |
Presenting: | Tom Hirst |
Guests: | |
Apologies: | Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
Apologies from Jonathan Dyson.
Start of the meeting was delayed until 9:15 |
2. | Minutes of the previous meeting and Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and ZM went through the action log and made the necessary amendments. | |
3. | OPFCC Items |
3a. Levelling Up (standing Item)
SD provided the meeting with a brief update as to the current timeline in respect of MCA/Devolution. He informed the meeting that he is working with colleagues in Local Government and that the OPFCC are encouraging a collaborative approach to workstreams. The Transfer Statutory Instrument is expected in May.
3b. Commissioned Services Update (standing item) JN spoke to the 3 papers circulated to members in advance of the meeting. A brief update was provided to members in respect of the Strategic Commissioning Plan, Serious Violence Duty Partners update and the Victims Centre refurbishment plan. A decision regarding funding for the latter was made outside of the meeting with the PFCC approving the funding required to complete the project.
3c. Assurance Framework TP thanked members for their feedback in respect of this meeting. As a result, the meeting will be re-vamped and this one will be the final meeting in its current format. TP agreed to send members the revised Terms of Reference and agenda changes in advance of the next meeting in May. |
4. | enableNY Items |
No items for discussion were raised. | |
5. | NYP Items |
5a. ICT outage 13.04.23
GM explained to members the reason for the IT outage which occurred on the 13.04.23 at 10:26 until 11:55, and the business continuity plans in place for incidents like this. The PFCC asked for a paper to be sent to her in respect of this matter. Action: GM to send a paper to ZM. 5b. Workforce Management Tool Business Case MH provided the meeting with an overview of the business case and explained the benefits of the Workforce Management Tool. Investment in the software would allow NYP to ensure they have the right number of people in the right place at the right time. The money for needed for this was already in the change pipeline and the request was for the PFCC to give permission for the money to be used. The PFCC approved this request. The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe approved the release of the money from the change pipeline for this business case. |
6. | Break – no break taken. |
7. | NYFRS Items |
7a. Breathing Apparatus Business Case
TH joined the meeting to present the Breathing Apparatus Business Case to members. He explained the benefits of investing in the new equipment and how this would be a long term investment in the Service which would save lives. The PFCC asked for clarity around timescales, training plans and the equipment currently in use and the Deputy Chief Fire Officer answered these questions and outlined the plans. The PFCC approved the business case for the new equipment. The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe approved the Breathing Apparatus Business Case. |
8. | HMICFRS/Improvement Plan Updates (Standing Items) |
LW verbally updated the meeting on the Improvement plan and provided details around FCR recruitment timescales. The PFCC sought further information regarding the key performance framework and this was discussed in more detail. II. NYFRS MW provided a verbal update as to the progress and work being completed on the HMICFRS Culture Review. The PFCC asked for assurance that the service has capacity to work through the recommendations in the report alongside the HMI Improvement plan which is also a high priority. MW explained that it was challenging but he was pleased with the work being done so far. He stressed that this was not work which needed to be completed for a deadline, they were working on sustainability for the future. Action: A written update for these items going forward was agreed |
9. | Communications Update/Forward Planning (standing Item) |
MCh updated the meeting with upcoming comms items which the team are focussing on.
Discussion was had between members in relation to a high profile case. Further discussion was to be had outside of the meeting. |
10. | Key Strategic Risks/Risk Registers (Standing Item) |
MH spoke to the paper provided to members in advance of the meeting and gave an update to the current position for NYP. · NYFRS MW gave members an update to the Risk Register for NYFRS and detailed the actions in place for the current items on the register. · OPFCC SD informed the meeting that the OPFCC Executive Management Team had attended a Risk Register workshop and have begun to make adjustments to the core policy on how they govern risks. There is further work to complete from the workshop including refreshing the risks and looking into how they are scored. |
11. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
No discussions were had. | |
12 | AOB |
SD reminded the meeting that going forward, the meeting format will change and this will be communicated to members once finalised. TP thanked members for the feedback and contributions. | |
13. | Close of meeting 10:40 |