Executive Board Minutes – 25 August 2020
Tuesday 25th August 2020 09:30-12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Present: | Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Thomas Thorp (TT) – Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, North Yorkshire PoliceAmanda Bowers (Exec Assistant) – Interim Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner |
Apologies: | Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
Attendance and apologies are noted above. | |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 21st July 2020 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and Mini EB Meeting on 21st July 2020 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising & Action Log Updates JM ran through the entire Action Log in the meeting. Ø Action 1: On the Agenda today Ø Action 2: MP provided update – agreed that RSM Internal Auditors to review to distil any financial or governance recommendations. JM confirmed lessons learned from MIT will be included in NETIC Review. Action now completed. Ø Action 3: Action Completed Ø Action 4: On the Agenda today Ø Action 5: Still work ongoing on the Outcomes Tracker due to come back to October EB. TT to be added to this action. Ø Action 6: Action Completed Ø Action 7: Action Completed, but – T.O.M Update can be provided at October EB. Ø Action 8: On the Agenda Ø Action 9: Action Completed |
3. | Post Police Fire and Crime Panel Update |
JM thanked LW and MP for partaking in the Panel on Wednesday 19th August 2020.
Panel acknowledged thanks to Police for work over Covid-19 in Richmond, Grassington and Malham. FCR Performance discussed and JM is to produce a briefing paper for councillors to help deal with questions that arise in their communities. Noted would circulate briefing to LW before sending out. |
4. | Q1 Financial Update 20/21 |
MP summarised the Police and Fire Reports with board members:
Police report circulated shows there have been finance challenges across all areas to date but overall should break even this financial year.
Noted Income Pressure which MP commented will need to focus on next year but on a positive note the force delivered on Police Recruitment and are on target to hit numbers.
Discussed the Covid-19 costs for Q1: Benefit of staff across the estate working from home has kept the day to day budgets under control but need to focus on current ability to deliver what is left of T2020 Savings. MP concerned whether this can be delivered in the current year and should there be a hold on investment.
JM asked MP for October EB to produce a paper on T2020 Saving/Corresponding Investments so can all consider next steps. [post meeting note – now to come to November EB]
T2020 Profiling change – pre meet is arranged between certain board members ahead of Oct Exec Board.
MP made the board aware of Council Tax 2021 anticipated collection deficit, consequential upon coronavirus amongst other economic factors. No information had been circulated yet but need to progress scenario planning – MP will keep EB up to date.
NYFRS Report then discussed showing they are in a healthier position this current financial year due to Covid funding to help pay for additional needs. MP noted NYFRS’ improved financial management showing significant progress over the last 12-18 months.
JM asked for clarity on the Covid Grants and what happens if they don’t spend it all. MP confirmed grants are unringed fenced money so any money left over will go into reserve with a view to ensuring ongoing Covid pressures can be met.
AB suggested a Covid Reserve – to be kept under review dependent upon Council Tax 2021. |
5. | Ingleton and Bentham Update |
RW provided update and follow up from EB Action from previous meeting.
Report summarises Nexus data indicating relocating resources from Ingleton wouldn’t impact on operational colleagues’ ability to respond to rural incidents.
RW made board aware the data showed relocating would improve response times there and considering a possible relocation could also be a feasible option.
RW mentioned the report also covers Drop-In Surgeries to take place to reassure public and keep a visible presence within the community.
RW noted there will need to be a communication plan completed ahead of this between the OPFCC and NYP.
LW agreed commented that there is a clear link to NYP’s commitment to place based working. LW suggested a detailed conversation on physical presence is explored and that this could potentially lead to work with the T.O.M on this issue. JM determined from the Chair that Board ought not to decide on this right now, needs more work and a strategic approach. RW to do further work and update the board at October Exec Board. |
6. | Newby Wiske Update. |
MP explained Newby Wiske was now due to be sold on or before 1st May 2020 as a result of a deed of variation enter into by mutual consent, recognising the impact of coronavirus on the anticipated sale timescales. Under the terms of the revised arrangement, maintenance costs will be met by the proposed purchasers on a six monthly cycle.
SD made board aware there is still one ongoing regulatory matter in relation to the site, in addition to some outstanding FOI matters. All necessary work is underway in the hands of Legal Services and SD as appropriate.
MCh informed the board that a mobile testing unit is being set up next week at Newby Wiske. JM suggested SD to have a conversation regarding introducing MCh to Mr Minting. |
7. | NYFRS EDI Surveys |
JF explained this piece of work has been ongoing over the last few months and links in with the estate strategy. The paper proposed a range of approaches and investments in compliance measures. They were not for determination by EB today but for early information. JF confirmed he would bring completed proposals to January Exec Board 2021.
JF noted it is significant investment which will need decisions to be made by the end of the year.
JM thanked JF for the update and agreed will fit into discussions on the wider NYP/NYFRS Estate. EB acknowledged the importance of ensuring that the estates compliance investments are planned and executed in a way which is consistent with NYFRS EDI programme and communications. SD said the NYFRS SLT were engaged in ongoing discussions around the EDI programme. |
8. | NYFRS RRM Update |
AB covered the key aspects of report and described in more detail the capabilities project output which will be a catalogue of capabilities on Fleet Equipment and PPE available to NYFRS.
The catalogue will work with the RRM’s Risk Profile to manage risks going forward. AB touched on the value for money section and explained Jonathan Dyson’s job to provide a framework and toolkit for evaluating impact.
Programme Manager Update– ME confirmed has been recruited and passed vetting. She will be line managed and supported by ME when she starts position.
TT and JM both raised concerns over the RRM Model progression and it being delivered for May 2021 Consultation. AB believes and is confident they can still deliver by then. TT also asked going forward that before NYFRS engage with councillors and councils on the RRM that the OPFCC and MCh are closely involved. JF agreed will discuss with MCh and OPFCC on a proper engagement plan. |
9. | NFCC Spending Review 2021 |
AB informed board members this paper has been provided for information purposes only at today’s meeting. No further actions to be made. | |
10 | NYFRS Recruitment 20/21 |
JF provided update on report with recruitment starting in June with the aim to have people in post to start training in April 2021. JF will provide a further update in November to cover interview process and fitness tests.
JF shared the total number of applicants this year was 2889 compared to 2556 last year. Happy attracting more people and added BAME applicants were up from previous intakes which is positive. However, women applicants remain the same at the 10% mark.
Further discussion produced the following outcomes
· NYFRS to review and redouble positive action approaches and to ensure that support is in place to maximise interest and minimise attrition, from underrepresented groups. · NYFRS to progress links with NYP in respect of ‘what works’ in respect of EDI |
11 | A.O.B |
No matters arose, JM concluded the meeting. | |
12 | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting: |
Tuesday 29th September 2020, 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams. |