Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 25 February 2022


Tuesday 25 February, 09:30 – 12:30

Via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Zoë Metcalfe (ZM)              – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Lisa Winward (LW)             – Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Foster (JF)           – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Ray Ward (RW)                   – Managing Director, enableNY

Thomas Thorp (TT)             – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB)     – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Maria Earles (ME)               – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY

Jenni Newberry (JN)           – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Mike Clements (MC)          – Head of Finance, enableNY

Charlotte Clarke (CC)           – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor, Evolve

Michael Porter (MP)           – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Maeve Chappell (MCh)      – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Ruth Warman                      – Executive Assistant to the PFCC, in attendance

Presenting: Phil Whild (PW)                  – Area Manager and Director of Transformation, NYFRS
Guests: Jo Ryan (JR)                         – HMICFRS Liaison Lead (Cheshire FRS, North Yorkshire FRS, West Yorkshire FRS)
Apologies: Simon Dennis (SD)              – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Mabs Hussain (MH)            – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Dyson (JD)           – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received.


2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 25 January 2022 & Action Log

The minutes and action log of the previous meeting were noted and updated.


3. Enable Items
  a. Pensions Discretions


The meeting was informed of the proposed amendments to the Chief Constable (CC) and Police Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) [previously known as North Yorkshire Police (NYP) Employers Pension Discretions], which were made in line with the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations 2013.


The meeting noted and agreed the amendments in principle, and they will be formally signed off once the Fire Brigade Union have provided their agreement.



·       RW to update ZM once FBU agreement has been received.


b. Estates


Barlby: Proposed Sale of Police House


The meeting received an update about the proposed sale, and the background and rationale was discussed.


The meeting approved Option Two in principle (to sell the property to the school) subject to establishing if wider community benefits would be delivered from the sale.



·       SGS to ascertain if there is a community benefit from the sale, and update ZM outside of the meeting.


Ripon Police and Fire Co-location


The meeting considered this property in terms of providing efficient and effective service delivery that promotes best value for money.  To be discussed in more detail at the March meeting, in the context of an overall long-term estates plan.



·       Ripon Police and Fire Co-location to be discussed at the March meeting as part of the Joint Strategic Estates Asset Management Plan.


Proactive Communications Strategy – Estates Collaboration and RRM


The meeting discussed major estate changes in terms of communicating future plans and agreed to review this in more detail when an overall long-term estates plan is available.


Masham Community Office (“MCO”)


The meeting received lease and disposal options for the MCO and considered the recommendations outlined.


The meeting agreed to defer this item to the next meeting, to discuss in more detail how the recommendations outlined fit within the overall Joint Strategic Estates Asset Management Plan and to decide how local engagement will be planned.  A current valuation of the MCO is also to be organised.



·       SGS to provide a more detailed update at the March meeting and organise a current valuation of the MCO.


4. NYP Items
  a. Force Control Room – Short and Long-term Intentions and Planning (Verbal Update)


The meeting discussed and considered the strategic direction for customer contact and the current maturity of the market to deliver against the strategic direction.  This item will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.


b. Force Management Statement (Verbal Update)


A short progress update on the Force Management Statement (version 4) was provided.  Force Management Statement 4 is on the Forward Plan to be discussed at the April meeting.


5. NYFRS Items
  a. Fire Transformation Programme (RRM Update)


The meeting received an update on the progress of the Fire Transformation Programme.  The meeting discussed the additional resource proposal currently being developed and approved for it to be further developed to take to public consultation.


b. HMICFRS Inspection Readiness Update


The meeting received an update on preparation for the HMICFRS Inspection of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in March 2022.


The self-assessment and document pack was submitted within the deadline, with collation and submission being managed by the enableNY Inspection Team.


The submission process identified several areas for improvement, which will be progressed as a component of the Action Plan following the audit commissioned through Business, Design and Assurance Directorate.  This Action Plan has a target completion date of 31 August 2022.


c. Equality Diversity and Inclusion Estates Plan


The meeting received an update on the ongoing investment programme in the NYFRS estate which is now underway.  Key programme actions and timescales were discussed.  Local plans are in place where anticipated disruption will be communicated to the appropriate personnel and larger scale works will require additional planning and scheduling.  The meeting noted progress.


6. NYFRS/NYP Items
  a. NYP 2021/22 Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring


The meeting received a progress update in relation to the finances of the policing budget based on the position to the end of December 2021.


b. NYP Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Plans


The meeting discussed and agreed budget proposals for 2022/23, medium term financial plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 and funding for the capital programme for 2022/23, with the indicative allocations for 2023/24 to 2025/26, as outlined in the report.


c. NYFRS Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Plans


The meeting discussed and agreed budget proposals for 2022/23, medium term financial plan for 2022/23 to 2025/26 and funding for the capital programme for 2022/23, with the indicative allocations for 2023/24 to 2025/26, as outlined in the report.


d. NYFRS Treasury Management Strategy


The meeting discussed and approved the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management and Investment Strategy as outlined in the report.


e. National Procurement of External Audit


The meeting discussed the invitation to opt into the national scheme for auditor appointments from April 2023.  The meeting agreed the recommendations as outlined in the report, to opt into the national scheme.



·       MP to produce Decision Notices for items (b) to (e).


7. OPFCC Items
  a. Police & Crime Plan and Fire & Rescue Plan Development


Next steps in development of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan were shared with the meeting.


b. Commissioned Services Update


The meeting received an update on the OPFCC key commissioning priorities 2021/22.


8. Executive Board Forward Plan

The meeting asked for all future proposed agenda items to be sent to: [email protected] so they can be added to the Forward Plan.


9. Any Other Business

Road Safety Partnership Chairmanship


An update was provided on the Chairing arrangements of the York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership Steering Group.


10. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 29 March 2022, 09:30 – 12:30, via Microsoft Teams