Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 25 January 2021


Tuesday 25th January 2021

09:30-12:30 Via Microsoft Teams 

Attending: Julia Mulligan (JM)        – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Lisa Winward (LW)        – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Phil Cain (PC)               – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB)       – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Jonathan Foster (JF)     – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT)       – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Jenni Newberry (JN)      – Commissioning & Partnerships Manager, OPFCC Ray Ward (RW)             – Managing Director, Enable

Maria Earles (ME)         – Head of Business Design and Assurance, Enable Mike Clements (MC)      – Head of Finance, Enable

Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, Enable Michael Porter (MP)       – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Ruth Warman                – Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner in attendance (Exec Asst)

Presenting: Sam Millar (SM)             – Supt Operational Business Change & Tech Lead Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, Enable

Gordon McQueen (GMc) – Head of ICT, Enable

Apologies: Simon Dennis (SD)        – Interim Chief Executive, OPFCC



1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance and apologies as above were noted.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 24th November 2020 & Action Log

The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated.

3. Police & Fire Finance Updates

Treasury Management and Reporting


A half yearly progress update for the past six months was presented regarding the Treasury Management position from a Fire & Rescue perspective. No decision was required since this was a progress update to the meeting, intended for information only. The meeting duly noted the paper and no actions were arising.


Precept Levels and Budget Planning


A summary of the position for 2021/22 Police and Fire Precepts was discussed. ACTION

·        MP to present a progress update to March EB on the new savings plan post T2020.

·        MCh to develop communications to staff and external announcements (linking in with Stephen Naylor) regarding precept.

·        MP/TT to complete Decision Notices for precept.


4. Transformation and Change Benefits Realisation

NYP Target Operating Model Update


The meeting received an update on progress to date which covered process (including workshops), products and the PCSO Pilot.


The meeting asked what the benefits of the workshops would be and were provided with the example of the current tasking process used by the service and how the service could be improved by digitally tracking arrests. The meeting agreed it would be very useful to work through real examples like the tracking process with ICT; to review if this could be achieved and how it would be prioritised.


Vicky Booty, the new Benefits Manager within Business Design and Assurance (Enable) is implementing baseline assessment, service specifications and benefits (i.e., internal or service provision to our communities). We are looking at a test pilot to take this forward and the meeting asked for an update on this.


The meeting asked if plans on a page could be made available in advance of the PFC Panel meeting on 22 February. It was highlighted that the College of Policing template would be a simple and effective one to use. SM to take forward.


A progress update was provided for the PCSO Pilot, and the meeting asked for this to be used as a work example to present to the PFC Panel on 22 February. CB to take forward with SM.


The meeting agreed that assurance around the planning process and benefits realisation (and how this improves the service to the public) would be a helpful update at the next meeting.



·        Meeting to receive an update on benefits realisation in February.

·        Plans on a page to be made available in advance of the PFC Panel meeting on 22 February.

·        CB/SM to develop the Target Operating Model briefing requirements in advance of the PFC Panel meeting on 22 February.

  Enable Change Activity and Prioritisation

Business Design and Assurance


Includes a number of business areas and so one focus is to align specific activities with the particular disciplines. There is some overlap between what Enable would undertake and what some operational matters would continue to deliver, and discussions are currently taking place to align this.


The Business Cases being developed for each area will focus on providing benefits being delivered as a result of the new ways of working, drivers for change and what those drivers will deliver.


The meeting discussed if the proposed changes would draw down on operational resource. One of the fundamental benefits of this model is around business discipline and planning, articulating the benefits of this and demonstrating the positive impact upon the business.


In terms of the programme management aspect, Enable supported this, and are working on an integrated business planning approach, to ensure the work is deliverable and costed. The meeting asked for a more detailed presentation on this at a future meeting.



·        RW/ME to provide detailed presentation on integration of business planning approach at a future EB.

  Estates Transport & Logistics


An update was given in terms of challenges for the function and this led to a presentation about what the future vision is: client focused, collaborative and effective.



An overview was then provided on the proposed operating model changes and a picture was provided of the ‘as is’ to indicate where the function wanted to move to. This included moving to an outcome focussed strategic partner, increased proactive engagement with clients, delivery of continuous improvement and to simplify client access to services across the function.


The meeting asked about factoring efficiencies into the new savings plan (post T2020). SGS proposed BAU, adaptive and transformational changes would be used to indicate incremental efficiencies. The meeting asked for this information to be captured, to demonstrate that we are becoming more efficient.

  ICT Updates


A summary of proposed changes and the associated costs were highlighted because it was felt that to support this programme, then we would need to strengthen the team.


The meeting asked if we had completed benchmarking on the size/capabilities of our ICT function with similar forces, this will be part of the inspection carried out by HMICFRS. Also, around project delivery (and linking into prioritisation of the change pipeline), have we got the capability to deliver what we would like to and how are we prioritising the operational requirement, and linking that with the money available, since there will be some things that are not affordable.


In terms of resource levels, an average outsourcing company who would like to trim their costs to the bare minimum will see one support engineer per 600-700 devices. In our estate there is approximately 4,500 devices serviced by two support engineers. A benchmarking exercise with similar forces would be useful.


In terms of prioritisation, apart from the mandatory responsibilities that ICT have, they would like to see the rest of the priority discussions commissioned through process to ensure we can deliver demand.


The meeting acknowledged ICT is central to providing organisational agility and were keen to see more details on this area emerge in due course.



In terms of the approach taken for this function the aim is to be as inclusive as possible and workshops have been held to build opportunities for greater collaboration and harmonisation.


A two-stage process was proposed to the meeting. Stage one: to incorporate a more joint working approach and develop proposals for a single system and stage two: evaluation of the move to joint systems and reinvestment into proactive, effective and professional financial services.



The meeting was asked to consider the proposals and approve in principal and give permission to commence consultation and implementation of the structural changes subject to final business case approval.


The meeting supported the proposals in principal and gave permission to commence consultation and implementation, subject to final business case approval.

5. Commissioned Services Update

The meeting received a programme update on commissioned services.


Diversion service – is now out to commission. The service is to reduce first time entrants and low-level offending. On track to have services to commence pre-election. NYP were asked for a champion for the diversion services, to maximise the services going forward.


Young people in relation to Domestic Abuse – about to go out to market for this service. In line to go out to market, commission and have services signed off pre-election.


6. Executive Board Forward Plan

The meeting noted the Forward Plan and JM thanked members for their input. With this being a live document, the meeting was asked to continue to provide their updates to the Executive Assistant on a monthly basis.


Regarding the Action Log and Action 8 – the meeting asked for the forward planner to specify what the Target Operating Model updates would be at each EB meeting. Pre-meetings with JM in advance of each update going to EB are also to be arranged.


Regarding the Prioritisation Matrix to be presented at the meeting in March – the meeting asked for a description of how strategic priorities are identified and therefore shapes the work programme for EB going forward, to enable us to proactively anticipate.




·        Members to continue to send their bids for agenda items each month to the Executive Assistant.

·        NYP to specify what Target Operating Model updates will be presented at each EB and arrange for JM to have a briefing meeting in advance of each update.

·        Prioritisation Matrix to be presented to show how strategic priorities are identified.

7. Any Other Business

·         No other business for this meeting.

8. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 23rd February 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams