Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 25 January 2022


Tuesday 25 January, 09:30 – 12:30

Via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Zoë Metcalfe (ZM)              – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Simon Dennis (SD)              – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Lisa Winward (LW)             – Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Foster (JF)           – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Mabs Hussain (MH)            – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Dyson (JD)           – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Ray Ward (RW)                   – Managing Director, enableNY

Thomas Thorp (TT)             – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB)     – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Maria Earles (ME)               – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY

Jenni Newberry (JN)           – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Mike Clements (MC)          – Head of Finance, enableNY

Charlotte Clarke (CC)           – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor, Evolve

Michael Porter (MP)           – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Maeve Chappell (MCh)      – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Ruth Warman                      – Executive Assistant to the PFCC in attendance

Presenting: Phil Whild (PW)                  – Area Manager and Director of Transformation, NYFRS
Guest: Jo Ryan (JR)                         – HMICFRS Liaison Lead (Cheshire FRS, North Yorkshire FRS, West Yorkshire FRS)


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and introductions were made to Jo Ryan, who would be attending the January, February, and March meetings, forming part of HMICFRS engagement in the lead up to their Inspection in March 2022.


2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 7 December 2021 & Action Log

The minutes and action log of the previous meeting were noted and updated.


3. NYFRS Items
  a.  Fire Transformation Programme (RRM Update) including Community Risk Profile


The meeting received an update on the progress made by NYFRS in the delivery of the Fire Transformation Programme, the purpose of which was as follows:


·       To inform the meeting of the strategic intent of the Fire Transformation Programme.

·       To present the final draft of the Community Risk Profile (CRP) for the meeting to sign off.

·       To present the proposals for change which are being developed, and request approval to proceed with the modelling and further analysis to prepare them for public consultation.

·       To confirm the frequency of the RRM planning cycle.


The meeting was asked to approve the Community Risk Profile (to progress production into a publication) and the RRM proposals (so that they could be further developed in preparation for approval to take to public consultation).


Regarding the proposals, the meeting considered the merits of engagement in accordance with good consultation principles before the work progresses to formal consultation.  Assurance was provided that a public engagement strategy was in place, to support good transparency practice.


In the context of the 2022/23 precept proposals for the Fire Service (and point 3.10 of the precept paper to be presented today) the meeting requested a financial investment plan for the proposals.


The meeting approved CRP to progress production into a publication and also further development of the RRM proposals.



·       JF/MP to consider a financial investment plan for the proposals (in the context of the 2022/23 precept proposals for the Fire Service) to present to a future Executive Board meeting.


b. HMICFRS Inspection Readiness


The meeting received an update on the status of preparation for the inspection of NYFRS by HMICFRS in March 2022.


Notification of the document submission and self-assessment was received on 10 January, with a deadline for submission on 7 February.  Work is in progress on completion of the self-assessment and will be shared with the Commissioner prior to submission.


In recent weeks there has been a considerable amount of activity focussed on gathering evidence against action plan objectives.


The Service Liaison Lead has commenced engagement, attending the Tactical Leadership Team meeting on 14 January and Strategic Leadership Team on 20 January.  The Lead will continue to attend key meetings on the build up to the inspection period to develop a comprehensive understanding of the collaboration between the Service and Enable.


c. Equality Diversity Inclusion Governance Update


The meeting received an update on the proposed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) governance re-structure for information.


The EDI Board has been successful in bringing together a range of like-minded individuals from diverse sections of the workforce to become network leads, and the networks have been responsible for introducing and promoting various events and opportunities.


The current focus is more strategic, including measurement of outcomes and performance.  In December 2021, the Senior Leadership Team approved the formation of an ED&I Strategic Board and an ED&I Practitioner Group, to align strategic direction and tactical delivery.


OPFCC representation at the strategic board and practitioner group was agreed.  The meeting also agreed to set aside some time, as a senior group, to consider the extent of collective ambition for EDI in North Yorkshire.




·       JF/SD to agree OPFCC representation at the ED&I Strategic Board and the ED&I Practitioner Group.

·       OPFCC to invite EB attendees to an ED&I Leadership Symposium, to consider the extent of collective ambition for EDI.


4. NYP/NYFRS Items
  a. 2022/23 Precept Proposals


The meeting received updates on NYP and NYFRS precept proposals to be presented to the Police, Fire & Crime Panel on 7 February 2022.


An urgent supplement is required, to capture public understanding in respect of what the investments will mean in terms of the services that mean the most to them.


The meeting gave their support for the proposals to be further developed, and the appropriate Decision Notices to be provided, prior to the Police Fire & Crime Panel on 7 February 2022.



·       MH, with input from SD, to provide an urgent supplement.

·       MP to prepare Decision Notices.


b. NYP Quarterly Service Delivery Update including Change Management and HMICFRS Areas for Improvement


The meeting received an update on NYP Service Delivery Priorities 2021/22.


The meeting reviewed channel management for Single On-line Home and considered if pilot evaluations could assess business benefits.  The Force Control Room are presenting an update to the March meeting to include channels of access for the public and therefore it was agreed that Single On-line Home pilot evaluations be included.  It was agreed for a meeting be arranged to include those interested departments who can provide feedback as part of SOH review and assist in the development and action plans to support further enhancement of available information and functionality.


Regarding diversity, retention and development would be a good starting point for strategic dialogue in terms of an emerging terms of reference for the ED&I Leadership Symposium.


Regarding HMICFRS and the Child Protection (CP) inspection, a Gold Group with broad membership to immediately address the findings has already been put in place and updates on outcomes to be provided, as appropriate.


OPFCC to further consider HMICFRS reporting processes with NYP outside of this meeting.



·       Regular SOH development meetings to be arranged with FCR (Jason Dickson) as this work transitions to BAU.

·       The ED&I Leadership Symposium is to consider diversity retention and development at their meeting.

·       SD to share an overview of OPFCC HMICFRS reporting processes with MH.

·       MH to send to the Commissioner regular progress updates on response to HMICFRS CP Inspection.


b. NFRS Quarterly Service Delivery Update including Change Management and HMICFRS Areas for Improvement


The meeting received an update on NYFRS Service Delivery Priorities, setting out the primary focus for 2021/22.


Updates were provided for Risk and Resource Model, Financial Deficit, Data Provision and Quality, Culture Change, HMICFRS Inspection, Succession Planning and Talent Management, Pensions Remedy, Implementation of National Guidance/Learning and Public Safety Service.


5. NYP Items
  a. Internal Audit Report Seized Exhibits – update from Risk & Assurance Board


The meeting received a brief summary on progress to complete audit recommendations in relation to exhibits management.


A number of actions are underway to address the findings of this and previous audits to improve the management of exhibits in NYP.  The Exhibits procedure has also been updated in light of structural and process change.


6. Enable Items
  a. Enable Gateway Review


The meeting received a progress update on establishing Enable to provide assurance of the aspirations contained within the Commissioners Local Business Case.  In summary, by focusing upon the principles of simplification, standardisation and sharing to drive greater efficiency and effectiveness in supporting provision of front-line services, its newly established structures are supporting the delivery of benefits for its clients.


The meeting was asked to note the benefits that have been delivered to date, and the opportunities identified.


7. Statutory Plans – Approach to Delivery Planning
  Given a fuller update about Statutory Plans would be presented at the February meeting, a brief progress update was provided to this meeting.


There is a requirement to firm up delivery planning and architecture to draw forward the implementation of plans, within the time constraints available.


8. Approach to Overarching Collegiate VAWG Strategy
  The meeting acknowledged the importance of this strategy and the opportunities for North Yorkshire.


An update on the development of a joint VAWG local strategic framework was provided in terms of embracing a collegiate approach.  A soft launch of the operational strategy at the beginning of February 2022, was planned with a joint strategy to be published in March 2022.


9. Commissioned Services Update
  Given time constraints, the meeting asked for the Commissioned Services update to be distributed after the meeting, to give attendees the opportunity to consider the priorities for the forthcoming year in more detail.



·       Commissioned Services update to be distributed after the meeting. (Action now completed).


10. Executive Board Forward Plan

The Commissioner highlighted the agenda for the meeting in February was too full and asked attendees to consider which items could be presented at the March meeting instead.



·       Attendees to let OPFCC know which items listed for the February meeting that can be presented at the March meeting instead.


11. Any Other Business
  Closed Item: Pensions Immediate Detriment


Item attended by colleagues who have no financial interest in the item.


The meeting received an update on progress made to date. The implications of Government withdrawal of guidance and financial support for meeting immediate detriment entitlement upon Statutory Officer legal obligations was considered and the way forward was acknowledged.


12. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 22 February 2022, 09:30 – 12:30, via Microsoft Teams