Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 25 July 2023

25.07.23 09:00 in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams

Attending:   Zoë Metcalfe (ZM)          – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Lisa Winward (LW)          – Chief Constable, NYP

Simon Dennis (SD)           – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC

Tamara Pattinson (TP)    – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC

Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC

Jenni Newberry       (JN)  – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Michael Porter (MP)       – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Jonathan Dyson (JD)       – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Matthew Walker (MW)  – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Gordon McQueen (GM) – Interim MD enableNY

Mike Clements (MC)       – Head of Finance, enableNY

Rachel Antonelli (RA)     – Force Solicitor & Head of Legal Services, NYP – Evolve

Maeve Chappell (MCh)  – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Lisa Stitt              (LS)       – ACO enableNY

Rebecca Baran  (RB)       – Head of Business Design & Assurance, enableNY (via teams)

Sarah Davies      (SJD)     – Executive Assistant OPFCC

Apologies: Mabs Hussain – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  The PFCC welcomed the meeting and apologised for the delayed start
2. Action Log/Minutes
  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
3. North Yorkshire Police
   a.       Current and significant issues emerging

LW provided the meeting with an update from the National Chiefs Council meeting.

 b.      For Information and Discussion

                     i.            COT minutes

LW provided members with an overview of the COT minutes from the last 4 weekly meetings. An action was taken for ZM to be briefed on Op Soteria.

                   ii.            EAT Project Benefits review report

The EAT Project Benefits review paper which was circulated to members in advance of the meeting was briefly presented by LW. The PFCC asked for clarity on timescales for the project. LW explained that the project is an ongoing piece of work and further updates on the progress can be provided if needed. 

c.       Decisions Required

No items presented 

d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions 

LW updated members on the Improvement Plan. Feedback was provided by TP on the report in relation to some of the data. RB informed the meeting that this feedback would be provided to the team who work on both this report and the one submitted to the Online Public Meeting to ensure accuracy. The date of when the reports are compiled will also be submitted with the reports. TP and RB to meet outside of the meeting to discuss the reports further.

The PFCC sought assurance from the CC as to the Milestone targets and projected timescales for them. LW assured the PFCC that the Milestones in the report were on track to be completed on time.

ACTION – TP and RB to meet outside of the meeting to discuss the papers for EB and the OPM. 

4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  a.       Current and significant issues emerging 

JD provided an overview of current national issues for the Fire Service and the FBU responses to them. 

b.      For Information and Discussion 

i.            SLT minutes

A brief overview of the minutes from the May and June SLT meetings were provided to members.

ii.            People Resourcing paper

MW spoke to the paper which was circulated to members in ahead of the meeting, which highlights the need for resourcing within parts of the Fire and Rescue Service. The paper has been through the SLT and CSB meetings and is for information only at this stage. 

c.       Decisions required

No items presented 

d.      Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against action

JD updated members on the HMI work being completed. He reassured the PFCC that the Service was continuing to make improvements and that significant work was being done.

A discussion was had regarding On Call Firefighters. 

5. enableNY
  a.  Current and significant issues emerging 

Members discussed the interim arrangements in place for Estates due to the contractor J Tomlinson’s going into administration. LS explained the current arrangements to members and provided reassurance to the PFCC that she was happy with this.

A discussion regarding Regional Procurement was had between members. Evolve Legal Services and the OPFCC are to be invited to future meetings regarding this.

SD asked for a recruitment update for the Procurement Team. MC will provide an update at a future meeting of the Board when an update is available.   

b.  For Information and Discussion 

                     i.            Alverton Court Ground Floor Alterations

LS explained the plans for the refurbishment of the Ground Floor entrance area at Alverton Court. The space is unused and needs to be a collaborative space for all to use. The PFCC was shown the draft branding which would need to be used throughout HQ. The work is expected to be completed over the next few months.


c.   Decisions required 

No items presented. 

7. Legal Services
   a.       Updates

A recruitment update was provided to members. 

b.      Collaboration agreement

8. Finance
  a.       Updates

No items were discussed.

  a.       Commissioning & Partnerships

JN highlighted key areas from the Commissioning & Partnerships paper. An update was provided regarding the Victims Needs Assessment, the Violence against Women and Girls Strategy, Serious Violence Duty and the Victims Centre.

b.      OPFCC updates 

SD updated the meeting on the positive feedback received from the Police, Fire and Crime Panel in respect of the Annual Reports. Members were also provided with an update on OPFCC changes in personnel and recruitment plans for this. 

c.       Devolution

The meeting of the Joint Devolution Committee took place on the 24 July with the PFCC, SD and JD in attendance. SD explained to members that they are still awaiting the Statutory Instrument that was due in early May.

The presentation from the last Programme Board were circulated to members by way of a more thorough update.

The MCA Risk Register was discussed. 

10. Risks
  a.       NYP

LW gave an overview of the Risk Register Report for NYP. 

b.      NYFRS 

MW informed the meeting that there were no significant risks to report for NYFRS. They are happy with the work being done by GM and thanked him for this. Any new risks will be identified and added to the register at the Risk & Assurance Board meeting. 

c.       OPFCC

SD explained that the risks on the Register have been re-scored. Work is ongoing regarding the OPFCC Risk Register.

11. Communications update/ Forward planning
  MCh updated members on the work from the Comms Team. This included:

The Great Yorkshire Show

Water Safety campaign

Summer Burglary Awareness Campaign

One Punch Awareness

White Ribbon Accreditation for NYFRS

12. PFCC – matters for discussion
  No items