Executive Board Minutes – 25 May 2021
Tuesday 25 May 09:30 – 12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Philip Allott (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, OFPCC – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Business Design and Assurance, Enable Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, Enable Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Ruth Warman – Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner in attendance (Exec Asst) |
Presenting: | Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, Enable Mark Pannone – Assistant Chief Constable |
Apologies: | Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, Enable |
1. | Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
PA welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for MC. |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 27 April 2021 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated. |
3. | NYFRS Items |
a. RRM – Progress against Timelines of Delivery
The meeting received a verbal progress update on the Risk and Resource Model for the Fire Service. There are a number of reinvestment options to enhance the Service, and a proposal of the options will be presented at the next Executive Board Meeting in June.
The meeting considered it important to demonstrate the benefit to the Service that reinvestment will bring.
It was agreed roll-out in July would assist in proactively communicating the advantages of this consultation to stakeholders and the wider audience. In terms of communications, the meeting acknowledged that the Communications Team would be working closely with OPFCC.
The meeting asked that a communications plan be included in the proposal to be presented at the next meeting.
b. NYFRS Priority Areas |
The meeting received an update on the Fire Service Strategic Priorities for 2021/22, the priorities covered included: financial deficit, data provision and quality, culture change, HMICFRS Inspection, succession planning and talent management, pensions remedy, implementation of national guidance/learning and Public Safety Service.
Regarding Public Safety Service, a proposal on the merits of extending the trial will be presented to a future Executive Board meeting. In terms of the National Operational Guidance that has been set, the meeting asked about how many high-rise residential buildings had been inspected so far.
Regarding NYFRS recruitment, the meeting considered it would be important to tailor recruitment marketing more specifically to women and those from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, to attract a more diverse range of fire fighters.
It was acknowledged that research around the barriers to people considering becoming a fire fighter would inform this strategy.
ACTIONS · A communications plan is to be included in the proposal about the Risk & Resource Model that will be presented at the next meeting. SD to contact MCh to proceed. · Regarding Building Risk Review, AB to email PA an update on number of buildings inspected so far. · Regarding NYFRS recruitment, AB to identify an appropriate marketing strategy to encourage women and those from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and bring to a future meeting for review. |
4. | York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Report |
The meeting received the draft for the York and North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership Safer Roads Strategy, for their feedback and comments.
The draft Strategy was produced in conjunction with partners and presented an opportunity to re-brand and re- energise the work of the partnership.
The meeting agreed an educational piece regarding the number of accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles was required. There is already national information available from forums such as the National Safe Bikes Group that could be adopted for our local requirements.
The meeting asked if funding could be made available for this work.
ACTIONS · MP to bring proposals to resource initiatives regarding accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles to a future meeting. |
5. | NYP Items |
a. Early Action Together
The meeting received a verbal progress update against the timeline of delivery on the four key Early Action Together workstreams which include customer contact, intelligence, place-based and pathways projects.
The meeting asked if an assessment could be made to determine whether timelines could be brought forward for business cases to be presented to the Executive Board ahead of schedule.
b. Control Strategy
The meeting received a verbal progress update on the four control strategy themes for North Yorkshire Police.
c. NYP Priority Areas of Work |
The meeting received an update on the Police Service Priorities 2020/21, including: partnerships & collaboration, recruitment, retention, inclusion and diversity, skills and leadership programme, embedding Enable, financial and business planning, change and benefits management and business change. | |
6. | Enable Items |
a. York Area Estates Plan
The meeting received a verbal update on the progress of York Area Estates Planning.
The steering group has now been set up and the purpose agreed as the provision of collective assurance for the Executive Board. The steering group will consider whether this project can be made affordable and establish stakeholder engagement and management.
ACTION · SGS to provide a more detailed progress update at the next meeting in June. |
7. | Commissioned Services |
The meeting received an update on Commissioning Services, including income generation, key OPFCC priorities for 2021/22, UKAS accreditation, diversion services and an overview of the service for young people within domestic abuse households.
To assist with planning going forward, some dedicated resource in relation to data analysis for the OPFCC was currently being organised. |
8. | Executive Board Terms of Reference |
The meeting received a progress update on the Executive Board Terms of Reference.
A distinction had been made in terms of those in attendance and those who were the decision-makers of this forum. The meeting agreed that the new deadline for papers to be submitted would be midday on the Thursday before each meeting. Therefore, all future papers will be required by midday on the Thursday before each meeting otherwise they would be circulated as a late paper. |
9. | Any Other Business |
There being no further business, PA declared the meeting closed. |
10. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 29 June 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams |