Executive Board Minutes – 25 November 2014
MEETING: Executive Board
DATE: Tuesday 25th November 2014
TIME: 09:00 – 13:00
LOCATION: Conference Room 1, North Yorkshire Police HQ, Newby Wiske
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire (Chair)
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable (CC) of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC for North Yorkshire
Will Naylor (WN) Commissioner’s Chief of Staff
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Michael Porter (MP) Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer
Donald Stone (DS) Acting Head of Organisation & Development
Charlotte Clarke (CC) Deputy Force Solicitor – Legal & Compliance Services (Representing Jane Wintermeyer)
Lisa Matthews (LM) CEO’s Personal Assistant (Minutes)
Apologies Received:
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) of North Yorkshire Police
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Acting Head of Legal Services
Matters Discussed:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
642 | A.) MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGThe Minutes of the previous meeting, dated Tuesday 28th October 2014, were approved for publication with minor amendments, as discussed at the meeting.
B.) ACTION LOGThe Action Log was amended with relevant updates. |
643i | A.) Performance Update PresentationIt was explained that the Force is currently considering all recruitment to posts given that a number of change proposals are live. Permanent posts will be considered as redeployment opportunities for members of staff whose jobs are at risk. Specialist or urgent roles will be progressed. | Action – HR are to be asked to reword the ‘Recruitment Freeze’ as ‘Temporary Hold’ within the Performance Update pack.
09:40 – Jenni Newberry (JN) and Leanne McConnell (LMc) entered the meeting. |
643ii | B.) Victims Referral to Support Services PresentationJN gave a presentation around Victims Referral to Support Services delivery model options and progress to date. It was agreed that NYP will continue with the contract currently held with the Regional Victims Care Unit until April 2015, at which time a local service will be utilised rather than those that operate on a regional basis. This will also provide NYP with a local link into the workings of Investigation Hubs, as these will be operational by April 2015. Liaisons are to take place with the Protecting Vulnerable People departments in relation to these services to develop integrated pathways. | Action – An update presentation around Victims Referral to Support Services is to provided to the Executive Group in January 2015. This will be forwarded to all members of the Executive Board. Action – JN and LMc are to be invited back to the Executive Group on 14th January 2015. A Decision Notice is to be prepared for presentation at this meeting. Further information is required in relation to ‘Track My Crime’; while the costs required in relation to this are not high, the Executive Board may be approached for further funding in this area. It was noted that ‘Track My Crime’ will not be a replacement for Officers personally updating victims on the progress of the investigation into the offence committed against them, but will allow members of the public to follow the progress as appropriate. Action – Further information is to be sourced in relation to ‘Track My Crime’, such as what this involves and opportunities for cost-sharing. Action – A Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Group update thematic is to be provided. This is scheduled for presentation in March 2015. 11am – Jenni Newberry and Leanne McConnell left the meeting. |
673a | Robustness of Estimates & Adequacy of Financial Reserves MP gave an overview of the paper produced in relation to the robustness of Estimates and the adequacy of Financial Reserves. Discussions were held around the Precept; Income; Staff Pay Award; and Police Pay Budget, and how these will progress going forward. Reserve funds were also discussed. |
The challenges of balancing priorities within the Police & Crime Plan against the savings that must be made would be required. The level of Reserves, Technical Assumptions and Risk Appetite would be considered by the Affordability Delivery Group. These areas will be subject to Scenario Planning in March 2015 |
643iii | PEEL & CommunicationThe Board was advised that Tom Winsor is presenting a position report on 27th November 2014; the PEEL Reports will be issued on this same date. An embargoed version of the report will be issued to Chief Constables and PCCs on Wednesday 26th November 2014. | Action – Greig Tindall is to be liaised with in relation to HMIC communications; any practicalities are to be picked up by members of the Executive Board. |
643iv | MTFP – Quarterly ReportMP gave an overview of the Report. A detailed discussion on the funding and future budget position was held. | Action – The draft 2015/16 budget position is to be reviewed, with findings presented at the Executive Group scheduled for 16th December 2014. Action – The Budget Plan Update is to be added to the agenda for the Executive Group meeting scheduled for 16th December 2014. MP and JP are to be invited to this meeting. Action – Simon Mitchell of Accenture is to be invited to a suitable Executive Group meeting as one potential company NYP would like to explore delivery models with and have informal marketing discussions to ensure that needs of the organisation and local communities are being met. |
643v | Treasury Management – Quarterly ReportIt was advised that Treasury Management is currently operating in a satisfactory manner. One prudential indicator has been breached; however, this is acceptable as it cannot be met due to the low level of overall debt. | |
643vi | VettingA report considering the requirement to undertake vetting to the latest national standard was considered. It was agreed to increase resources by two posts to bring the vetting standard up to date and meet PSNP requirements. It was agreed to adopt cost recovery for vetting for contractors.The Decision Notice was approved. | |
643vii | Review of Financial RegulationsJM requested that documents such as these pertaining to reviews of Financial Regulations be forwarded to her prior to Executive Board meetings. It was highlighted that either the Commissioner or the Chief Constable make decisions, rather than the Executive Board as a whole, and Decision Notices need to reflect this.As NYP must demonstrate that the Force gets ‘value for money’, liaisons with the Procurement Team should always be carried out to ensure that the best route is followed.Reassurance and quality-checking should be incorporated into the current process. Methods of tracking these to ascertain their impact are to be included within standard internal control processes. | Action – Rewording of the Decision Notice is to be considered before this DN is returned to the PCC for signature. |
644 | The report was reviewed, with the following being added:
645 | MATTERS ARISING FROM CORPORATE PERFORMANCE & SCRUTINY GROUP | No items were raised for discussion. |
646 | CONCEPTS AND/OR INITIATIVES TO BE DISCUSSED | No items were raised for discussion. |
647 | NATIONAL OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENTS OR CONSULTATIONS | APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and CommunicationsThe report was noted Events LogThe Board noted this report. |
648 | FORTHCOMING EVENTS OR COMMUNICATIONS | No items were raised for discussion. |
650i | ComplaintsJM advised that a paper for consultation with a Disciplinary & Complaints Review is to be submitted in December 2014 and returned in January 2015. | |
680b | Operational Matters These were discussed with appropriate updating of current issues. |
680c | ‘Cuts Have Consequences’ DJ advised that there was a planned ‘Cuts Have Consequences’ campaign nationally. The North Yorkshire position financially have been articulated within the budget considerations for 2015/16. |
650ii | PIF BidsAction – A summary of all PIF Bids is to be forwarded to JP and all Heads of Department. | DS |
650iii | ProcurementAction – It is to be ascertained whether Regional Procurement have made progress in relation to the SME Policy. | JC |
651 | DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING | The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 9am on Tuesday 9th December 2014 in Conference Room 1, NYP Headquarters, Newby Wiske. |