Executive Board Minutes – 26 April 2022
Tuesday 26th April, 09:30 – 12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Foster (JF) – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Mabs Hussain (MH) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, enableNY Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services, Evolve Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY Tina James-McGrath – Office and Volunteer Manager (minutes)
Presenting: | Rena Brown (RB) – Portfolio Programme Manager, enableNY
Phil Whild (PW) – Area Manager and Director of Transformation, NYFRS Lindsey Butterfield (LB) – Acting Assistant Chief Constable, NYP Mark Bates (MB) – Business Insight Lead, enableNY
Guests: | N/A |
Apologies: | N/A |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received.
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 29 March 2022 & Action Log |
The minutes and action log of the previous meeting were noted and updated.
3. | NYP Items |
3a. Force Management Statement 4
3b. Officer Uplift – Allocation 3
Both items 3a and 3b were discussed together as linked. LW explained that MB was the author of the paper for this item and that ME would present. LW proceeded to then provide a brief overview of the background to this item, specifically in the adoption of a structured approach as advocated by Sir Tom Windsor and the ability to predict where possible, supply/demand to be able to match capacity. LW noted for the meeting that this year is particularly important given the upcoming HMICFRS PEEL Inspection. The Force Management Statement (FMS) 4 is currently being developed and this draft version is expected to be published w/c 9th May 2022 with a view to being finalised and published at the end of May 2022. LW detailed the key milestones to date in terms of the action plan timeline noting that ultimately, it is very difficult to predict supply/demand and match capacity.
SD raised the question of knowledge management for NYP in this undertaking. The meeting discussed how the issue of knowledge, horizon scanning and the ability to embed knowledge within the organisation. The meeting further expanded upon the difference between operational intelligence, business intelligence and the Home Office interpretation of intelligence.
The meeting expanded upon the prediction of demand/supply to include investment in prevention and how the decision is taken in regards to meeting demand versus investing in prevention. It was recognised by the Board that immediate/reactive demand has to be serviced but at the same time, investment in prevention is necessary and supported by working alongside of partners in terms of prevention and early intervention. This is further impacted by the ability to understand the whole picture where historically there have been areas where data to assist in such analysis was not recorded.
The meeting discussed the upcoming publication of the Police & Crime Plan along with the Fire & Rescue Plan in relation to a greater degree of alignment with the FMS along with a discussion regarding collaboration principles which potentially requires further input at this time.
ACTION: The final FMS4 to be presented at the 7th June EB for information following LW sign-off.
3c. Force Control Room: · FCR Gold Meeting Update · FCR Extraordinary Funding Underspend
LB provided an update to the meeting in terms of the current position regarding North Yorkshire Force Control Room (FCR) performance and in comparison, the national picture. It was noted within this update that the local NY picture continued to see an increase in demand as seen throughout the pandemic. LB detailed the challenges of this increase in demand and steps being taken to address these challenges, including the current recruitment campaign that was currently underway with two training courses due to be held in June. In addition to the recruitment campaign, the call for help from existing staff members had been a great success with 180 individuals offering support to the FCR team.
All things considered, LB was presenting the papers and update today to request approval for additional funds to support the activity noted above in terms of the recruitment specifically.
ZM stated this was positive news and the request for NYP to draw down the remaining£71K, which was initially approved in the July 2021 EB, was approved.
The meeting noted that there were some challenges in terms of comparative services and pay structures where other organisations paid higher salaries and this impacted the appeal of the vacancies within NY FCR.
CB highlighted that whilst the improvement to response times for 999 calls had been noted within the meeting, there was also an improvement in response times to calls into 101. LB explained that moving forward, some of these calls could be addressed by the use of services via Single Online Home for NYP but currently, the FCR team did not have the capacity to manage this route into/out of FCR. The meeting discussed this in detail and LB noted for the minutes that with the progress made to date, it was hoped NYP would be in a stronger position in relation to the Right Care Right Person pilot which was currently being organised.
ACTION: LB to draft a slide reflecting the above FCR update to the upcoming PAM meeting 24th May 2022.
Break | |
4. | enableNY Items |
4a. Quarterly updates on service delivery for Fire and Police Services including: – Focus on Transformational Change Management
– Projects by Exception
ZM welcomed RB to the meeting by way of introduction to Item 4a.
RB provided background in brief to this paper to put the current position into context for meeting attendees. RB noted specifically that this document would be circulated quarterly to include NYP projects and the PPMO workstream. Governance reporting has changed and support is sort for the new format of the document with all feedback welcomed accordingly.
RB proceeded to progress with an update to the meeting regarding the information contained within the new report. In addition to the general update, RB provided an overview of the revised approach for those key areas discussed and included the rationale for any changes made.
RB confirmed that benefits management remains at the heart of the entire remodelled framework which has already undergone a level of auditing receiving positive feedback so far in relation to the changes made. The vacancy for a Benefits Manager remains open and may require a review and update to the job description – this outstanding vacancy has been noted as a risk.
Further, RB provided an update in relation to the Change Pipeline 2022/23 which RB confirmed has been reviewed, priorities determined, and the overall Pipeline having been agreed with the Senior Responsible Officers. RB noted for the record this pipeline had also been impacted by the levels of resource available.
ZM thanked RB for the comprehensive presentation and opened the meeting to questions. A number of questions were posed by attendees including: further expansion of determination of categories and the process followed; Relocation of services where co-location was being considered and where this factored on the programme of work; FRS transformation programme.
ACTION: RB to clarify governance in relation to the FRS transformation programme and to then be added into the Change Pipeline 2022/23.
RB in conclusion provided an update in relation to the Project Status report detailing status and progress of those ongoing projects listed, project closures and milestones.
ACTION: RB to submit a paper for approval in relation to the current VRI project.
ZM thanked RB for the comprehensive update and opened the meeting for any comments in relation to the reworked report. The report was agreed as well received and welcomed in terms of the level of detail and the impact this would have moving forward in assisting the Executive Board decision making mechanism.
4b. enableNY Business Benefits Review Scope
ZM invited RW to provide an update to the meeting in relation to the enableNY Business Benefits Review scope.
RW provided the meeting with a brief overview of the next steps required by the Collaboration Steering Group being determined as the requirement for a scoping document which would both bring together evidence to be provided to Executive Board along with assisting with the provision of evidence to HMICFRS in terms of the questions posed regarding the enableNY model.
MP noted that a meeting had been held with HMICFRS to discuss the enableNY model specifically as a result of which it had become apparent that HMICFRS would require additional support/evidence to better understand the enableNY model.
SD confirmed his support for the scoping document in line with discussions held within the Collaboration Steering Group given the level of scrutiny this collaboration was currently being subjected to.
LW supported the comments made by all which was to be further discussed at the exceptional meeting due to take place accordingly.
RW confirmed that additional work with HMICFRS was required to assist them with their understanding and he would now engage as appropriate with them to progress this in a proactive manner.
4c. York Estates Development Plan Options Appraisals Paper ZM noted this item has been removed from today’s agenda and will be presented at a future Executive Board meeting.
ACTION: York Estates Development Plan Options Appraisals Paper to be added to EB Forward Plan for future meeting.
5. | Break (this was taken earlier in the meeting) |
6. | NYFRS Items |
6a. Risk and Resource Model Proposals Paper
PW provided an update to the meeting in relation to the current status of this paper. PW noted the hard work and efforts afforded by all those involved explaining that it was now felt the paper was ready to be progressed to next steps of publication and public consultation, with a proposed date for consultation launch of 23rd May 2022.
PW further explained that Appendix B attached detailed the steps in relation to the internal consultation to be undertaken with a number of key activities lined up to engage with staff accordingly.
In summary, approval for the paper to be taken to public consultation was being sought today along with internal staff consultation.
SD noted one observation at this time regarding the collegiate and collaborative approach taken by all colleagues involved and how well everyone had worked together on this paper which had formed the basis for ways of working especially given current events in North Yorkshire surrounding the RAF Linton-on-Ouse situation.
ZM supported SD’s comments and approved the request to take the Risk and Resource Model Proposal Paper to public consultation.
6b. HMICFRS Update
JD provided a brief summary noting that greater feedback is required in terms of organisation learning.
7. | OPFCC Items
7a. Commissioned Services Update
JN noted for the meeting that in terms of the strategic commissioning plan, this would be aligned to the Police & Crime Plan and the Fire & Rescue Plan and the final version would be drafted for presentation at Executive Board 7th June 2022.
The victim support centre continues to be on track for UCAS accreditation.
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy launch planned for w/c 13th June 2022, to be brought to Executive Board next month. Delivery against the VAWG Strategy will be monitored via a bi-annual board which is due to be set up – details yet to be determined.
8. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
CB provided the meeting with an update in relation to the Forward Plan and future agenda items/deadlines.
JF raised a query regarding the Public Safety Service and current status – CB will review status and TT will review governance.
The meeting asked for all future proposed agenda items to be sent to: [email protected] so they can be added to the Forward Plan.
9. | Any Other Business |
9a. Linton-on-Ouse Home Office Asylum Seeker Reception Facility
SD noted thanks for support to date across the board in terms of the ongoing RAF Linton-on-Ouse situation which ZM fully agreed with.
9b. Immediate Detriment Update
SD noted for the meeting that a Decision Notice was due to be published in relation to this matter this week.
9c. Homicide Funding – Request for Proposals
SD explained that the Home Office has released funding for those P(F)CC areas without a VRU and that the deadline for any application for this funding is 24th April 2022. Plans were in place for NY to submit a bid.
Finally, ZM noted her appreciation and thanks for all the past input received from Maria Earles, Jonathan Foster and Phil Whild and wished them well for their future.
10. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 7th June 2022, 09:00 – 13:30, via Microsoft Teams