Executive Board Minutes – 26 January 2016
Record of Meeting
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 26th January 2016, 09.30 – 11.30
Location: Room 2, Evolution Business Centre, County Business Park, Northallerton, DL6 2NQ
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of NYP
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Minutes)
Items and Decisions:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
759 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd December were approved for publication |
760 | Decisions Required | |
760a | Vulnerability – Analysis, Demand and Resourcing – Report: PK gave an overview of the matters included in the Vulnerability – Analysis, Demand and Sourcing Report. The benefits of the proposals included were outlined including the fact that investment in this area was proportionate to meet demand. The Board were further reassured that the proposals would not have an impact on Neighbourhood Policing and that the costs would align with the work being undertaken as part of the Affordability Programme. A discussion took place around the wider strategic plan to ensure there was a suitable HR Plan as well as a full understanding of how this proposal might impact more widely on the organisation as well as the Affordability Programme. The operational aspects of the report were agreed and it was decided that those particular proposals could be actioned. Further discussion at Executive Group on 2nd February 2016 would be required to ensure the figures and HR plan were fully scrutinised. |
Operational elements approved with the agreement that there will be further discussion required around the strategic plans. KB to invite MP and Rosie Holmes to Executive Group on 2nd February 2016. |
760b | Policing the Roads Strategy – Report: TM gave an overview of the matters included in the Policing the Roads Strategy Report and additional documents. The benefits of the proposals included were outlined including an assurance that there would be no impact on the budget due to funding being provided from elsewhere including the National Driver Offending Retraining Scheme (NDORS). It was further highlighted that the reduction in fatal figures could be attributed, in part, to the investment that has already been made in this area. A discussion took place around the specific proposals which included community speed watch and further investment in Safety Camera Vans. It was agreed that these two specific areas would need to be included within two separate Decision Notices for approval. It was further agreed that the Reports before the Board at this meeting would need to be amended to include a reference to the OPCC’s Road Safety Survey. WN advised that the Safety Camera Van report was now being looked at by the Traffic Bureau to ensure that all the figures were now correct. It was agreed that in terms of both reports, there needed to be a consideration of the wider context which includes serious injury and not just fatal collisions. It was further agreed that the Safety Camera Van report would cover a period of 2 years up until the financial year 2015/16. |
Two Decision Notices are to be submitted for approval, one in relation to Community Speedwatch, the other in relation to the investment in Safety Camera Vans. This will be completed outside Executive Board due to the timeframes involved. Amendments to be made to the Reports to include reference to the OPCC’s Road Safety Survey. The separate Safety Camera Van report to be amended to include information for two financial years up to and including the year 2015/16. |
760c | Precept – Decision Notice: The Decision Notice was noted by the Board, as the contents of the Decision Notice had been fully explored previously, a summary was not provided. It was agreed that there would need would need to be an agreed communication. |
The Decision Notice was approved subject to amendments to the figures on the first page to make it clear how many individuals had voted in favour of the 1.99% increase. Arrangements to be made to ensure there is communication at the time of publication. |
760d | Treasury Management Report – Quarter Ended 31 December 2015 – Report: The report was noted by the Board. JC indicated that there needed to an understanding around the development of investments in pension funds. It was agreed that JP would compile a summary of current guidance on the issue after the final accounts had been finalised. |
JP to include a summary of current position around the investments in pension funds as part of the Final Accounts paper. |
760e | Medium-Term Financial Plan Update – Report: MP gave an overview of the Medium-Term Financial Plan which included an overview of the planning and funding assumptions and updates around the affordability programme. It was specifically highlighted that at this stage, it is still unknown how the transformational fund will be accessed or allocated and that there is still a lack of clarification in relation to the Police Share of the £1bn costs for Emergency Services Network (ESN or sometimes also known as Emergency Services Mobile Communications Projects – ESMCP). A discussion took place around the content of the report, in particular the significant change of financial position since the last report to the Board in November 2015. It was accepted by the Board that there are still a number of unknown factors which includes the impact of the funding formula review and the levels of top slicing. Further discussion to take place at Executive Group on 2nd February 2016 in relation to the specifics around the overall impact of investment. This is to include the full breakdown of figures in relation to the number of police officers and police staff budgeted for. |
KB to invite MP to Executive Group on 2nd February 2016. |
761 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | |
761 | Decision-Making Forecast Status Update: Discussions took place around matters to be raised at future meetings of the Executive Board. |
Amendments to be made to the Decision-Making Forecast. Due to national obligations, arrangements to be made to re-organise February’s Executive Board. |
762 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board The future administration of Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board is to be considered in terms of it being cost effective. ME advised that work was ongoing in this area and that the Board would be advised accordingly in due course. |
ME to continue work on establishing the best venue and way of administering Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board |
763 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
763a | APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications: DJ discussed the updates received at the last NPCC meeting. A discussion took place around current developments and the impact that would have in North Yorkshire. This included a discussion around the Police and Criminal Justice Bill which is due before Parliament on 10/02/16. JC provided an update on the consultations and advised that responses to both the ‘Complaints about Police and Crime and Commissioners’ and ‘Reforming the Independent Police Complaints Commission: structure and governance’ where being compiled ready for submission. |
763b | Events: The Report was noted. The Board was advised of any amendments and additional events. |
JP to be recorded as attending the Women’s Chief Officer Network meeting in London on 4th February 2016 and The Future of Emergency Services Collaboration Event in London to be added for February 23 with an indication of JC’s attendance. |
764 | Forthcoming Events or Communications No matters were raised for discussion. |
765 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception A discussion took place around the current Freedom of Information Act requests and how to process them including how to process those received through social media. It was agreed that there needed to be a formal force policy around this issue. |
A force policy around the use of social media for Freedom of Information requests to be considered and drafted. |
766 | Any Other Business. LW provided the Board with a ‘Key Communication Announcements – Draft Plan’. A discussion took place around its contents and amendments were agreed. |
LW to complete agreed amendments to communications plan and circulate to members of the board for approval. |
767 | Date & Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at a time and date to be decided. |