Executive Board Minutes – 26 May 2015
Record of Meeting
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 26 May 2015, 09:00
Location: The George Hudson Boardroom, West Offices Station Rise, York
Chair: PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jane Palmer (JP) CFO to the Chief Constable / Chief Accountant
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Richard Flint (RF) Head of Estates, Logistics and Technology
Debbie Allinson (DA) Senior Support Officer to the CEO (Minutes)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) of NYP
Michael Porter (MP) Chief Finance Officer (CFO) to the PCC
Items and Decisions:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
702 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 28th April 2015, were discussed and approved for publication. The Action Log was updated accordingly. | |
703 | Decisions Required | |
703a | Solberge Considerations: Discussion took place in relation to the sale of the Solberge site including Solberge Cottage. Assurances have been provided by the Commissioner’s Chief Fiance Officer that value for money has been achieved via the disposal approach recommended. | The Decision Notice was approved, subject to re-drafting in relation to reference being included that this is a dog kennelling facility |
703b | Alverton Court: Richard Flint provided a presentation to the Board which detailed the proposal to purchase new HQ premises in Northallerton. Discussion took place regarding the purchase of these premises in relation to the wider Estates Strategy and operational requirements, opportunities to transform organisational working and helping achieve the significant future savings required. | The Decision Notice was approved to purchase Alverton Court, subject to due diligence and the budget was approved which includes costs associated with the re-locations that will result from the closure of the current Headquarters. The Decision Notice is subject to slight re-drafting by WN & LW to reflect future requirements and the financial figures are to be re confirmed by JP as a number of schemes are already approved. |
703c | Estates Strategy: Discussion took place around the refreshed Estates Strategy. The refreshed Strategy aims to meet future operational need and promote partnership, mobile and agile working. Financial assumptions have been agreed as part of the Affordability Group to estimate the future costs and savings within the Strategy. Assurances were provided by both Chief Finance Offices that delivery of the Strategy will provide Value for Money and will aid in delivering the significant savings required. JM requested that future requirements must analyse demand to inform how we deliver local policing services and consider opportunities for digitalisation and community engagement to inform later phases. | The Decision Notice was approved, with the caveats that comments are provided by JC and JP which focus on the key principles of the initial phases of the Strategy and supporting delivery plan. JW to Prepare a Publication Strategy to align with delivery of each phase of the Estates Strategy. For each phase, a Decision Notice is to be brought back to Executive Board for approval with a detailed Communications Plan. |
703d | Affordability Group Report: The Executive Board was asked to consider the content of the report. A further update on Affordability will be provided as part of the report on the Medium Term Finance Plan in July 2015. | The report was noted. JP to provide a copy of the latest Reserves position to those members meeting with HMIC at the forthcoming PEEL Inspection. |
704 | Decisions and Delegated Matters to Note | |
704a | Decision-Making Forecast Status UpdateThe Status Update was discussed. | DA to advise the Police and Crime Panel that the new Decision Making Forecast will be available on the OPCC website. |
704b | List of Pending or In-Progress Decision Notices The report was noted. |
705 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board Discussion took place regarding how outputs from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny & Delivery Board and business planning are reported to Executive Board. |
ME to ensure outputs from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny & Delivery Board and business planning are fed into Executive Board as appropriate. |
706 | National or Local Developments or Consultations Discussion surrounding the city region concept and how this may affect areas such as North Yorkshire took place. Consideration was given to engagement with the LGA to understand their position. | |
706a | APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and CommunicationsThe report was noted. | |
706b | Events The Events Log was noted. |
707 | Forthcoming Events or Communications DJ advised the Board of the anticipated content of the Queen’s Speech which is due to be given on 27th May 2015.WN advised that the National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) are currently undertaking a national survey which closes on 25th June 2015. 31 forces are signed up to the NRCN along with other agencies.LW provided an updated on the Public Roadshows that will be hosted by the Commissioner and Chief Officers from the beginning June.JM noted that she will attend the launch of the Committee on Standards of Public Life on Monday 29th June 2015. |
708 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception | |
709 | Any Other Business (AOB) | |
710 | Date & Time of Next MeetingThe Executive Board will next meet at 9am on Tuesday 22nd June 2015 in Conference Room 1, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske. |