Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 26 May 2020


Tuesday 26th May 2020 09:30-12:30 

Via Microsoft Teams

Present: Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Will Naylor (WN) – Deputy North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable

Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Sharon Caddell (SC) – Temporary Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police

Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor

Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police

Claire Lister – (CL) – Head of Human Resources

Amanda Bowers (Exec Assistant) – Interim Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (minutes)

Apologies: None



Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  Attendance and no apologies are noted above.
2/3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 30th April 2020 & Action Log
  The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting, except for the following amends: JM to streamline minutes with Exec Assistant for April.

AB – Asked for accuracy in Section 7 to be amended to – 95% up from 82% available and 46/46 engines instead of 42/42

Exec Assistant to make amends.


Matters Arising & Action Log Updates

JM ran through the entire Action Log in the meeting.

Ø  Action 1 Outcomes Tracker: Action completed included in May’s Agenda.

Ø  Action 2: Ingleton & Bentham: RW updated and confirmed this will be looked into later in the year, due to Covid 19.

Ø  Action 3: Fire and Rescue Governance Structure: JM and SD to pick up.

Ø  Action 4: Major Crime Unit: MW confirm if this will be ready for discussion at June EB.

Ø  Action 5: Ops Update Covid-19:  Action completed Annette Anderson (AA) confirmed circulated diagram structure after last EB to the board.

Ø  Action 6: Transfer 2020 & TOM:  JM action needs rewording as more a wider point then specific ‘mobile working model’. MP on WFH Allowance – nothing to update at present but made board aware Durham and South Yorkshire FRS have started paying the allowance to staff.

Ø  Action 7: Precept 2019/20 Underspend:  JM action needs rewording as more a wider point then specific. JM requested of MP that Jenni Newberry should be brought into this conversation.

Ø  Action 8: NYFRS RRM:  Action completed and included in May’s Agenda.

Ø  Action 9: Enable Legal Protocols: Action completed included in May’s Agenda.

4. Outcomes Tracker:
  SC presented Tracker to board which is being developed, and clarified this tracker is specific to Police activities at this current time.


Thomas Thorp (TT) to be acknowledged and credited for work on the spreadsheet to date.


SC brought to the board members attention the tracker has a second overview tab to view more detail which is populated. Shows outputs, short, medium, and long-term outcomes, indicators, measures and data source. These all help calculate confidence ratings against Police and Crime Plan.


SC pointed out piece of work behind this is fully populating live info and that the presented version of the tracker is not fully up to date at this EB but will be in future.


LW query on how the tracker is going to capture CJ, Partnerships and Commissioning services. SC confirmed ambition to have it all included but will take this away to investigate.


JM comments:

·        Panel may have issues with tracker so need to think about managing that.

·        Possible to have a read across between HMICFRS – should be linked.

·        Tracker is a Statutory Document, and it is important to get done, so how is populating and maintaining information going to happen?


SC said TT has assured the OPFCC has adequate resources available to do this.

ME also confirmed HMICFRS comes via services delivery plan, and hopes to try minimising need for additional resources, will get a proper feel for tracker when put into practice.


ME will complete a corporate health check and will link in with PC outside of EB.


JM request the board to think about a mature approach to issues as they develop as opposed to reacting to a crisis and thanked SC for presenting the tracker and everyone else who has worked on it OPFCC and NYP.

5. Enable Protocols:
  RW said previous NYP and NYFRS models no longer support Enable, but the policy and procedures in the previous models have no need to change, other than exceptions to current rules. Due to regular consultations with JM, SD, SC, MP, MC and Chiefs, the report is more streamlined.


Apology to be noted for section 1.2 – OPFCC will be added, RW will amend section to reflect this.


Pointed out 2.1 – Overarching Principles are important and RW confirmed these will annually be reviewed to make sure fit for purpose.


RW said they are introducing new ways of liaising for Service Recipients to Enable Services through single points of contact going forward.


Sched 6 Governance structure now evolved to accommodate Enable. 6.4 – Terms of Reference in the governance structure, RW noted some are only published on intranet sites, not internet. RW conducting review on this to improve visibility and accountability.


Financial Service Schedule – RW pointed out cost sharing ratio still under discussion. The 20/21 ratio has been established at 80-20 as a starting point.


JM thanked to RW for creating a report that was readable and easy to understand.


AB queried distribution of staff and asked if it will look odd for FRS employed staff do more work for NYP in Enable? RW pointed out this is a culture question and a challenge which will take time for people to see themselves working for Enable rather than for NYP, NYFRS or OPFCC.

JM agreed a critical point which relates to the employer/reporting structure.


RW said going forward recruitment will be badged under Enable, noting that individuals will be paid by one organisation, but their role will service all three.

6. People Services Re-Modelling:
  JM welcomed CL to her first EB since joining Enable four months ago.


CL went through presentation with board members covering the following:

·        Timeline and phases of re-modelling process

·        Factors influencing proposed changes

·        Where we are vs where we need to be

·        Proposed ‘to be’ Operating Model

·        Proposed ‘to be’ People Services Management Team structure


CL noted currently there is a very Traditional HR set up for both forces an identified a need for long term strategic plans to change this.

Acknowledged individuals from both services are not fully utilised for expertise and wants HR to be initiators of change. Workforce to be more pragmatic in approach focussing on people service delivery rather than process and procedure.


CL asked the board to discuss today where should H&S sit?


The Board noted that for the wider organisation it could be more difficult to move away from transactional HR approach – what needs to be done to change this.

CL said this would factor into their overall people strategy over a timeframe’s of 12/18 months. Upskilling managers is vital for change in order for line managers to be more self-sufficient from a HR perspective.


PC thanked CL for work which outlines aspirations of organisations.

H&S and OP Training – Police will review this with ACC’s and H&S board to determine where best this department fits.

CL, ME, JF and PC to pick up separately from EB to discuss further H&S.


CL asked if board is happy with model so she can go and consult further. JM, AB and LW all confirmed their support of the model.

7. NYFRS Risk & Resource Model
  AB provided brief update on the report which is a high-level resource plan setting out key areas that NYFRS will need resourcing.


AB announced there is a full-time vacancy for Programme Manager for RRM and work with him on Ambition 2025. RW and ME to identify a professional to be put in the role who already has the skills required for the job.


In the meantime, JF, Phil Whild (PW) and Jonathan Dyson (JD) are developing their project initiation documents that comprise that programme and show where details of resource requirement will come from, most resources expected to be from NYFRS, Finance, HR, ICT. This resource will initially be sourced from within NYFRS but external organisations and options may be considered.

8. NYFRS Recruitment – WFF 2020/2021
  CL presented paper created by Lynne Elliott – NYFRS HR Manager outlining the learning from the last Wholetime Fire Fighter recruitment.  Document is for information purposes only, there are no decisions required from the board.


CL clarified for financial planning purposes the next recruitment date of 5th April 2021.


CL added a review of recruitment imagery will be undertaken in a move to attract more women into NYFRS.


JF agreed with CL and JM’s views for females joining NYFRS, adding he’s assessing the estate to accommodate diversity which will be presented at a future EB.

9. A.O.B
  ·        Corporate Communications Lead: ME informed board has been filled by Maeve Chappell who has started today. ME will introduce her to Stephen Naylor.

·        Baby Thorp: SC let the board know OPFCC’s Policy and Scrutiny Manager Tom Thorp and his wife welcomed a baby boy on Thursday 21st May 2020.

·        Cases Update: PC updated on a few legal cases – Harrogate Police Accident Settlement been authorised for JW to settle which will be a 6-figure settlement. Also hopeful for the offer to be accepted by Dog Section Unit for settlement in relation to that case as well.

·        SC’s New Job Role: SC congratulated by JM for being appointed Interim Chief Executive for Durham PCC which she will begin at the end of June. JM wanted to formally record thanks to SC for all her work at the OPFCC which has been much appreciated. SC thanked the board for their well wishes and has thoroughly enjoyed working with them all.

10 Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting:
  Tuesday 30th June 2020, 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams.