Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 26 November 2013

Minutes of the meeting held at Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske on Tuesday 26 November 2013.

In the Chair: Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD); Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).
Minute taker: Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


Apologies were received from the Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); and Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW).


  1. Subject to 3 amendments the minutes of the Executive Board held on 12 November 2013 were approved as a true record for publication. In relation to minute 239 JM confirmed that the Head of Partnership and Commissioning would be attending the Home Office ‘Innovation Through Policing’ summit on 10 December 2013.
    ACTION: In relation to minute 240(3) TM will identify and follow up any outcomes from the NYCC Troubled Families evaluation.
  2. The minutes of the Executive Board held on 19 November 2013 were approved as a true record for publication. SD confirmed that all actions which he is leading are being progressed. JP received confirmation for CPOSA 2014 insurance arrangements.


  1. Airborne Date Link (Discussion paper): The Board discussed the Home Office Airborne Data Link (ADL) initiative that will provide live video downlink from NPAs aircraft to police commanders.
    ACTION: DJ to respond to the Home Office letter 5 November 2013 agreeing to receive the specified equipment and services from the Home Office;
    ACTION: The project team to continue working with the Home Office and its suppliers to identify in-house costs and resource requirements;
    ACTION: Progress to Decision Notice once cost have been established, to be scheduled for the Executive Board on 4 February 2013.
  2. Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panel (Decision Notice 080): The Board approved the decision notice subject to the following amendments:
    • To include reference to the Community Remedy initiative at the list of bullet points in paragraph 1.3;
    • Amend the confidentiality process in paragraph 2.9
    • To include specific reference to the HMRC mileage rate of 45p per mile in Appendix A;
    • To avoid any individuals being discounted, that the decision notice is clear that individuals interested in the post of independent chair do not have to a background in the criminal justice system.
    • Provision for allowances will be made from the OPCC budget. The OPCC will provide the advert, application and recruitment process for appointing the panel chair.

      ACTION: That the finalised decision notice be submitted directly to JM for approval.

  3. Replacement for NSPIS Duties, HR and Training Admin System (Report for a Decision): This report sought approval to progress the procurement and implementation of an Origin HR, Duties Management and Training Admin system. The Board discussed several elements of the report, most notably:
    • JP asked if there will be provision for audit checks. TM advised that audit checks will be provided in house from the team with some additional checks by Internal Audit. This led JP to ask if the current provision of audit days from Internal Audit is sufficient, to which GM responded that there is a report due to the Executive Board on 17 December recommending an uplift;
    • JP confirmed that she is working through the costs and will provide a summary for the Executive Board on 3 December 2013.
    • The Board agreed that due to the capital spend required and of being significant public interest that a decision notice should be submitted to JM for approval and publication. Due to time restraints the Board agreed that the data cleansing element of the process could be commenced, but no other action until the decision notice has been submitted and approved;

    ACTION: Decision Notice to be submitted directly to JM for approval and publication (lead JP);
    ACTION: JP to provide an assessment of the costs to the Executive Board on 3 December 2013;
    ACTION: That table two at paragraph 2.2.4 is checked for accuracy (Lead JP);
    ACTION: That an internal communications plan is developed (Lead LW (WN to inform LW);
    ACTION: That the findings of the Origin POC; the recommendation to proceed to implementation of Origin based on the Staffordshire Police model; and the risks of not migrating the current NSPIS system to the latest Origin platform and hardware are noted;
    ACTION: That the necessary capital spend in order to implement the full migration of NSPIS HR, Duties and Training Admin to the Origin system and the associated ongoing revenue costs are approved.


  1. Delegated Decisions: GM confirmed that since the last report he and The Head of Workforce Support Services are ensuring the Single Tender Action process is effective and ensuring all delegated decisions are captured. JP advised that a list of decisions will be provided for publication, due in January 2014.
  2. Decision Making Forecast: The current version will be circulated to Executive Board members following the meeting.


Performance Report: JM noted the increase in complaints and requested an analysis. TM confirmed that the Professional Standards Department provides a monthly breakdown which will be scheduled for the next meeting of the CPCG.

JP provided a report identifying potential one off (non revenue recurring) initiatives. Some initiatives were highlighted in green which were proposed to be progressed in the current financial year. With the exception of 2 initiatives which require further clarification, the green initiatives were approved. JM requested that OPCC attendance at events such as the Great Yorkshire Show are considered for 2013/14.

ACTION: Initiatives to be progressed for 2013/14 (Lead JP).


Commissioning Bidding Process – Assessment: GM updated the Board that following the Multi Agency Event on 24 October 2013, the notes from the event and a draft commissioning approach will be circulated to partners under a covering letter from the OPCC. Further work will then be required regarding the technical aspects of the commissioning.


JM advised that the Victims Code will be going live on 11 December 2013 and requested to be copied into any responses by NYP for the implementation of the Victims Commissioning initiative.


The next meeting will take place at 9am on Tuesday 03 December 2013 at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Harrogate.