Executive Board Minutes – 26 September 2023
26.09.23 Briefing room – Harrogate Police Station 08:30 – 12:00
Attending: | Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Mabs Hussain (MH) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Tamara Pattinson (TP) – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC Jenni Newberry (JN) – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Mathew Walker (MW) – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Lisa Stitt (LS) – Assistant Chief Officer, EnableNY Claire Godfrey (CG) – Chief Accountant NYP Charlotte Clarke (CC) – Deputy Force Solicitor NYP – Evolve Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, EnableNY Sarah Davies (SJD) – Executive Assistant OPFCC (secretariat) |
Presenting: | |
Guests: | |
Apologies: | Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS
Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Force Solicitor & Head of Legal Services |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
ZM welcomed the meeting and noted the apologies. | |
2. | Minutes |
Minutes from the July meeting were approved. There was no meeting in August. | |
3. | North Yorkshire Police |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
LW provided an update on the current and significant issues emerging. ZM thanked the team for the invite to the HMI presentation and feedback how impressive she found the session. b. For Information and Discussion i. COT minutes Due to the volume of minutes from the last two months and that members had the papers circulated to them in advance of the meeting, LW highlighted key areas from the COT meetings for members. A discussion was had regarding the volume of fatal Road Traffic Collisions in the County over the summer months and the well-being provisions in place for those who attend the fatal collisions. ii. Change Portfolio Finances MH provided members with an overview of the change pipeline financial profile and a summary of what has been managed through out Q1 and Q2 of 23/24. Discussions surrounding the estates projects were had with a request from SD that this was placed on the forward workplan so that members can revisit the topic and the PFCC be provided with regular updates as to the progress of Estates matters. A new head of Estates has been successfully recruited and a date of commencement in post will be announced in due course. Members discussed how it may be beneficial to have a full workshop across the Collaboration to discuss matters further once the new Head of Estates has completed a review. ZM and MH expressed thanks to those who have worked on the report and continue to work hard behind the scenes to ensure that everything stays on track. c. Decisions Required No items d. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions LW provided an overview of the paper circulated to members in advance of the meeting and provided an update of the progress being made in the milestones plan. ZM asked that a plan was brought to the Board detailing the plans for the future, post the inspection period. Both MH and LW reassured ZM that this was in place and that the improvements made would become part of normal everyday practice. LW extended an invite to the OPFCC to attend any of the NYP Governance meetings so that they could gain insight into how they operate. |
4. | North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
MW updated members regarding the RAAC and the Fire Service response to the matter. b. For Information and Discussion i. SLT minutes The minutes from the Senior Leadership Meetings in both July and August were discussed with the key points highlighted for members. c. Decisions required No items d. Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions MW provided members with a progress update in respect of HMICFRS. ZM asked that NYFRS take an action similar to that of NYP and provide a plan for the future and how the work being completed is embedded into the Service as business as usual. |
5. | enableNY |
a. Current and significant issues emerging
No items b. For Information and Discussion i. Support Services Report ii. Finance Protocol LS spoke to her reports which were circulated to members in advance of the meeting. Updates were provided in relation to Estates, Fleet and ICT. MP asked that there be a detailed report provided to him in respect of damage to police vehicles when protecting the public. A detailed discussion was had between members regarding the review of Enable North Yorkshire. It was agreed that the topic should be sent back to the Collaboration Steering Board meeting for further discussion outside of this meeting. ACTION – Enable North Yorkshire Review to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Collaboration Steering Board. c. Decisions required The item discussed in the section was private and subject to Legal Professional Privilege (LPP) |
6. | |
7. | Legal Services |
a. Updates
No items b. Collaboration agreement No items |
8. | Finance |
a. Updates
MP and ZM to have a meeting later today to discuss this agenda item. But it was noted that MP was content that the lines of communication were open across the Collaboration. |
9. | OPFCC |
a. Commissioning & Partnerships
JN briefly spoke to the papers submitted to members. The delay concerning the Victims Centre was discussed with an action for LS to provide further detail around why this has happened and to revert back with this information at the next meeting.
b. OPFCC updates An update was provided to the changes in OPFCC personnel. c. Devolution SD informed members that the Statutory Instrument has yet to be received which is now causing significant work for the teams both here and at the Local Enterprise Partnership, who are having to work closely together to prepare contingency plans. This is necessary to ensure that there is a resilient organisational design and that this is reflected in the constitution. The risks associated with the delay of the SI has been reflected on the OPFCC Risk Register MW informed members that this delay has left uncertainty for NYFRS after what was initially seen to be a very exciting prospect. The excitement has now shifted to concerns as there is less time to complete the work needed to get everyone across to the Mayoral Combined Authority. |
10. | Risks |
a. NYP
MH shared an overview of the NYP Risk Register with an update as to where the risks were and the changes within it. MH was confident that the work being completed was robust as the risks are considered in all relevant meetings and they reflect accuracy. b. NYFRS MW explained that correct access to the Risk Register system had been granted making the process easier. There were no further updates for the members. c. OPFCC SD provided a brief overview of the risks on the OPFCC Risk Register and highlighted the MCA ones. JN raised a concern that she needed to be involved with matters relating to Regional Procurement so that she understands the plans going forward as this does provide a Risk for the Commissioning and Partnership Team. LS agreed that JN would be kept informed. |
11. | Communications update/ Forward planning |
MCh gave a brief overview of the Communications plan between now and the next meeting. Including:
· Public Choice Awards · Black History Month · One Punch Campaign · Tilly’s Story – The Voice of a Victim · OP Vigilant · Chief Constable Engagement Sessions |
12. | PFCC – matters for discussion |
No items raised for this section. |