Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 27 April 2021


Tuesday 27 April 2021 09:30-12:30

Via Microsoft Teams 

Attending: Julia Mulligan (JM)              – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Simon Dennis (SD)  – Interim Chief Executive, OFPCC – Chair

Lisa Winward (LW)              – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Jonathan Foster (JF)            – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT)              – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Caroline Blackburn (CB)      – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Jenni Newberry (JN)            – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Ray Ward (RW)        – Managing Director, Enable

Maria Earles (ME)               – Head of Business Design and Assurance, Enable Jane Wintermeyer (JW)       – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor

Maeve Chappell (MCh)       – Corporate Communications Lead, Enable Michael Porter (MP)            – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Phil Cain (PC)                       – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, Enable

Ruth Warman                      – Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner in attendance (Exec Asst)

Presenting: Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, Enable Vicky Booty (VB)      – Benefits Manager Jonathan Dyson (JD)           – Director of Assurance Gordon McQueen (GM)     – Head of ICT

Phil Whild (PW)                   – Area Manager (Director of Capabilities), NYFRS

Apologies: Andrew Brodie (AB)            – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service



1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for AB.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 23 March 2021 & Action Log

The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated.


There was one matter arising about Public Safety Service. The meeting was asked for their view on partner feedback about the service from a recent workshop held with CCG and Local Authority Colleagues.


The meeting agreed to continue to engage with CCG colleagues, but also build a Business Case from a financial point of view on the Police and Fire Service that also embraced the RRM and EAT work.

3. NYFRS Items
  a.      PFCCFRA Corporate Governance Framework Refresh


The meeting received a refresh of the PFCCFRA Corporate Governance Framework. The changes highlighted in yellow had already been to Audit Committee and a Working Group held in March had also reviewed and made changes to the Framework, building in the importance of the government collegiate style and including the Fire and Rescue Service values, cross-referenced to preamble about what ethical good standard behaviour looks like.


As requested, the meeting noted the amendments to the Framework.


b.      NYFRS and NYP Armed Forces Covenant Proposal



The meeting received a presentation on a national initiative aimed at supporting serving and retired Armed Forces Personnel, and the benefits of this initiative to both the Fire and Police Services were outlined. The meeting was then asked to approve the Covenant.


Discussions took place in terms of the vulnerability of veterans, in particular, and whether this should feature more prominently in the Covenant.


The meeting was keen to support this initiative and asked that the decision to sign the Covenant be noted. They asked that the precise nature of how Police and Fire would support the Covenant going forward be determined with an emphasis upon the more vulnerable groups, and it was agreed that an action plan would be circulated to members for their comment.


c.       NYFRS Priority Areas of Work


The meeting received an outline of the key priorities for the forthcoming year for the Fire Service.


The meeting agreed cultural change to be featured on the priorities more, with a particular emphasis upon inclusion. The business planning element of these priorities are important, and more reference to the governance around the business planning to be made.


d.      Risk and Resource Model Update


The meeting received an update on the work that had been completed for the Risk and Resource Model.


A recent meeting with the Commissioner to review potential options had taken place, and the meeting agreed that, going forward, colleagues would be required to provide robust operational advice to the incoming Commissioner to assist in providing the strategic guidance required for this work.



·        Regarding the NYFRS and NYP Armed Forces Covenant Proposal, JF to circulate to the EB, action plan specifying how the Covenant will be supported.

4. NYP Items
  a.    NYP Priority Areas of Work


The meeting received an outline of the key priorities for the forthcoming year for the Police Service.


The meeting agreed that overall the priorities presented today for both the Fire and Police Services had been most informative and going forward the plan was to prepare a similar set of business priorities for the OPFCC to also blend with the incoming Commissioner’s priorities.


The meeting asked where the Control Strategy would sit within the priorities and agreed to a standing item at future meetings. It was also agreed that quarterly updates would be provided to EB on service delivery for both Police and Fire moving forwards.



·        Quarterly updates on service delivery for Fire and Police Services to be added to the Forward Plan.

5. Enable Items
  a.    Draft Benefits Framework


The meeting received a very clear outline of the proposed draft framework for benefits realisation and how this framework could be implemented across the Services.


  The meeting was asked to approve the draft framework as a concept in principle, on the understanding that any significant changes to it would be brought back to a future Executive Board meeting, for reconsideration.


The meeting agreed future key areas of focus would be how the framework translates to the front line and what it means in terms of service delivery to the public. For example, Master Classes could perhaps be organised across the right levels within the organisations.


The meeting also agreed that it would be worthwhile to investigate the scope for this framework within the collaboration context and SD offered to meet with VB outside of the meeting to offer his perspective.


b.      York Area Estates Plan


The meeting received a progress update on the York Area Estates Plan, which now featured as a standing item to be discussed at future meetings.


The meeting agreed to revisit the initial requirements of this programme, to determine what the risks were if this work was not completed. The meeting also agreed that a stakeholder engagement strategy was a priority.


The meeting decided to form a working group to address key areas requiring strategic focus and feedback their recommendations to the next meeting.


c.       ICT Network Merger


The meeting received an outline of the ICT Network Merger in terms of how it would integrate both Fire and Police services by way of a collaborative platform in three phases. A Business Case on cost savings as well as other benefits would also be presented at a future EB.


The Commissioner highlighted the opportunity colleagues would have to state the benefits in the Summer, when the White Paper on Fire Reform is circulated, since this consultation will set out a clear direction of travel around the Fire and Police Services under PFCCs or Mayors, and this merger sits squarely within this space.



·        SD to meet with VB to discuss the scope for the benefits realisation framework within the collaborative context.

·        SGS, with assistance from SD, to form a working group for York Area Estates Plan – to meet before the next EB takes place on 25 May.

·        GM to meet with SD to discuss IT requirements for the OPFCC.

6. Executive Board Terms of Reference – Simon Dennis

The meeting received an outline of a refreshed Terms of Reference.


The meeting agreed to use more generic language in terms of the standing agenda items, to capture the nature of this forum which is strategic overview and decision making. The use of EB to review operational strategies is also to feature more prominently.


The meeting also agreed it would be helpful to organise membership according to core members and those who sit in attendance. Consideration of format will also be key moving forward (i.e., virtual meetings or a more blended approach of meeting face to face post-pandemic).


The meeting also requires process review, in terms of deadlines for submission of papers and agreed this should also feature in the Terms of Reference.



·        SD to amend the Terms of Reference and circulate to EB for their comment, before the end of term.

7. Commissioned Services Update





The meeting received an update on the three diversion services that are ready for a soft launch on 4 May: Adult Women’s Service, Adult Men’s Service and Young People’s Service.


The meeting also received an outline of the work that would be required to complete UKAS Accreditation for SARC/CSAAS. Since a lead time of 18 months would normally be required to complete accreditation and the current timeframe was 12 months.


The meeting asked to review KIPs at a future meeting and also wished to review what the C&P Team ambition was, going forwards (i.e., in terms of recidivism).



·        JN to provide an outline of KPIs and ambition (recidivism) at a future meeting.

8. Executive Board Forward Plan

Members were thanked for their contributions to the Forward Plan to date, which had been most helpful.


The meeting received the following agenda items for future meetings, and it was agreed these would be entered into the forward plan, as appropriate:


·        York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership – Safer Roads Draft Strategy (JF/Mark Pannone)

·        RRM and timescales for decision making (JD)

·        EAT and expectations around timings (AA)

·        Commissioning Services Plans (JN)

9. Any Other Business

There being no further business, JM declared the meeting closed.

10. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting
  Tuesday 25 May 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams