Executive Board Minutes – 27 July 2021
Tuesday 27 July 09:30 – 12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Philip Allott (PA) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner – Chair Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive, OFPCC
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Business Design and Assurance, Enable Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, Enable Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, Enable Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Ruth Warman – Office of the Police Fire & Crime Commissioner in attendance (Exec Asst) |
Presenting: | Lindsey Butterfield –
Jason Dickson – John Dwyer – Chief Inspector Single Online Home Project Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, Enable Emma Aldred – Claire Lister – Head of People Services |
1. | Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
PA welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for MC and SD. |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 29 June 2021 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and the action log were noted and updated.
The Commissioner asked for the relevant actions on the action log to have action deadlines in place, so that we knew which items would be discussed at which meetings. |
3. | NYFRS Items |
a. Risk and Resource Model Programme Delivery and Risk Assessment
The meeting received a high-level update on the proposed route to delivery of a decision ready Risk and Resource Model (RRM), ready for full public consultation, by no later than 1 March 2022.
The meeting was asked to consider and approve the proposals outlined. Subject to approval, a fully costed and detailed report along with key deliverables will be provided to the August Executive Board.
The plan for the RRM needed to be mapped out by August, to ensure it is ready for roll out. The meeting asked for the milestones to be presented at a future EB to give assurance the work is on schedule to be completed by March, in advance of the HMICFRS Audit. |
The meeting agreed to Option 1, subject to costed plans to be presented to the meeting in August.
b. Quarterly Update on Fire Service Delivery
The meeting received a verbal quarterly update on Fire Service Delivery and asked for a paper to be provided for these updates going forward.
Updates were received on: Silver Strategy, Capabilities, Training, New Command Unit, Building Risk Review and the Public Safety Service Officer roles to be advertised shortly.
Covid-19 continued to present challenges to the service, and the new Covid regulations were being analysed to understand implications in terms of safety for the Service.
c. NYFRS and NYP Armed Forces Covenant Proposal
The meeting received three final draft Armed Forces Covenants (AFC) for the Office of the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC), North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (NYFRS) and North Yorkshire Police (NYP) in preparation for signature.
A proposal to introduce an AFC was submitted to the EB in April 2021. This was approved by the Commissioner and a final draft of the covenant was then requested to include the OPFCC, to maximise opportunities.
The meeting was asked to approve sign-off on the covenants and for these documents to be shared with the Defence Relationship Management (DRM) team, for processing. An official signing ceremony would then be arranged at a suitable opportunity and tactical managers would ensure the focus areas listed in the ARCs would be embedded in each organisation.
The meeting agreed for this work to be signed off and asked for an update on the service to be provided to veterans later on this year.
· Update to be provided on each Armed Forces Covenant at a future EB – NYFRS (JF), NYP (LW), OPFCC (SD).
d. Building Risk Review Programme
The meeting received an overview of the Building Risk Review process and confirmation of completion and were asked to sign off completion of the Building Risk Review.
The meeting agreed to sign off this work as completed.
e. Q1 Fire Finance Outturn Report 2021/22
The meeting was provided with an update on finances to the end of June 2021 and an early forecast of the finances for the remainder of 2021/22, which was duly noted by attendees. |
4. | NYP Items |
a. Police Budget and Capital Outturn Report 2021/22
The meeting received an update of the final position of financial performance against the budget for the financial year 2022/21, which was duly noted by attendees.
b. Proposals for 2020/21 Outturn Funding Support |
The meeting received an outline of the four reports for operational proposals from NYP which, if supported, required funding support 2021/22.
The four proposals outlined were Force Control Room, Body Worn Video, Visually Recorded Interview (VRI) Suites (in Scarborough and Knaresborough) and Ripon Accommodation.
The four proposals were discussed at Change Board and recommended to be brought to this meeting for decision. It was recommended that this meeting approve the proposals contained in each report.
Force Control Room Short-term Proposals
Current pressures on FCR were outlined to the meeting and a short-term plan of action to address these issues was discussed. The meeting approved the proposal to increase minimum staffing levels for dispatch at an estimated cost of £10k. MP to earmark additional funding for NYP to draw down as necessary to deal with ongoing high levels of demand, and a weekly briefing to be provided to the Commissioner.
ACTION: · MP to earmark additional funding for NYP to draw down as necessary to deal with ongoing high levels of demand. · LB to organise weekly FCR briefings for the Commissioner.
Body Worn Video Additional Capacity
The meeting was asked to agree the capital investment for full roll-out of body worn video. Implications in terms of procurement and the custodial area were discussed.
The meeting agreed the capital investment in principle, subject to reviewing the tendering process and protection of custodial officers.
Visually Recorded Interview Suites at Scarborough and Knaresborough
The meeting was asked to approve capital investment, for the refurbishment of Scarborough and Knaresborough video recorded interview suites, to bring them up to date to meet modern standards, future expectations around special measures, victim code and supporting those vulnerable victims to achieve best evidence.
The meeting agreed the capital investment.
Ripon Accommodation
The meeting received an update on progress to address issues within the estate in Ripon and provide options for decision which can be progressed subject to funding confirmation.
Three options were outlined, and the meeting agreed Option 3, with a small building allocated to the Inspector for the duration of building work. The meeting also asked for a formal Decision Notice to be completed.
· TT to prepare a Decision Notice
c. Quarterly Update on Police Service Delivery
The meeting received a verbal quarterly update on Police Service Delivery and asked for a paper to be provided for these updates going forward.
Updates included the following areas of work: Early Action Together, the Leadership Programme, Service Delivery Planning, SOH Project, Digital Asset Management System, Operational Mobile Working, ESN Airway Programme and Recruitment Retention/Diversity, |
The Commissioner asked to be provided with a regular update on recruitment figures outside of this meeting.
ACTION: · LW to provide the Commissioner with quarterly updates on recruitment figures.
d. Forensic Collision Investigation Collaboration
The meeting received a briefing in respect of the agreement between the four YatH Chief Constables for onboard North Yorkshire Police Forensic Collision Investigation Unit to the existing YatH collaboration under Regional Scientific Support Services (RSSS). The meeting duly noted the paper. |
5. | Enable Items |
a. Leadership & Equality Diversity and Inclusion Programme
The meeting was asked to approve the funding for this programme. The Programme itself was approved, and the meeting agreed the training be mandated across the services and OPFCC, with a focus on improving the speed of the tendering process if possible.
b. York Area Estates Development Plan
The meeting received an update for their information, on progress so far with the development of a full business case for the York Review Project. It was confirmed that the resources to support development of the full business case would be available from the beginning of August, as planned, and therefore the development of it would commence on time. |
6. | Commissioned Services SARC/CSAAS Priority |
The meeting received an update on the preparation for UKAS accreditation for SARC/CSAAS. The Commissioner had given a decision in principle on the recommended option, and the meeting supported this decision.
ACTION: · JN/TT to prepare a Decision Notice. |
7. | Special Branch Reform including Financials |
The meeting received an update on the options associated with Special Branch Reform and agreed to Option 2. From a funding allocation perspective, none of the options presented in terms of the reform provided North Yorkshire with additional funding, and the meeting agreed that a response on to position ourselves for future debate in terms of funding allocation for future reform was required.
· TT to write a response in terms of funding allocation for future reform. |
9. | Any Other Business |
There being no further business, PA declared the meeting closed. |
10. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 31 August 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams |