Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 27 March 2018

Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 27 March 2018
Location: Aysgarth Meeting Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton
Chair: Julia Mulligan


Name and Role
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC)
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable (CC)
Fraser Sampson (FS) Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Lisa Winward (LWi) Deputy Chief Constable
Will Naylor (WN) Deputy PCC for North Yorkshire
Phil Cain (PC) Assistant Chief Constable for North Yorkshire
Tom Thorpe (TT) Policy and Scrutiny Manager for the Office of the PCC (OPCC)
Maria Earles (ME) Head of Organisation & Development
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Richard Jones (RJ) Chief Digital Information Officer
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jenni Newberry (JN) Head of Commissioning & Partnerships
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Claire Craven-Griffiths (CCG) Chief of Staff for North Yorkshire Police
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer (Minutes)
Carl Roberts (CR) X-Net (Item 909 only)
Marianna Tomassi (MT) X-Net (Item 909 only)


Name and Role
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications

Items and Decisions:   

Discussion Outcome / Decision
907 Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 28th November 2017 were approved for publication. Updates were provided for the Action Log.




908 Decisions Required and Report for Information
































Scheme of Delegation

MP advised that feedback had been received and incorporated into the report and it had now been brought back for final approval. FS advised that this had been to a number of meetings over many months and formal sign off had only been awaiting Legal Services’ consideration which he understood had been given.  MP indicated he was happy to receive any views outside the EB process.


Budget Monitoring Report

MP advised that there has been a significant overspend which could be attributed to areas such as overtime and pensions. Whilst the overspend had been mitigated through the use of reserves as well as a reduction in the giving to capital programmes, this position could not continue into the 2018/19 period. It was agreed that this financial report, along with the others scheduled for discussion needed to be brought back to Executive Group for discussion.


Robustness of Estimates & Adequacy of Reserves

It was agreed that this report would be discussed at Executive Group


Medium Term Financial Plan 2018/19

It was agreed that this report would be discussed at Executive Group


Treasury Management Report

JP advised there was nothing to report at this stage and it was agreed that this report would also be discussed along with the other reports at a future Executive Group


Complaints Options Report

DJ advised that further time was needed to consider the report. It was agreed that DJ and LWi needed to provide an indication to WN where they considered the independencies were. A meeting is to be scheduled for further discussion.


Corporate Health Pack

LWi advised that the document had been developed and would be getting updated monthly from 1 April 2018. JM enquired as to whether it would be possible for there to be a link with Force Management Statements. It was agreed that this would be helpful. A discussion took place around estate matters and it was agreed that Richard Flint would present an updated Estates Strategy to the Board.



Action 908a was raised







Action 908b was raised

















Action 908f was raised




Action 908g raised

909 Transform 2020
  Item brought forward and discussed between 09:30 and 12:00.


CR presented the main elements of the report and discussions took place around its contents. The report was agreed subject to a few agreed amendments and the Board approved option 2 – Focus on the enablers in relation to the highlighted options for prioritising the work of the transformation partner.


It was further agreed that there needed to be a discussion around the four key programme roles which would include a programme SRO, business leads, programme manager and design lead or their equivalent.


Actions 909a-b raised.
910 Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update

The report was noted by the Board. It was raised that only financial matters were listed on the forecast.



Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list

No matters were raised for discussion.



911 Matters relating to Public Accountability Meeting
No matters were raised for discussion.


912 National or Local Developments or Consultations
APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications

CC advised that the National Police Chiefs’ Council was due to take place in April and that the Rural Strategy was due to be signed off.


PCC indicated that key forensic decisions were due to be taken by the PCCs at the APCC meeting with it next being scheduled for discussion in July.


913 Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.


914 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion.


915 Any Other Business (AOB)
No matters were raised for discussion.


916 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on 22nd May 2018 in the Aysgarth Meeting Room, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters.