Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 27 November 2018


Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: 27 November 2018
Location: Forge Meeting Room, Alverton Court, Northallerton
Chair: Will Naylor


Name and role
Will Naylor (WN) Deputy PCC for North Yorkshire
Jez Rushworth (JR) Interim Chief Fire Officer
Lisa Winward (LWi) Chief Constable
Phil Cain (PC) Deputy Chief Constable
Fraser Sampson (FS) Interim Chief Executive Officer
Michael Porter (MP) PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Richard Jones (RJ) Chief Digital Information Officer
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Jenni Newberry (JN) Head of Commissioning & Partnerships
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer & Chief Accountant
Claire Craven-Griffiths (CCG) Chief of Staff for North Yorkshire Police
Kirsty Bewick (KB) Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer (Minutes)
Jonathan Garrett (JG) Properties and Facilities Manager (Item 938a only)


Julia Mulligan (JM) Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC)
Maria Earles (ME) Head of Organisation & Development
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications

Items and Decisions:

Discussion Outcome / Decision
937 Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th July 2018 were approved for publication. Updates were provided for the Action Log.




938 Decisions Required and Report for Information

































































Proposal of the Re-Provision of Pateley Bridge, Leyburn & Malton premises

JG provided an overview of all the reports provided to the Board for decisions. A discussion took place in relation to each report and can be summarised as follows:



The board agreed to the proposal in principle. There was agreement that the estates team needed to work with JW to get a Memorandum of Understanding in place with North Yorkshire Fire Service and that any arrangements in relation to parking needed to be in writing.  The Board recommended that this matter could progress without it coming back to either Executive Board or Executive Group. The Board requested for future Business Cases such as this to include North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue as a joint stakeholder where required.



The Board approved this proposal in part. Approval was given for the splitting of the resources and the police station section. However, the Board noted there were additional elements that required consideration before full approval could be given. This included the consideration of whether or not North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue wished to be included in the scheme and whether there should be a self-build or turn-key solution. It was agreed that this matter would come back to Executive Group for future approval in relation to these outstanding matters. The Board further requested that there be a continued link with Ryedale Council in relation to the houses at Malton and that a meeting is arranged with JM to discuss the signage.


Pateley Bridge:

The Board approved the proposals set out in the report.


In relation to all three matters, the Board requested reassurance that the sale of the properties does not adversely impact on the ratio of owned: rented property.  The Board need only be notified if it is determined that the ratio is a risk.



Budget Monitoring Report

MP gave an overview of the report. The Board were advised that there had been a  £1.4 m underspend which was higher than initially reported and that it was worth keeping in mind that when the 2018/19 budget was set, it was balanced by using £1.8m from General Reserves. There were a number of reasons for the underspend which included there being more police officer leavers than initially expected and there being a reduction in support staff due to held vacancies. There was a discussion on the recruitment position and the key understanding that there was not a recruitment freeze but more there were steps in place to make sound decisions about the positions that were being filled. MP further advised the Board that the Precept caps were likely to be announced around 6th December.


Treasury Management 2018/19

The Board noted the contents of the report and nothing was raised for discussion


Principal Risk Register

The Board discussed the contents of the report and discussed general risk management within the organisation as well as the arrangements within North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. It was agreed that this would now need to appear as a regular item before the Board.  RJ raised the issue around the software in use being good but expensive with a limited amount of licences available. As a result, numerous departments were operating their own systems such as, through the use of spreadsheets. It was agreed that PC would look into the matter and would discuss aspects around Fire with Caroline Blackburn. FS advised the Board that tools do not manage risk for an organisation and it was possible that this was another area that could be considered by the internal audit team. FS further advised that JIAC had commented favourably on the improved approach to strategic risk management and also asked for Board members to propose areas for utilisation of the remaining internal audit days in the annual audit plan.


Corporate Health Pack

The Board discussed the mechanics of the report rather than the contents as it was still unformed, however, it was agreed that any future Board would be fully focused on the contents. In relation to the specific report before the Board, it was agreed that the current format was not suitable for what was trying to be achieved and that PC would ensure that all heads of functions were now aware that the previous version would be reverted to. PC also agreed to work with the staff office to gather views on the contents of the report and would discuss with Mark Bates about the requirement for quantitative data.


Action for 938a was raised














































Actions for  938d were raised












Actions for 938e were raised








939 Transform 2020
  JN advised the Board that PWC were coming to the end of the design phase now. A discussion took place about the business cases currently being written and when and how they would be shared with key individuals. FS advised that key to all these decisions was the legal advice which still had not been received. The Board were reassured by JN that despite waiting for the advice, certain elements would still be progressed, however, due to the delay in receiving the advice, there was now the risk that PWC were not going to be able to complete everything as originally planned. FS outlined that there was the separate risk around the Evolve Legal Services to be considered and it was noted by the Board that this was already on the risk register.


940 Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note
Decision-Making Forecast Status Update

The report was noted by the Board. A discussion took place around the need for Transform2020 and fire decisions to be included on the decision-making forecast. The Board also noted the need for a re-visit of the agenda to ensure there is consideration of future elements and timings taking in account any new matters for consideration.


Action 940 was raised.
Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list

The report was noted by the Board.


941 Matters relating to Public Accountability Meeting
No matters were raised for discussion.


942 National or Local Developments or Consultations
LWi provided an update in relation to the recent National Police Chiefs’ Council / Association of Police and Crime Commissioners joint summit. It was agreed that LWi would circulate overview notes from the day.


Action 942 was raised.
943 Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.


944 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
The Board noted the recent report send to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel on Freedom of Information matters.


945 Any Other Business (AOB)
No matters were raised for discussion


946 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on 29th January 2019 in the Forge Meeting Room, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters.