Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 27 October 2020


Tuesday 27th October 2020 09:30-12:30

Via Microsoft Teams

Present: Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police

Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service

Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Jenni Newberry (JN) – Commissioning & Partnerships Manager, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable

Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police

Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor

Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, North Yorkshire Police Simon Garnet Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, Enable

Leanne Consett (LC) – People Operations Manager, Enable

Ruth Warman (Exec Assistant) – Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Apologies: Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner

Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police


Tuesday 27th October 2020 09:30-12:30 Via Microsoft Teams
























1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  JM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance and apologies as above were noted.
2/3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 29th September 2020 & Action Log
  JM advised the meeting that she had a meeting with the Chair of NYSCP with JN which was constructive and will lead to Annette Anderson raising at next partnership meeting – JN to pick up with AA.


Matters Arising & Action Log Updates


The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. JM ran through the action log in the meeting and noted all actions as either completed or due to come to a future meeting:


Ø  Action 1:   Completed – to be discussed at today’s meeting

Ø  Action 2: Completed – now a standing item at future meetings

Ø  Action 3:   Outcomes Tracker – to come to November meeting

Ø  Action 4:   Completed – now a standing item at future meetings

Ø  Action 5: Financial Outturns & Internal Audit Summary – to come to November meeting

Ø  Action 6:    EDI Surveys – to come to January 2021 meeting

Ø  Action 7:    NYFRS Recruitment 20/21 – to come to November meeting

Ø  Action 8: Completed


Office Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Executive Board 26-05-20


  Ø  Action 9:   Terms of Reference – to come to November meeting


JM advised the meeting that in terms of Agenda Item 4, she would like to declare an interest since she was now the new Chair of IDAS.

3. Transformation and Change Benefits Realisation discussion

Target Operating Model (including learning due to Covid)


ME updated the meeting in terms of the process by which TOM would be reviewed by the Change Board (in mid-November) and this meeting on 24th November.


ME provided an overview on progress on the key areas of work and said that focus groups were reviewing the naming of the programme as a prerequisite to engaging with partners and ensuring programme activities are reflected in the terminology going forward.


In terms of service desk, ME said quick and beneficial changes are expected to the way that public enquiries are dealt with as a first point of contact. Agile handling of Covid has promoted the use of IT systems and a collaborative way of working.


JM queried what early wins will be and asked going forward any material changes in the way the public are contacting us and how we are engaging with our communities, as we need to see the details and to know when the changes are supposed to happen. TT and ME to pick up outside of the meeting.


Risk and Resource Model


AB and JM agreed this would be a standing item at future meetings. AB gave a verbal update, and advised the meeting that the new project manager, Jacqui Bell, was now in post.


Jacqui has also been meeting with each of the workstream leads. She is setting up a session (which will include OPFCC representation) to review and challenge the draft stakeholder map ahead of it being signed off at the next RRM Board meeting on 4 November. The arrival of the new project management will help to ensure that stakeholder engagement across the workstreams is coordinated and in line with the strategic objectives of the programme.


On track for Projects to deliver by end of December 2020 to have the RRM Draft ready and completed for going out to consultation April/May 2021.


Regarding Value for Money, AB highlighted the importance of this work in demonstrating to OPFCC and Government, the value we are adding in service delivery to the public.


Regarding Risk Model and the Heat Map of High and Low risks, AB said he would bring an update to a future meeting, to review risk profile for North Yorkshire.


Change Board Report and Change Pipeline


ME asked to pick up outside of this meeting with TT and CB to establish what is expected for this update at future meetings.

4. Commissioned Services Update


  JN provided the meeting with a verbal update on the service projects currently in commission using the underspent precept money.


JN updated the meeting about the pilot supporting young people in domestic abuse households and said that with funding in place over the next 3 years, this would allow us to support up to 180 young people each year. This area aligns so closely to the adult victims’ service for domestic abuse that there is the potential for partnership working with IDAS.


JN said there were new forensic guidelines regarding SARC to be in place by 2023. JN to bring a proposal with recommendations to a future meeting, for attendees to consider the service and the estate in light of the new guidelines.

5. Complaints Review

TT introduced this item and explained it was a summary of the Gateway review of the complaints model changes implemented in Q4 2019. The review had been undertaken between June to August 2020 and consisted of individual interviews with key stakeholders across PSD NYP and CRT OPFCC. Group feedback had been taken from CRT front line and line management.


It was noted that the C&R Team had achieved an excellent outcome for service implementation in quite adverse circumstances (i.e., during Covid). Excellent feedback had been received from the public, service recovery cases had doubled and there was a reduction in reviews since cases are being resolved more amicably. The current focus is data, resource and achieving organisational learning.


LW also expressed her thanks to the C&R Team, who have performed extremely well, and said that going forward she would like to develop reporting to PFCC and timelines.


MCh added Recognition not clear in review supplied, which TT acknowledge and summarised. TT, with C&R Team, to draft a letter for JM and LW to review and approve which will then formally be sent out to employees across the force who have been noted for their recognition.


AB and LW agreed to have a discussion at Chiefs Catch Up on NYP’s Staff Officer approach for NYFRS to achieve something similar.

6. Joint Estates Strategy – including Ingleton and Bentham Update and Sustainability Strategy

Estates Strategic Framework


SGS introduced this item and explained it was a proposal for the overarching strategy for delivery of facilities which meet the strategic needs of the fire and rescue service, the police and the PFCC (collectively, the partners). SGS then updated the meeting on the key changes in this framework compared to the previous iteration.


JM thanked SGS for all works undertaken to date. In terms of the framework, JM asked if SGS could swap the People and Organisation/Corporate Objectives round so that People are first.


Ingleton/Bentham Update


SGS introduced this item and explained it was an update on proposals regarding Ingleton and Bentham estates.


The meeting discussed the merits of the proposal from a local perspective and in terms of how this approach would fit with the NRCN’s findings of crime reporting in rural areas. JM agreed LW discuss with Chief Officer Team to consider approach.  A further update will be provided at a future meeting.



York – Project Inception


SGS introduced this item and explained the purpose of the document was to ask the meeting for their approval to formally commence a project to review the York estates and seek a decision on options for a feasibility report.


The meeting agreed SGS’s proposal to formally commence the project in 2020 and approved the York Projects Feasibility Study funding of £120k. The meeting asked MC to make funds available for the study to commence.


JW asked SGS to update the feasibility study so that the legal support that will be required to deliver the project is included, which SGS agreed he would do.


Joint Sustainability Strategy


SGS introduced this item and asked the meeting to consider and approve the strategy for publication internally and externally. The launch and communications plan will be developed following approval of the strategy.


The meeting agreed the health and safety of the communities we serve is linked to the health of our environment and we have an opportunity to enhance the health and safety of our communities by making ourselves more resilient and environmentally responsible. The meeting approved the strategy and asked Simon to develop some proposals for sustainability impact assessments to include the environmental, economic, and social advantages.


JM asked SGS if can confirm PFC Panel’s request to know if old technology gets recycled and SGS said he will check with Gordon McQueen to provide a definite answer for the question.


MHc asked the meeting to consider funding in terms of an engagement plan to embed the strategy, and attendees agreed this was worthwhile.

7. Origin Contract Extension Paper

LC introduced this item and asked for approval of Origin contract in principal, subject to statutory office approval.


The meeting approved the recommendation for Option 3, extending the Origin contract.

8. JIAC Report

CB introduced this item on behalf of MP and explained it was the fifth annual report of the Joint Independent Audit Committee. CP asked the meeting to note and approve the report and the meeting duly agreed and approved it.


JM asked for an update on legitimacy inspection to come to the meeting in January or February 2021.


JM also asked for an update regarding Ethics Board, and TT said he would provide this outside of the meeting.

9. Police & Fire Finance Updates

CB introduced this item on behalf of MP and the meeting noted the content of the reports. JM asked about the scenario planning finance short falls in relation to council tax, and it was noted this would be added to the agenda for discussion early next year.


10. NYFRS Strategies & Values
  AB introduced this item and explained that the purpose of the report was to set out the rationale for new values and the process for agreeing and launching them for the meeting to note for their information.


The values were chosen to align with Ambitions 2025 and were well received by the meeting:


·        People – we exist to serve the public, we put people first

·        Results – we achieve positive results

·        Inclusion – we embrace inclusion

·        Creativity – we encourage and promote creativity

·        Learning – we never stop learning


The meeting noted that the formal launch would take place in December 2020, followed by a rigorous strategy to embed the new values across the organisation that included implementation into recruitment and policies.


LW expressed an interest in alignment between NYP and FRS in terms of the leadership offer and agreed with AB to explore this outside of the meeting. JM asked AB to come back to the meeting early spring next year to provide a progress update on how the values were being embedded.

11. Any Other Business
  CB received the meeting’s approval on standing items for future agendas. Subject to the new Terms of Reference, synchronisation was required, and CB would be contacting members in both forces and Enable to achieve a forward planning document of agenda items for meetings 2021 onwards.
12. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting
  Tuesday 24th November 2020, 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams – Link to join meeting within

Calendar/Diary Invite.