Executive Board Minutes – 27 September 2016
Record of Meeting
Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 27 September 2016, 09.30 – 12.30
Location: Thornton Meeting Room, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Chair: Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan (JM) – Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) – Chief Constable of NYP
Fraser Sampson (FS) – Acting Chief Executive Officer
Paul Kennedy (PK) – Acting Deputy Chief Constable (A/DCC) of NYP
Michael Porter (MP) – PCC’s Chief Finance Officer
Jane Palmer (JP) – Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
Maria Earles (ME) – T/Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – T/Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Dave Hannan (DH) – Superintendent – Chief of Staff NYP
Will Naylor (WN) – Chief of Staff to the PCC
Kirsty Bewick (KB) – Acting Senior Support Officer to the CEO (Minutes)
Dicky Gray (DG) – Police ICT Company – for Item 805c only
Charles McKay (CM) – Police ICT Company – for Item 805c only
Tim Madgwick (TM) – Deputy Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Joanna Carter (JC) – Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Louise Wood (LW) – Head of Corporate Communications
Items and Decisions
Discussion | Outcome / Decision | |
804 | Previous Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 July 2016 were approved for publication. |
N/A |
805 | Decisions Required and Report for Information | |
805a | Medium Term Financial Plan
MP gave an overview of the Medium-Term Financial Plan. A discussion took place around the content of the report, in particular underspends in relation to the overall total budget and the fact that it was likely that there would be significant slippage in the 2016/17 financial year on the capital and revenue development programme. It was agreed that progress of work against previous Decision Notices needed to be completed, that projects allocated to 2017/18 needed to prioritised to ensure that 2016/17 projects were completed first and, that a reserves review needed to be provided to the Board the next time a financial update was provided. |
The Board accepted the Report.
A review to be conducted of previous Decision Notices to see what progress has been made in relation to specific projects.
A review to take place of the 2017/18 projects and determine their priority due to the need to complete 2016/17 work first.
A review of reserves to be provided to the Board along with the next update.
See Action 805a |
805b | Final Accounts
JP advised that the Final Accounts had been through the Affordability Group and had been reviewed by the Auditors. The Board agreed they could progress to signature and publication. |
The Board accepted the Final Accounts and agreed they could be signed off.
805c | Results and Recommendations of Business Prioritisation Workshop
DG and CM provided a presentation to the Board which outlined work already taken place and recommendations around prioritisation. A discussion took place both with and without DG and CM. It was agreed that the methodology behind the prioritisation needed to be first explored before being approved and as such a report is to be provided to Executive Group on 4 October 2016. |
Report outlining the methodology behind the prioritisation to be provided to Executive Group on 04 October 2016.
See Action 805c |
806 | Decisions & Delegated Matters to Note | |
806a | Decision-Making Forecast Status Update:
Discussions took place around matters to be raised at future meetings of the Executive Board. It was agreed that there was a need for a budget planning paper to come to the Board in December. It was further agreed that an update on 101 needed to be provided at Executive Group and then scheduled for Executive Board. |
Amendments to be made to the Decision-Making Forecast.
See Action 806a |
806b | Decision Notices Approved and in Progress list
The Report was noted. |
N/A |
807 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance, Scrutiny & Delivery Board
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A |
808 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
808a | APCC, HMIC & NPCC Updates & Communications:
The Report was noted. |
N/A |
808b | Events:
The report was noted. |
N/A |
809 | Forthcoming Events or Communications
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A |
810 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by Exception
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A |
811 | Any Other Business.
No matters were raised for discussion.
N/A |
812 | Date & Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Executive Board will take place at 09:30 on 25th October 2016 in the Thornton Meeting Room, West Offices, York. |