Executive Board Minutes – 28 April 2015
Record of Meeting
Executive Board
Date and Time:
Tuesday 28 April 2015, 09:05-11:40
Conference Room 1, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire
PCC Julia Mulligan
Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) of NYP
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC
Paul Kennedy (PK) Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) of NYP
Maria Earles (ME) Interim Head of Organisation & Development
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Interim Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor
Michael Porter (MP) Chief Finance Officer (CFO) to the PCC
Jane Palmer (JP) CFO to the Chief Constable / Chief Accountant
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC
Lisa Matthews (LM) Personal Assistant to the CEO (Minutes)
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications
Items and Decisions:
No. | Discussion | Outcome / Decision |
692 | Previous MinutesThe Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 24th March 2015, were discussed and approved for publication. The Action Log was updated accordingly. | |
693 | Decisions Required | |
693a | Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear (CBRN): DJ advised that CBRN methodology has now been adopted on a national basis, with positive feedback having been received from the CBRN National Centre. A discussion took place in relation to this matter. | The Decision Notice was approved, with the caveat that the predicted savings / benefits are outlined within the document. (See Action 693a.) |
693b | Disaster Victim Identification (DVI): A discussion took place around DVI. Updates were provided in relation to this matter. | The Decision Notice was approved, with the caveat that the predicted savings / benefits are outlined within the document. |
693c | MAUDS: A discussion took place around methodology that could be employed in order to achieve the target of 20% savings. PK suggested that it may be useful to provide updates to the Executive Group on a quarterly basis. | The Decision Notice was approved, with the caveats that comments are provided by HR and that the predicted savings / benefits are outlined within the document. (See Action 693c.) |
693d | Operational Mobile Working: A discussion took place around the scenarios outlined within the Decision Notice. The Board agreed that the introduction of Operational Mobile Working would reduce the amount of time Officers spend on paperwork and facilitate an increase in productivity. TM noted that all Health & Safety risks raised in relation to this method of working would not be significant and would be manageable by the Force. A conversation ensued in relation to the finances for Operational Mobile Working and Discussion took place around finances & possible scenarios that may arise following the implementation of this project. | The Decision Notice was approved, subject to details of the predicted savings / benefits being included within the document. Amendments should also be made to ensure that Part 1 of the Decision Notice provides all relevant information and to clarify the term ‘Proof of Concept.’ (See Action 693d.) |
Sudeep Chatterjee (SC – ICT Manager) entered the meeting. | ||
693e | Discretionary Pay Allowances: A discussion took place around Discretionary Pay Allowances, along with the potential issues and possible solutions. | This matter is to be referred back to RH to look at these as part of Evolve work. (See Action 693e.) |
SC left the meeting. | ||
693f | Development of Wellbeing Programme: A discussion took place around the Wellbeing Programme and the funding for this. | The Decision Notice was approved, subject to the addition of comments from HR and details of the predicted savings / benefits. (See Action 693f.) |
693g | Treasury Management Reports: The reports were noted. | (See Action 693g.) |
693h | Governance Subsites: JC gave an overview of the Governance Subsites. It was noted that it must be ensured that the issued guidance is easily understandable and provides accurate information on all areas. TM noted that the subsite is an improvement on the previous system. An update on future direction was provided. A discussion ensued around the Decision-Making Process. | The Decision-Making Process should be updated and amended as discussed. |
694 | Decisions and Delegated Matters to Note | |
694a | Decision-Making Forecast Status UpdateThe Status Update was discussed and updated as necessary. | Consideration is to be given to the content of Forward Planners. |
694b | List of Pending or In-Progress Decision Notices The report was noted. |
The format for the public-facing Forecast was approved. (See Action 694b.) |
695 | Matters Arising from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny Group No matters were raised for discussion. |
696 | Concepts and/or Initiatives to be Discussed It was highlighted that concepts and/or initiatives are now considered at Executive Group meetings.. |
This Item is to be removed from future agendas. (See Action 696.) |
697 | National or Local Developments or Consultations | |
697a | Decisions & Purdah JM advised of the commencement date of Purdah. A discussion took place around the restrictions and challenges of this period. |
Decisions around new initiatives with a large impact would need to be considered for postponement. |
680b | APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and CommunicationsJC provided an update in relation to the HMIC review being carried out by the National Audit Office (NAO). | See Action 697a.) |
697bc | Events The Events Log was noted. |
698 | Forthcoming Events or Communications The Board was advised of upcoming meetings |
699 | Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by ExceptionClarity was given on the requirement to deal with enquiries as FOIs if they are not stated as such. | |
700 | Any Other Business (AOB) | |
700a | Dates of Future Meetings: It was agreed that, due to availability, the Executive Board scheduled for 25th August should be cancelled. | (See Action 700a.) |
701 | Date & Time of Next MeetingThe Executive Board will next meet at 9am on Tuesday 26th May 2015 in The George Hudson Boardroom, 1st Floor, West Offices, City of York Council. |