Executive Board Minutes – 28 March 2023
Tuesday 28 March 2023, 09:10 – 11:55, in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Mabs Hussain (MH) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Tamara Pattinson (TP) – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Damien Henderson (DH) – Director of Service Improvement & Assurance, NYFRS Gordon McQueen (GM) – A/Managing Director, enableNY Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Force Solicitor & Head of Legal Services, NYP – Evolve Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY Sarah Davies (SD) – Executive Assistant, OPFCC (minutes) |
Presenting: | Leanne McConnell (LM) |
Guests: | N/A |
Apologies: | Mathew Walker (MW) – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS
Jenni Newberry (JN) – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received. MH submitted apologies for lateness in advance of the meeting. | |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting & Action Log |
Minutes from the 20 December 2022 and the 28 February 2023 were approved. The latter had 2 amendments as requested by LW. | |
3. | OPFCC Items |
3a. Levelling Up (Standing Item)
SD informed the meeting that the OPFCC had submitted their Costed Implementation Plan to the Devolution Joint Committee for the meeting on the 13.03.23. A decision notice in respect of this plan has been published on the OPFCC website. 3b. Commissioned Services Update SD spoke briefly to the papers submitted in advance of the meeting which provided updates for Commissioned Services, in particular the Victims Centre and the Partnership work being undertaken in respect of Serious Violence Duty. 3c. Assurance Framework There will be a soft launch of the Assurance Framework along with the OPFCC Delivery Plan. Both items have been to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel who were happy with them. The Assurance Framework and the Delivery Plan link to the Police, Fire and Crime Plans. |
4. | enableNY Items |
4a. Enable Strategic Intent
SD talked to the paper circulated in advance of the meeting and provided a summary of the content. ZM thanked SD, RA and members for their work and sought assurance for the Chief Officers that they approved the paper. LW and JD both approved the paper, and a discussion was had regarding next steps of the process in respect of funding and business cases. It was agreed that this would be managed through the Collaboration Steering Board and should a business case and a source of funding be identified, they will be brought back to this meeting for approval by ZM. 4b. Change Governance Proposal GM provided an overview of the paper by way of information for the Executive Board. The proposals outlined were for changes to the current Change Board meetings and to streamline them to a new structure which proposed a more efficient use of time and resources. SD noted that the name of the meeting should change to ‘Joint Change Board by Exception’. ZM sought assurance from RB regarding the effectiveness of the proposals and asked the meeting to report back in 6 months with a review into the new working structure. Action – Review paper to be submitted in 6 months time. 4c. Regional Procurement Update MC provided a summary of his paper in respect of Regional Procurement. LW updated members as to the proposed changes of the Procurement model and the next steps in the proposed changes. A brief discussion was had in respect of resourcing for this, should the changes progress. LW advised that the item will need to go to the Chief Executives Group for further discussions and decisions. SD asked for a meeting with MC to discuss the matter further prior to the next North East Chief Executives meeting. Action – SD and MC to meet separately to discuss further. 4d. Telematics Business Case GM highlighted the main points from the Telematics Business Case which demonstrated the benefits of using Telematics and how this linked to the delivery of the proposed Fleet Strategy. The Business Case has been through Change Board, prior to Executive Board, where it was approved. The request to release the funding from the Capital Programme was made to ZM who approved it. ZM asked that a decision notice is made in respect of this. The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe approved the request to release funding from the Capital Programme. Action – Decision Notice to be written and sent to the OPFCC for publication. 4e. NYFRS EDI Estates Programme GW spoke to the paper prepared by RB in relation to the EDI estates programme and the plans needed for the continuation of the works required to meet the EDI objectives. JD explained that the programme requires extra costs to meet the timescales predicted by the contractors and apologised for the late submission of the paper to the meeting but explained that the Strategic Leadership Team meeting needed to review the matter and that this meeting happened later than normal. SD informed the PFCC that he had approved the late paper as a decision on the matter is needed sooner rather than later. The PFCC asked that the agenda item is deferred to the end of the meeting so that RB can attend to provide further updates on the item. |
5. | NYP items |
5a. Draft Force Management Statement 5
LW provided members with a verbal update of the work being completed on the Force Management Statement. The submission date to HMIC is the 3 June and LW advised the meeting that it will be shared with the OPFCC and then will come to Executive Board. 5b. Knife Crime Update LW provided members with an update of the Partnership work being done around early intervention and prevention in respect of Knife Crime. Community engagement and peer to peer work is proving to be effective for those who are victims of or have been affected by knife crime. The PFCC requested a further discussion with the Chief Constable outside of the meeting, so they have sufficient time to discuss the topic of Knife Crime further. A discussion was had regarding the provision of Knife bins and the Chief Fire officer will establish the position regarding the one at Harrogate Fire Station. Action – LW and ZM to meet to discuss Knife Crime. Action – JD to establish position on the knife bin at Harrogate Police station and to update ZM on this. 5c. Section 28 Impact Assessment Update LM presented her paper on the Section 28 Impact Assessment which is for information to members at this stage. A discussion was had regarding the potential risks of the changes and when this is likely to be implemented by. The latter is not yet known but LM advised the meeting that she will communicate any updates as soon as they are available. 5d. Body Worn Video Re-Procurement Business Case MH highlighted the key points from the paper circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The positives of Body Worn Video and the operational necessity of the equipment were discussed. MH explained that this is a joint procurement exercise with four other forces and that engagement has been ongoing for the past six months. SD asked if there is any risk of Regional Procurement holding this back due to the proposed changes discussed during agenda item 4c. MH explained that this has not been flagged as a risk and that Regional Procurement are ready to go to the market. MH asked ZM to reallocate the money for this project from the change pipeline to the capital programme. MP confirmed that the money is in the change pipeline and that the decision is for the PFCC to approve the move to the capital programme. ZM approved the change and asked that a decision notice be prepared and sent to the OPFCC for publication on the website. The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe approved the request to release funding from the change pipeline and into the Capital Programme. Action – Decision Notice to be written and sent to the OPFCC for publication. |
6. | Break |
7. | NYFRS Items |
7a. Fire Budget Monitoring Report to December 2022
MP spoke to his paper which was submitted to members prior to the meeting. JD confirmed that the report has been to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meeting and that he felt the report showed a balanced budget. ZM confirmed that she and MP have met and discussed the report in detail outside of the meeting. |
8. | HMICFRS/Improvement Plan Updates (Standing Item) |
i. NYP
LW updated the meeting on the Improvement plan. The peel inspection is in the autumn and NYP are focussing on ‘what good looks like’ and working towards it. The workforce plan draft has been written and will be sent to COT. An update is provided in relation to FCR recruitment. Plans are underway to recruit to gaps for both leavers and those who have taken maternity leave. ii. NYFRS DH updated the meeting on the Action Plan which has been revised. This will now go to the Risk and Assurance meeting and will be more refined and focussed. Next HMICFRS visit is due later in the year. |
9. | Communications Update/Forward Planning (Standing Item) |
MC updated the meeting with upcoming comms items which are a focus for the team.
LW provided an update on the Values for the Service and the results of the survey which was launched. The outcomes of the new Values link to the Police and Crime Plan. There were no communication matters arising from the meeting. |
10. | Key Strategic Risks/Risk Registers (Standing Item) |
i. NYP
No update since last meeting. ii. NYFRS DH updates the meeting with the NYFRS Risk register and the actions in place for the escalation of risks. iii. OPFCC SD informed the meeting that the OPFCC Executive Management Team will be attending a Risk Register workshop to review the processes currently in place. The risks will then be refreshed as part of that work. |
11. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
LW asked that the Fire Accreditation on the forward planner for April be moved to May | |
12. | AOB |
SD informed the meeting that there will be a refreshed approach to this meeting and that the OPFCC welcomes feedback from members and an email will be circulated in due course. | |
13. | Close of Meeting |
Date of next meeting: 25 April 2023 |
Post meeting discussion – NYFRS EDI Estates Programme 28.03.23 | |
Zoë Metcalfe Simon Dennis Amanda Wilkinson Tamara Pattinson Rena Brown Gordon McQueen Michael Porter Jonathan Dyson Damien Henderson Sarah Davies ZM asked that a further discussion after the meeting is held in respect of agenda item 4e with RB in attendance so that she was able to have a more in depth understanding of the topic, due to the paper not arriving in advance of the meeting. RB explained that the EDI Estates Programme has taken longer than anticipated due to issues arising as the building works progressed. This has meant unexpected costs have arisen that were not part of the initial budget but have been necessary for the safe completion of the building works. Adaptations have been made to reduce the costs further but works still need to be completed to fulfil the EDI requirements. The ask is that the PFCC grants a further £200, 248 to complete the works. MP confirmed that the money would come from the Capital Investment Programme funds. ZM asked RB if a Community Impact Assessment (CIA) has been completed and RB advised that this is ongoing, but the works will need to be completed alongside the CIA. Once the CIA is completed, there is a chance further funding may be required if the assessment shows this. ZM approved the £200, 248 for the completion of the building work, with MP taking the action to facilitate the funding release with the Enable financial and estates leads. The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe approved the extra funding for completion of the EDI works. |