Executive Board Minutes – 28 September 2020
Tuesday 28th September 2020 09:30-12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Present: | Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Thomas Thorp (TT) – Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Assistant Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Jenni Newberry (JN) – Commissioning and Partnerships Manager, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, North Yorkshire PoliceAmanda Bowers (Exec Assistant) – Interim Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner – Recording Minutes Ruth Warner (RWa) – Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner – Shadowing |
Apologies: | Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
Attendance and apologies are noted above. | |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 25th August 2020 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed will need amending – SD will help reword as documented in the draft August Minutes. Exec Assistant to make these amends.
Matters Arising & Action Log Updates JM to go through Action Log outside the meeting. Ø Action 1: Will be discussed at Octobers Exec Board Meeting Ø Action 2: Briefing on RRM on today’s Agenda. Ø Action 3: Briefing on Tracker today but will be discussed at the October Exec Board. Ø Action 4: Briefing on T.O.M today, but Maria to provide full T.O.M Update at next Exec Board. Ø Action 5: Meeting arranged to take place on 1st October 1-3pm.Paper will be produced for October Exec Board. Ø Action 6: Action Completed Ø Action 7: Update due at January 2021 Exec Board Meeting Ø Action 8: Agenda Item for November Exec Board |
3. | Transformation and Change Benefits Realisation discussion |
TOM Update:
ME updated the board on the TOM’s four workstream project areas and how they’ve moved on since the Roadmap was presented at EB in July 2020. Each project area now has project leads in place and until a new Project Manager arrives ‘Pods’ have been created for the project leads to have a support system where they can outline what the workstreams involve. ME provided board with timeline of upcoming important dates: Next TOM Board Meeting taking place in October, leading to an update at October EB, and will go to the Change Board in November when projects for the workstreams have been set up. JN and SD both enquired if the amount of change products expected to be produced from the TOM can be shared with the board so that resourcing needs can be considered. ME confirmed at recent planning day established some projects will be quick to deliver, but some will take longer to embed. LW noted do need to get a Project Manager in place due to apparent overlap of projects internally and certain external National projects overlap, which need to join up to avoid duplication of work. AB and Mch agreed NYP and NYFRS need to work together to avoid replicating projects. JM observed need to know what the priorities are and what is the aim of the TOM, because it’s not clear in setting future direction. Would like to see how work on TOM can be marshalled under a clear set of priorities. LW suggested circulating presentation from TOM Planning Day ahead of next EB to JM which provides level of detail on what they are going to do and the strategic direction of TOM. PC and ME agreed to work together outside of EB on TOM for Exec boards going forward. Confirmed will feedback at Oct EB with further update and Nov EB will come back with update for sign off/feedback. JM added she would also like clear timescales for projects provided which ME agreed will supply. RRM Update: AB ran through where all the RRM projects currently stand: · Risk Model Project – Risk profile currently looking at hazards causing harm across York and North Yorkshire. AB stated it has previously been done but this time they are doing a nuanced view of risk. This will be achieved by looking at historical data; heritage sites; climate change; transport network etc. AB revealed by the end of project will have created a Heat Map of High and Low risks over whole county. · Two people have started software training to be able to collate data info to produce profile. AB raised one of the difficulties they are facing is around accessing data analysis so looking at how to resource in future. · Capabilities Project – Capabilities Catalogue is ongoing and will be the finished product of this project. · On Call Futures Project – AB acknowledged currently working three weeks behind schedule, but assured board confident it will catch up with the other projects and will update progress at future EB’s. · Value for Money Project – This project is focused on rebalancing the four delivery tools and resetting workforce output. Project outputs will be Evaluation Framework and Toolkit. JM addressed resourcing issue and concerned in three months’ time could be off track. Suggested possible opportunity for Jacqui Bell – New Programme Manager when starts in October to investigate what resourcing is required and bring to a future EB to discuss. AB agreed this will be arranged. Data Analyst Role – JM enquired if need external help? ME confirmed analyst recruitment in place and going out for advert imminently. Outcomes Tracker Update: TT apologised to board on delay of tracker completion but provided overview of where it currently stands: · Now at a point where can look at how force is delivering outcomes. Have access to NYP service work plans which the tracker looks at and sees how they contribute to change. · TT suggested should also look at service plan strategies in order to develop level of detail in the Tracker. · TT assured board only waiting on a piece of work on HMI to be completed which will then help make the Outcomes Tracker achieve an objective level and ready to come back to EB. LW asked TT to share Tracker with the board in current form and queried who oversees making the judgements on the Tracker. TT confirmed should be JM but OPFCC are aiming to work with the service on the decisions going forward and the Outcomes Tracker will report updates to EB’s every quarter. JM asked for LW, PC and TT to engage in final development stages. PC agreed and keen to engage initially at chief officer level and will discuss with TT out of EB. |
4. | Update on services commissioned from ‘underspend’
JN provided the board with a verbal update on the four service projects currently in commission using the underspent precept money, along with proposed timeline of the project completions ranging from end of October 2020 to Pre- PFCC Election May 2021.
JN also supplied a Diversion Update where JM in relation to this topic discussed the importance of the specific requirement for a local key worker to be in place in Skipton. JN agreed and will share the specification with JM with a view to ensuring a focussed approach for Skipton. JN is to organise a consultation meeting with Joseph Dobson, who is appropriately placed to provide Jenni with further information on engagement in this area. |
5. | Covid-19 Update – Including: Recovery (inc Workforce Survey) & Response |
NYP Update provided by PC:
Op Talla is up and running again and preparation in place if there is a second wave of Covid Lockdown. Noted the accomplishments the Force achieved over lockdown: · Acknowledged MCh for successful Corporate Communications Package throughout Covid to date. · NYP credited for support of partners in relation to PPE Challenges. · The advancement of technology use – especially MS Teams which is now part of everyday use for the force compared to six months ago, has been well received internally and externally. PC added this needs to be continued going forward to maximise further external communication opportunities, which JM agreed.
Staff Survey circulated to the board shows many WFH positives over Covid, but some employees are continuing to find it difficult. PC said it’s important for NYP to take in learning from survey results and National learning to apply into future long-term ways of working which RW and Estates team are focussing on.
JM raised to board members: · Merseyside’s use of Body Worn Videos, which PC is currently looking into for NYP but will need to be reviewed. · FCR Triaging – JM reiterated she doesn’t want that to lose impact on public. PC agreed and said Mark Kahn is doing a report which will feed into October’s T.O.M Verbal Update.
NYFRS Update provided by AB: NYFRS have adapted and transitioned well in the new normality of agile ways of working. Hoped to have been expanding services and direct engagement with public again, but restrictions of household mixing and R Number increase have prevented it happening.
AB confirmed they have reached agreement with NYCC on station manager Ben Cairns secondment in the Covid Group to extend until March 2021.
HMI Inspection taking place remotely in November for three days. Will give clear indication on how NYFRS has responded to Covid locally and nationally. AB aware there will be learning to come out of inspection but confident they’ve dealt with Covid well overall.
Will continue using local risk factors at district level for second wave to determine how to work across the county. AB provided example of suspending Drill Nights in high positive case areas of the county when needed which they will continue to regularly review.
Remains priority to maintain Fire Engine availability, AB confirmed it is a public expectation and taking measures to keep this going.
MCh noted to board NHS Track and Trace App currently not advised by NPCC to be downloaded on staff work phones. Shared weblink and informed attendees’ information could be updated shortly. |
6. | Review of EB – Including: Terms of Reference/Attendance/Standing Items |
SD addressed to board members the following points:
1. OPFCC Senior Management Attendance – SD and the board reviewed the attendees for this meeting and agreed that CB, TT and JN who make up the Executive Team at the OPFCC will become permanent meeting members going forward. 2. Terms of Reference and Pre-Planning Sessions – SD proposed the meeting needs a clearer work programme so everyone can get the best out of this forum and suggested revising the Terms of Reference. Board members collectively discussed and agreed that going forward the Terms of Reference should be revisited; develop forward planning work programme; and proposed a new itemised approach to Agenda setting: Items for Decision, Discussion and Information. LW, AB and JM approve of adopting this approach. MP raised concern this board meeting should remain based on collegiate decision making and not become about Decision Notices. JM assured this wouldn’t arise. SD to take the meeting’s input and present a new Terms of Reference for review and Agenda Structure for approval at November’s meeting. |
7. | A.O.B |
· P.U.P – PC summarised the Police Uplift Programme Dashboard update with the board. Announced North Yorkshire had reached this month’s number of police officers target exceeding by +12 officers. PC then explained the region’s percentages from the ethnicity and gender dashboards which show overall North Yorkshire are currently performing well in recruitment and diversity.
· Matt Wrack Letter – Letter received from General Secretary of the FBU where he stated the uplifting of specific points in the document. AB clarified to JM and SD it was good news. SD to confirm receipt of letter but asked AB and JF to advise the operational content of the response to SD who will formulate a response with JM. · York Teenage Drug Death – JM made board aware of recent teen drug death in York and is due to have a meeting in October with Dr Maggie Atkinson – chair of NYSCP and would like to establish beforehand what work is currently going on around drugs in the county and review it. JM, TT and LW agreed to discuss and review outside of EB the drugs market in North Yorkshire and York. |
8. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting: |
Tuesday 27th October 2020, 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams. |