Executive Board Minutes – 28 September 2021
Tuesday 28 September 09:30 – 12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Philip Allott (PA) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner – Chair Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC
Jonathan Foster (JF) – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, enableNY Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor, Evolve Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Ruth Warman – Executive Assistant to the PFCC, OPFCC in attendance |
Presenting: | Lindsey Butterfield (LB) – Acting Assistant Chief Constable, NYP Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, enableNY
Donna Musgrove (DM) – Chief Inspector Force Control Room, NYP Jane Larkin (JL) – Force Control Room Manager, NYP |
Apologies: | Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP
Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY |
1. | Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
PA welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for PC and JN. |
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 31 August 2021 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting and the Action Log were noted and updated.
Regarding page three of the minutes for the previous meeting, under Item 5a) York Area Estates Development Plan, there had been a typographical error where the word “not” had been used instead of the word “now”. The meeting agreed the previous minutes be amended to show the York Area Estates Development Plan would now proceed to development of full Business Case. Recruitment Plan Update At a previous meeting, the NYP Talent Team had been asked to look at enhancing the recruitment profile for this financial year (2021/22) due to the risks of under recruiting and not meeting the Op Uplift Target. Therefore, this meeting received a proposal to facilitate an additional intake alongside the current recruitment plans, to double up intake in January 2022. The meeting agreed and accepted this proposal. |
3. | NYFRS Items |
a. Risk and Resource Model Update |
The NYFRS RRM update provided a more detailed programme plan update across several areas. In terms of external engagement requirements, a draft Communications Strategy and Engagement Plan will be further developed by the Operational Change Lead and Programme Manager to cover each project, and early engagement with OPFCC and representative bodies would take place.
OPFCC to lead on an external Communications Plan, defining a broad range of scene setting messages to the public, helping to place the RRM proposals in context. Publication of messages to be at regular intervals from October 2021 through to the consultation itself. The meeting was asked to note the detail provided and advise on programme progression. It was agreed that engagement with representative bodies regarding draft proposals should proceed. The meeting also asked for an update on the EDI work to be presented at the next meeting, to receive assurance that EDI and RRM projects will be ready in good time for the HMICFRS inspection in March 2022. ACTION: · An EDI update is to be prepared for the November meeting. |
4. | NYP Items |
a. Force Control Room Extraordinary Funding
The meeting had previously agreed funding for additional resources in the FCR to ease the pressures caused by high levels of demand. The meeting received an update on FCR performance, showing an enhanced service to accommodate demand and therefore value for money to the public. The meeting agreed that the additional funding agreed at the July 2021 meeting could now be utilised in order that additional resourcing be extended to March 2022. b. SOH & Digital Communications & Model 3 Complaints Update The meeting received an update on Single Online Home, which will be going live on 20 October 2021. The meeting was assured that the system would provide a suitable introduction to customers in relation to how their complaint will be handled. c. Seized Exhibits – Internal Audit Findings The meeting received an action summary of the recent internal audit regarding seized exhibit arrangements undertaken in July 2021 and discussed prioritisation of the actions and follow-up. Action: · LW to review requirements regarding the internal audit findings, with input from the Legal Team. |
5. | NYFRS/NYP Items |
a. York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership
The meeting had approved the draft Strategy in May and agreed the Steering Group could move to final production with a request that there is an emphasis on a mixed economy to enforcement which now forms part of the Strategy. The version of the Safer Roads Strategy circulated to members (attached with the papers) is the latest draft which has been designed with Print and Design. The Partnership Steering Group have taken onboard feedback in developing this version. The Strategy has commenced through partners internal governance routes for approval, with NYCC and CYC being the two authorities requiring sign off at two levels, Executive Group and Full Council. |
NYCC Executive Group approved the adoption of the strategy on 21 September 2021 and advise that full council adoption into policy should now be straightforward.
CYC are reviewing the strategy at their Executive meeting on 30 September 2021 for approval and papers were published 17 September. Following the meeting it will be determined if the Strategy will need to be ratified by Full Council. Other members of the Steering Group (e.g., Highways England) have authority to approve the Strategy and therefore do not require separate, internal governance approval. Strategy Launch proposed for 18 November 2021 following full council adoption at both NYCC and CYC and final sign-off at the Executive Board meeting next month. Final version of the Strategy to come to next Executive Board meeting on 2 November, for sign-off. A communication group will be meeting to discuss the Strategy within the next couple of weeks to gather ideas and plan the launch – linking in key winter/safer roads messages and moving to drink/drive campaign at the end of the year. The Partnership Working Group have already gathered some key dates for inclusion in the Communications plan. MP’s paper (following next on the agenda) sets out funding proposals for more sustainable funding streams into the partnership. ACTION: · Strategy to receive final sign-off at the next meeting. b. Road Safety Funding Proposals The meeting received and discussed proposals to resource initiatives regarding accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles. The meeting also noted the recommendations for using the first year’s allocation of funding, as the results of the invitations to quote will determine how future funding is utilised. |
6. | Enable Items
a. Ripon Police/Fire Development The meeting received an update on progress to date to address issues within the estate in Ripon, for their information. Key activities to develop the solution since the commencement of the project were highlighted and discussed. Site investigation was currently a key activity to assess risk around ground conditions. The meeting noted progress and risks, further updates will follow at future meetings. b. York Area Estates Development Plan The meeting received an update on the York Review Project, for their information. The approach to stakeholder and partner engagement had been considered at the previous Steering Group and work had commenced on developing the timeline for key business case activities: stakeholder engagement, risk identification, benefits planning, cost planning, impact assessments and option appraisal. |
7. | Commissioned Services Update (KPIs and Ambition)
The meeting received the OPFCC Commissioning Update, receiving and noting the contents. |
8. | Forward Plan |
Attendees were asked for their input into the Forward Plan, and the following points were made.
· HMICFRS readiness to be discussed at the next meeting. · Road Safety Strategy, for final sign off. All attendees were reminded to note that the October meeting will take place at 09:00 hrs (not 09:30 hrs) on Tuesday 2 November to accommodate annual leave arrangements. The deadline for paper submission would still be 12 noon on Thursday 21 October. |
9. | Any Other Business |
The Commissioner wished to take the opportunity to thank those involved in the Newby Whiske Project for their hard work.
The Commissioner also wished to congratulate Jane Wintermeyer on her impending retirement at Christmas, and to also thank her for the sterling service that she had provided over the years. |
10. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 2 November 2021, 09:00 – 12:00, via Microsoft Teams |