Executive Board Minutes – 29 March 2022
Tuesday 29th March, 09:30 – 12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Attending: | Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair
Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Foster (JF) – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Simon Dennis (SD) – Chief Executive & Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Mabs Hussain (MH) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP Jonathan Dyson (JD) – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, enableNY Thomas Thorp (TT) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB) – Interim Assistant Chief Executive & Deputy Monitoring Officer, OPFCC Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, enableNY Rachel Antonelli (RA) – Force Solicitor and Head of Legal Services, Evolve Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC Annabelle Young (AY) – Executive Assistant to the OPFCC EMT, in attendance
Presenting: | Rena Brown (RB) – Portfolio Programme Manager, NYP
Phil Whild (PW) – Area Manager and Director of Transformation, NYFRS
Guests: | N/A |
Apologies: | Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
ZM welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received.
2. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 22 February 2022 & Action Log |
The minutes and action log of the previous meeting were noted and updated.
3. | OPFCC Items |
3a. Commissioned Services Update
JN provided an update in relation to commissioned services noting that the focus was on 2020 – 2024 in alignment with the Police and Crime Plan. JN briefed the meeting specifically on two key areas: · Draft Strategic Commissioning Objectives 2022/2024 · Key areas of work during this time around existing services noted as: new victims needs assessment; new/enhanced service in relation to Road Collision Victims cope and recovery services; Perpetrators; Vulnerable people; Engagement (development of Youth Commission’s Good Citizen award)
JN further provided a summary and overview of the new and re-commissioning work planned during this same period of 2022 / 2024.
The meeting discussed options to support ways of working together in order that all opportunities are maximised where possible.
3b. Reform of Local Government Structure SD provided a high level summary of the current position in terms of the Levelling Up white paper which has now been published and which details support of the Mayoral combined authority model. North Yorkshire has been identified as one such area included in this white paper to adopt said model.
ZM explained that the parliamentary boundary commission has further made proposals in relation to potential boundary changes within North Yorkshire and that ZM would be writing to them to detail the impact of such changes on operational service delivery within North Yorkshire.
ACTION: Levelling Up to be added to EB agenda as a standing item.
3c. Draft P&C Plan / F&R Plan TT provided an update explaining that a generally rounded response to the plans had been received when presented to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel with some questions generated. The Plans are currently being finalised with a view to issue and thereafter publication with due consideration to the current pre-election period.
4. | NYP Items |
4a. Customer Contact
RB provided the meeting with an overview of the position to date in terms of both the short-term and longer-term customer contact strategy noting:
· Staffing – resource, capacity and demand · Telephony and ICT
The meeting discussed these areas in depth and concluded that the planned analysis to be conducted over the summer (starting June 2022), would provide the necessary information to progress in the future both in terms of staffing and technology. It has been recognised specifically regarding technology that the most appropriate approach to adopt moving forward is that of a seamless platform which at present cost is unknown until this analysis has been undertaken and completed.
ZM noted the short and longer-term strategy and signed off the seamless platform approach as discussed. In addition, ZM noted that the allocated resources are to be returned and to be held until the Business Case is approved.
4b. Single Online Home Closure Report RB detailed the background to the SOH project, the challenges experienced and the impact this has had overall since implementation. RB noted for the record that in general terms, this project is considered a success which is primarily due to the credit of all staff involved. It is felt that whilst a success, this new national platform has resulted in a loss of specific ‘North Yorkshire flavour.’ The meeting discussed a concern regarding the perception of impact of this change on accessibility and ease of submission of FOI requests to NYP but RB confirmed this could not be quantified. CB noted that the OPFCC had seen a rise in FOI requests due to NYP information no longer being easily available.
SD noted for the record concerns in relation to SOH and the loss of the ability to promote victims support services which should be flagged locally and nationally. The meeting discussed this point and agreed supported by ZM. LW suggested the possibility of PFCC/PCC involvement at national board oversight level and will progress this possibility.
ZM confirmed report is signed off.
ACTION: LW to explore options of PFCC/PCC involvement at SOH national board oversight level.
5. | Break |
6. | Enable Items |
6a. Joint Strategic Estates Asset Management Plan
SGS provided the background to the Joint Strategic Estate Asset Management Plan and explained it would be tested and developed over the summer months with ongoing testing built into the Plan for the future in the form of an annual refresh/review. SGS explained the Plan is essentially designed to incorporate business needs/demands and the change management process which is already established. SD thanked SGS and team for all the hard work, noting a minor change to PFCC listed properties was required which SGS will action.
ZM raised a query in relation to identification within the Plan of status of work, e.g. being able to identify when work is pending, ongoing, etc. which SGS stated this will be identifiable.
JF queried the Masham Fire Station proposal which SGS confirmed is ongoing.
ZM thanked all, including the Steering Group and confirmed this Plan is signed off.
6b. Malton Update JF provided a high level summary to the meeting regarding the background and current position in terms of Malton Fire Station. JF confirmed this piece of work is ongoing and all options are being explored in terms of operational service needs/delivery in the area. SGS will continue to explore all options which ZM fully supported.
6c. EnableNY Section 1 Collaboration Agreement and Protocols Review RW confirmed the review had been undertaken and completed as per the protocols which underpin this collaboration agreement. A report had been drafted, received and reviewed which the meeting agreed should now come to EB for consideration.
7. | NYFRS Items |
7a. Fire Transformation Programme (RRM) Update and Physical Asset Resource Model Approval
JF introduced this item confirming that a risk profile had been drafted with a range of options having been considered and modelled including key stakeholder input and costings. As such, approval of proposal in principle is now sought with the final proposal to be brought back to EB in April.
PW proceeded to share further details and key highlights of this proposal with attendees noting in brief key areas of focus for this proposal. PW explained that the proposal would be shared internally with staff and then elements of the proposal would be subject to public consultation. MP added key information regarding potential savings to be made and proposed re-investment of said savings. PW explained the deadline for implementation is September 2022. SD noted for the record from a governance perspective that should this proposal be approved in principle, there are a number of amendments which have been identified and which should be noted in terms of any decision. The aim being to record there is no difference in meaning between the proposal for final sign off in April and the internal/external consultation proposal. These items will be detailed by way of schedule to be drafted accordingly. SD further added thanks to all for their hard work and efforts in this task.
ZM added her thanks and agreed this proposal is signed off in principle.
7b. HMICFRS Inspection Readiness JD updated the meeting in relation to the current ongoing HMICFRS inspection which is now underway.
8. | Executive Board Forward Plan |
The meeting asked for all future proposed agenda items to be sent to: [email protected] so they can be added to the Forward Plan.
9. | Any Other Business |
ZM took the opportunity having been in post for four months, to thank all for support, hard work and efforts.
10. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting |
Tuesday 26th April 2022, 09:30 – 12:30, via Microsoft Teams |