Executive Board minutes: 30 April 2013
Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Melmerby near Ripon on 30 April 2013.
In the Chair: Julia Mulligan (JM)
Officers: T/Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Chief Officer of Resources Joanna Carter (JC); Force Solicitor Simon Dennis (SD); Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald; Chief Accountant Jane Palmer; Chief of Staff Ken McIntosh; OPCC Treasurer Judith Heeley (JH); OPCC Head of Policy and Projects Will Naylor (WN).
All present, no apologies were received.
Minute 42(1) – JM sought confirmation of timescales. JC confirmed that day long Engagement Sessions have been scheduled for 21 and 26 June and Strategic Planning Sessions have been scheduled for 27 and 28 June. JC also confirmed that a discussion paper ‘Annual Reports 2012-13 and first quarter key activities’ will be available for the next Executive Board which will include timescales.
ACTION – Annual Reports 2012-13 and first quarter key activities discussion paper scheduled for 7 May Executive Board.
Minute 42(2) – TM advised discussions are still on-going regarding the re-provision of Ripon Police Station.
ACTION: Update to Executive Board on 7 May.
Minute 43(1) – Indicators suggest that UK Sport may be responsible for the governance arrangements and distribution of the £10m funding for the Grand Depart.
Minute 43(2) – JM highlighted various initiatives taking place across the county regarding the Victims Charter. TM suggested that a separate meeting be scheduled to discuss these initiatives.
ACTION: Meeting scheduled between JM, TM, ACC Spittal, WN and Leanne McConnell for [date].
Minute 43(3A) – JC advised that further discussions have taken place with regional colleagues regarding the Print Options Appraisal although there is still one outstanding issue regarding line management which may be brought back in house to NYP.
Minute 43(3B) – JC confirmed that NYP has opted out of the regional proposal for Tranman Fleet Hosting.
Minute 30(3) (27 March 2013) JC also confirmed that work is being undertaken by the Head of Finance and the Head of Support Services to provide the Fleet Schedule Decision Notice to the Executive Board imminently.
ACTION: Fleet Schedule Decision Notice to be scheduled for Executive Board.
036/2013 – Technical Support Unit Equipment:
JP confirmed that she will seek clarification that the Regional Organised Crime Unit will receive the proceeds of the sale of equipment to NYP.
Decision notice approved for publication.
038/2013 – Regulatory Instruments, Decision Making and Statutory Officers:
SD and GM presented the report for discussion and finalisation of the following regulatory instruments:
Financial Regulations – The most notable amendments are to terminology and to paragraph 4.6 which has been updated to reflect the requirement to report unlawful expenditure. Paragraphs 6.9 and 6.10 (the Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer being authorised to accept income and charging for police services) have also been formalised from the Scheme of Delegation and inserted.
JM expressed concerns regarding the £250k limit for capital spend being authorised by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Finance Officer (CFO) (paragraph 7.6). It was agreed to reduce the limit to £50k and a list of any items approved by the CEO and CFO up to this limit be submitted to the Executive Board on a monthly basis for retrospective approval by the Commissioner.
Section 8 has an additional paragraph in regard to the regional procurement regulations to ensure that all individuals are fully aware of the process
Contract Regulations – GM provided an update on the changes to terminology, removal of duplicated paragraphs and clarity on the process following the Commissioners authority to proceed to regional procurement. One minor amendment was required to paragraph 3.10, replacing the word ‘will’ with ‘may’.
Property Procedure Rules – GM advised of new paragraphs inserted at 2.8 and 5.1, previously in the Scheme of Delegation but now more appropriately placed in the Property Procedure Rules. SD requested that reference be inserted to provide explicit authority for the Commissioners Seal.
GM advised that work was being undertaken to update the Devolved Resource Manual and requested that it be presented to the Executive Board on 7 May.
Regarding Decision Notices, JM requested that authors write them with the public in mind and to avoid arduous terminology. It was also agreed to produce draft decision notices to the Executive Board, as this will then allow for any updates or amendments to be made, a final version will then be submitted to the Commissioner and published on the Commissioners website within two working days of the final version being signed off for approval. SD also recommended that guidance notes for items which may be of significant public interest be drafted and if agreed at the next Executive Board, be adopted for future use.
The draft Decision Making Forecast was briefly discussed, JM requested that an additional column be inserted to provide for decisions requiring public consultation. The draft forecast will be presented for further discussion at the Executive Board on 7 May.
The Officer Structure Chart and Meeting Structure were also discussed at length, although there were no substantial alterations required.
ACTION: Future Decision Notices to be submitted to the Executive Board in draft format;
ACTION: SD to draft guidance notes for items of significant public interest for the Executive Board on 7 May;
ACTION: GM to present the updated Devolved Resource Manual at the Executive Board on 7 May;
ACTION: Draft Decision Making Forecast to be discussed at the Executive Board on 7 May.
ACTION: Financial Analysis Decision Notice to be submitted to the Executive Board on 7 May.
Insurance Arrangements:
Further to Decision Notice 28/2013 which detailed the insurance arrangements for 2013/14 together with associate expenditure, this discussion paper provides further information in regard to the motor uninsured loss recovery policy and insurance cover for regional vehicles.
The paper was noted.
037/2013 Review of Reserves and Provision Policies:
GM sought clarity if the Priority Spending Reserve and the Incentivisation Monies Reserve were included.
Post meeting note: JP has confirmed that the Incentivisation Monies Reserve is included on the last page of Appendix 3 in the same paragraph as the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Reserve. The Priority Spending Reserve is included on the last page of Appendix 3 in the same paragraph as the Accounting Treatment Reserve.
The Decision Notice was approved.
Due to time constraints the meeting held on 30 April 2013 was not discussed at length.
No significant matters to note.
Provision of a Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
TM advised that City of York Council were due to provide the revised figures for MASH, which will then allow for NYP to confirm their position.
No events or communications to note.
JM took the opportunity to thank Judith Heeley for all her help and support during her time as Treasurer to the Commissioner. Judith will step down as Treasurer with effect from 1 May 2013.
9am Tuesday 7 May 2013, Commissioners Meeting Room (CR1), Police Headquarters.