Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 30 January 2024


 30.01.24 09:30-13:30 in the Haigh Room, HQ and via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Zoë Metcalfe (ZM) – Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, North Yorkshire – Chair

Elliot Foskett (EF)   –  Acting Chief Constable, NYP

Scott Bisset (SB) – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jenni Newberry (JN)  – Director of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Tamara Pattinson (TP)  – Director of Delivery & Assurance, OPFCC

Amanda Wilkinson (AW) – Director of Public Confidence, OPFCC

Michael Porter (MP)  – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Jonathan Dyson (JD)   – Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Matthew Walker (MW)  – Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS

Louise Branford – White (LB-W)– Head of Finance & S151 officer, NYP

Lisa Stitt  (LS)  – Assistant Chief Officer Enable

Maeve Chappell (MC)  – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY

Xanthe Tait (XT)  – Director Evolve Legal Services, ELS

Guests: Bethany Dollimore – Business Governance Apprentice, OPFCC
Apologies: Simon Dennis – Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer OPFCC


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  The Commissioner welcomed the meeting.
2. Action Log/Minutes
  The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were approved.
3. North Yorkshire Police
   a.   Current and significant issues emerging

EF provided an update on the current and significant issues emerging nationally and locally. He informed members that the PND wash through which is up to date for NYP.

ZM would like a further discussion re: Malton and Ripon outside of the board meeting.

Naloxone – roll out going to happen. Half of forces use this in country. Training and three years funding is provided. Recent collaborative operations discussed, the Commissioner praised the services for their work in bringing this together and during the operation.

 b.   For Information and Discussion

EF provided an overview of the key discussions from the Chief Officer Team meetings. The Staff Survey was discussed with members being informed that the results are taking longer than first anticipated.

 c.   Decisions Required

No decisions required.

 d.  Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

 Members discussed the Improvement plan which was in place as a result of the PEEL inspection in 2022.  Embedding of AFI etc and third-party reports need to be part of business as usual. Plans are underway to devise this. TP suggested consulting with HMICFRS in designing this.

4. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  a.  Current and significant issues emerging

JD provided an update to members of national and local issues and themes emerging. This included pensions and taxation and the precept limits and funding for next financial year from central government (Department of levelling up and housing).

b.   For Information and Discussion

JD provided members with an overview of the minutes from the December Senior Leadership Team meeting.

MW spoke to the paper on Fire Standards which was circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

 Action – ZM would like a working group re: Support for senior leaders.

c.  Decisions required

VC presented members with a proposal for the Public Safety Service. The board discussed the options from the paper and presentation and the desired outcome was for option 3. The Commissioner approved this option and requested that a collaboration agreement is drafted between NYP and NYFRS.

Action – Draft a collaboration agreement NYP/NYFRS

d.  Third party reports including update on HMICFRS progress against actions

5. enableNY
  a.  Current and significant issues emerging

 Enable review on track to be completed by end of March 2024 after re-procuring the work. TP emphasized that a report must be produced for the PFCP in June.

b.  For Information and Discussion

An update on the Malton estate will be discussed at a meeting outside of the board.

c.   Decisions required

LS spoke to the paper on Telematics which members were provided with in advance of the meeting. The paper provided an update on the increased costings and the reason for these. The Commissioner agreed with the proposal.

7. Legal Services
   a. Updates

XT provided and update on Evolve Legal Services. The case management system proposal is going to The Evolve Legal Services governance board today.  XT offer to assist with collaboration agreements between NYP and NYFRS on Public Safety Service.

b.  Collaboration agreement

No updates for this section.

8. Finance
  a. Updates

MP spoke to the papers shared with members prior to the meeting. An update on the current Precept proposal was provided, which has also been submitted to panel. MP due to have a meeting with the Police, Fire and Crime Panel later in the week. MP advised that he was still waiting for business rates from the council and that a final budget proposal should be available for the end of February 2024.

An update on the current pension contribution figures was provided to members.

L B-W highlighted key elements from her reports. The NYP report covers what additional funding would be used for in terms of precept.  Overview of the report was provided, the Commissioner said the report was very detailed.

MP presented the management treasury reports for members information.

  a. Commissioning & Partnerships

JN updated members on the key elements from her reports. Some discussion took place around funding which will end in March 2025 and the impact of this on commissioned services.

b. OPFCC updates

No items for this section.

c. Devolution

Members were provided with an update on the progress of the MCA transition programme.

10. Risks
  a.  NYP

SB updated members with an overview of the NYP risk register.


MW briefed members on the two risks on the register.


JN updated members on the risk register for Commissioning and Partnerships, the OPFCC and the MCA.

11. Communications update/ Forward planning
  MC updated members with the both current and future Communication events. A paper showing the activities was shared with the board.
12. PFCC – matters for discussion
  No items for discussion.