Executive Board Minutes – 30 June 2020
Tuesday 30th June 2020 09:30-12:30
Via Microsoft Teams
Present: | Julia Mulligan (JM) – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner
Will Naylor (WN) – Deputy North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Lisa Winward (LW) – Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Mike Walker (MW) – Assistant Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police Andrew Brodie (AB) – Chief Fire Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Jonathan Foster (JF) – Deputy Chief Fire & Rescue Officer, North Yorkshire Fire Service Ray Ward (RW) – Managing Director, Enable Simon Dennis (SD) – Interim Chief Executive, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Michael Porter (MP) – Chief Finance Officer, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner Maria Earles (ME) – Head of Organisation and Development, North Yorkshire Police Jane Wintermeyer (JW) – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor Mike Clements (MC) – Head of Finance, North Yorkshire Police Maeve Chappell (MCh) – Corporate Communications Lead, North Yorkshire Police Jenni Newberry (JN) – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner Samantha Millar (SM) – Supt Operational Business Change Lead, North Yorkshire Police Amanda Bowers (Exec Assistant) – Interim Executive Assistant to Police Fire & Crime Commissioner (minutes) |
Apologies: | Phil Cain (PC) – Deputy Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police |
1. |
Welcome, Introductions & Apologies |
Attendance and apologies noted as above.
WN to take the chair from 11am. |
2/3. | Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 26th May 2020 & Action Log |
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting, except for the following amends: JM to go through out of EB with Exec Assistant to streamline minutes from May. Going forward the Actions are to only be recorded in the Action Log not within the Minutes.
Exec Assistant to make amends.
Matters Arising & Action Log Updates JM ran through the entire Action Log in the meeting. Ø Action 1: Ingleton & Bentham: RW updated and confirmed this will be brought to August EB. Ø Action 2: Major Crime Unit: On today’s agenda to discuss. Ø Action 3: Ops Update Covid-19: JM confirmed action completed. Ø Action 4: Transfer 2020 & TOM: MP on WFH Allowance – nothing further to update at present will be wrapped up in wider work on agile working. Ø Action 5: Precept 2019/20 Underspend: JM confirmed action completed. Finance update on agenda today. Ø Action 6: NYFRS RRM: On today’s agenda for update briefing. Ø Action 7: Outcomes Tracker: Deferred to come back to EB in the future. Ø Action 8: Enable Legal Protocols: RW confirmed Addendum being added. Action completed. Ø Action 9: Peoples Services: Action Completed. Ø Action 10: NYFRS Recruitment WFF 20/21: Action for August EB Meeting. |
4. | Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) |
WN presented work done by the OPFCC Scrutiny Team in relation to statistical over-representation of BAME members of the public as recipients of FPNs issued by NYP when Covid-19 regulations were in force.
It was noted that · dip-sampling revealed no inappropriate FPN’s were issued to anyone · data does remain disproportionate in respect of young BAME males · further scrutiny will be undertaken by NYP to give assurance in respect of perceived unconscious/conscious bias.
SD suggested amendments required which WN will complete (adjustments to point on p.19).
The Board noted on the anticipated release of NPCC stats in July.
LW noted that the report requires date stamping for accuracy in terms of the specific dataset upon which it depends.
The board discussed FPN’s issued in the Craven area. It was agreed that further investigation was required in order to better understand the context of FPNs issued. MW and MCh will undertake this task and will link in with Craven officers as appropriate.
The Board confirmed finalised reports to be published at the same time as the NPCC’s on 13th July by way of commitment to transparency in respect of matters of significant public interest. MW confirmed NYP response will be sent to JM and SD by 9th July to sign off ahead of national publication deadline. Amended Minutes Note: July 21st EB – JM request amendment for June Mins in respect of dates for the NPCC FPN Report which is now a delayed release taking place on to 22nd July not 13th. |
5. | CNYMIT Update: |
MW presented to members the report for decision written by John Morgan at Cleveland regarding the current collaboration between North Yorkshire and Cleveland. Decision required as to which option to pursue: Option 1 – De-collaboration or Option 2 – stay as it is.
The original 2016 Section 22a and the five principles established have been reviewed recently by MW and ACC Orchard in Cleveland with the intention of assessing the success of the collaboration over this time. On review, it appears that the original intentions of the collaboration have not been achieved in several respects over the 4-year period and as such, the recommendation from NYP was for de-collaboration. MW noted that NYP wish to preserve elements of ongoing co-working (e.g., on cold case reviews) through a memorandum of understanding which can be reviewed in 12 months. JM indicated that further discussion regarding the proposed de-collaboration is important, although at this time, JM is minded to favour Option 1. JM required further consideration of (and assurance about) the scope for cross subsidy having taken place between police areas and questioned the apparent gap in the governance processes which appeared to have to led to Norfolk’s 2017/2019 reviews not coming through Evolve or Netic governance structures. The Board queried the status of the paper. SD confirmed the report and appendix have been received in confidence at this stage, and the legal advice provided in the appendix is subject to common interest privilege. The intention is to publish all material in future at an appropriate time once review work has been completed. Further meetings to be progressed by MW asap as follows: meeting between ACC’s, Chief Exec’s and Legal Advisors; to be followed by a Summit Meeting with PCC’s attending to discuss de-collaboration further. Decisions from the summit will feed into NETIC governance structures. |
6. | Target Operating Model NYP: |
JN & SM joined for this agenda item.
Presentation to be received and then circulated to board members. Board noted progress and agreed as follows: JN to join the TOM board going forward. ME to provide updates and to EB and CSP Review. |
7. | Financial Outturns & Internal Audit Summary: |
JM requested budget discussion in relation to underspend in Engagement and Commissioning & Partnership (adjourned to separate discussion following MP return from A/L, to include LW, SD and MC.)
MP talked board members through papers provided. Reports showing how Covid -19 has impacted on the organisation noting for the board’s attention the current overall delays on recruitment across the estate. MP drew to the Board’s attention Internal Audit programme for the year; and Business Continuity Internal Audit conclusions. WN suggested further discussions on IAs to be added to a future Chiefs’ Catch Ups. |
8. | HMICFRS Action Plan: |
AB explained the action plan has been produced in response to NYFRS first HMICFRS Report in December 2019 which provided recommendations, but no causes for concern.
The decision required today is approval of the report in order for it to be published. AB will bring progress updates to EB. Board provided some feedback on the clarity of report which AB and JF will pick up with Jonathan Dyson (JD) and report back. |
9. | NYFRS Risk & Resource Model Update: |
AB provided a verbal update on the RRM and confirmed all four projects headed by JF; PW & JD are underway. Each project now has Project Managers assigned and their teams currently being finalised.
AB confirmed confident at this stage that all projects will be completed by year end December 2020. AB aiming to provide a written report update on the projects for the next EB.
Board noted the current recruitment for a Programme Manager to work on RRM. |
10. | A.O.B |
Leicester Lockdown: WN asked LW if conversations with colleagues in Leicestershire relating to policing local lockdowns have taken place, and are there plans for North Yorkshire if needed?
LW and JM attend NYCC and CYC Recovery Plan Meetings which encompasses discussions with Local Authorities regarding lockdowns. Awaiting to see what the plan is regarding Leicestershire, which will come from Martin Hewitt at the NPCC, but LW confirmed nothing has been shared to date. WN thanked everyone for attending and concluded the meeting. |
11. | Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting: |
Tuesday 21st July 2020, 09:00-10:00, via Microsoft Teams |