Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 31 August 2021


Tuesday 31 August 09:30 – 12:30

Via Microsoft Teams

Attending: Philip Allott (PA)                 – North Yorkshire Police Fire & Crime Commissioner – Chair Simon Dennis (SD)         – Chief Executive, OPFCC

Jonathan Foster (JF)            – Interim Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Ray Ward (RW)                                     – Managing Director, enableNY

Phil Cain (PC)                       – Deputy Chief Constable, NYP

Jonathan Dyson (JD)           – Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer, NYFRS Thomas Thorp (TT)                                              – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC Caroline Blackburn (CB)                                              – Interim Assistant Chief Executive, OPFCC

Maria Earles (ME)               – Head of Business Design and Assurance, enableNY Mike Clements (MC)          – Head of Finance, enableNY

Jane Wintermeyer (JW)      – Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor, Evolve Michael Porter (MP)                                              – Chief Finance Officer, OPFCC

Ruth Warman                      – Executive Assistant to the PFCC, OPFCC in attendance

Presenting: Lindsey Butterfield             – Acting Assistant Chief Constable, NYP Simon Garnett-Spence (SGS) – Head of Assets, enableNY

Samantha Millar                 – Superintendent Operational Business Change & Tech Lead, NYP Donna Musgrove – Chief Inspector Force Control Room, NYP

Mark Khan                           – Superintendent, York Commander, NYP Fran Naughton        – Detective Superintendent of Crime, NYP

Vicky Booty                         – Benefits Manager, enableNY

Apologies: Lisa Winward (LW)              – Chief Constable, NYP

Jenni Newberry (JN)            – Head of Commissioning & Partnerships, OPFCC

Maeve Chappell (MCh)       – Corporate Communications Lead, enableNY


1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
PA welcomed all to the meeting, attendance was noted, and apologies were received for LW, JN and Mch.

ME had notified the group that she was currently experiencing technology issues and would join the meeting as soon as she was able.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 27 July 2021 & Action Log
The minutes of the previous meeting and the Action Log were noted and updated.


·        JF to confirm what meeting the NYFRS Recruitment Plan will be presented.

·        SD to bring an update on Model 3 Complaints and the portal for SOH to the September meeting.

·        JF, LW and SD to advise what meeting an update on the Armed Forces Covenant will be presented, ideally before Remembrance Day in November.

3. NYFRS Items
a. Risk and Resource Model Update

The meeting received an outline of the nine areas to be included within the Risk and Resource Model Implementation Programme as well as an update on progress so far. This work needs to be completed ahead of


the HMICFRS Inspection in March 2022. The PFCC requested the detailed timetable as set out in 6.3, for the communications plan.

The meeting agreed the following recommendations, with a caveat that the OPFCC review the timetable for how the RRM will be communicated out to key stakeholders:

·   The implementation of the resourcing model outlined within the paper was approved.

·   It was agreed a more detailed programme plan be presented to the September meeting for their consideration.

·   The immediate progression of the technological improvements to support the On-call duty system was also approved.

b. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Estates Plan

The meeting received an update on the on-going investment programme in the NYFRS estate, which is now underway, and were asked to note progress.

Previous reports to this meeting set out proposals to increase and improve the provision of compliant facilities across the NYFRS estate to support diversity and this has been identified as a strategic priority to support the accommodation of a more inclusive workforce.

The next steps are for minor works to begin across the whole estate. Local plans will be implemented where required to support the minor works. Larger scale works will require additional planning and scheduling and predominantly take place during the next financial year to build time into the programme for this to take place.

Further quarterly updates to this meeting will be presented, with the next update due at the November meeting.

4. NYP Items
a. Quarter 1: 2021/22 Police Budget Monitoring Update

The meeting received a progress update in relation to the finances of the Policing budget to the end of June 2021, including a forecast for the remainder of the financial year.

The NYP officer recruitment pipeline was discussed, and PC agreed to review the new intake and transferee plans over the coming months with Claire Lister and Supt Mike Walker. This will be assessed by the Chief Officer Team and PC agreed to report back on officer profile and forward plans for recruitment.


·        PC to review the officer recruitment pipeline with the Chief Officer Team following updates from Claire Lister and Supt Mike Walker and report back on officer profile and forward plans for recruitment.

b. Approval of Early Action Together Business Cases for Customer Contact, Intelligence and Place Based Working

The meeting was asked to make the following decisions for these business cases:

·        Approval of the preferred options (1) within each business case

·        Decision on the proposed PCSO growth posts as outlined in the Customer Contact Business Case

·        Decision to support the financial investment required for programme delivery

·        Approval to move into programme implementation stage

The meeting agreed the decisions as outlined above and requested that the appropriate Decision Notices be drawn up. The meeting also agreed the two approvals as outlined above.



·        SD to draw up Decision Notices for approval of the Early Action Together Business Cases as outlined above.

c. Approach to Benefits Realisation

The meeting was provided with an early review of the progress made to date by NYP in terms of benefits realisation and agreed this approach be used in terms of implementing the Business Cases for Early Action Together.

5. Enable Items
a.   York Area Estates Development Plan

The meeting received an outline of the York Area Estates Development Plan and noted that the work was now proceeding to development of full Business Case.

b.  Ripon Police/Fire Development

The meeting received an outline of progress made to date in terms of Ripon Police/Fire Development and noted progress being made in terms of temporary accommodation for local officers currently located there. The project remains on schedule and the meeting asked for a further update to be provided at the next meeting in September.


·        SGS to provide an update on Ripon Police/Fire Development to the next meeting in September.

9. Any Other Business
There being no further business, PA declared the meeting closed.
10. Close of Meeting/Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 28 September 2021 09:30-12:30, via Microsoft Teams