Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes: 5 November 2013



Minutes of the meeting held at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, HG1 4ST on Tuesday 5 November 2013.


In the Chair:  Commissioner Julia Mulligan (JM)

Officers:  Chief Constable Dave Jones (DJ); Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick (TM); Commissioners Chief Executive Officer Joanna Carter (JC); Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer and Head of Organisation and Development Gary Macdonald (GM); Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer and Chief Accountant Jane Palmer (JP); Head of Legal Services Simon Dennis (SD); Executive Officer to the Chief Constable Lisa Winward (LW).

Also in attendance:  Superintendent Phil Cairn (PC) for minute 233(1); and City of York Council Assistant Director of Housing and Community Safety Steven Waddington (SW) for minute 233(1).

Minute taker:  Commissioners Governance Support Officer Claire Askew (CA).


Commissioner’s Chief of Staff Will Naylor (WN).


Due to time restrictions Executive Board Members were asked to email any amendments directly to CA. 

Board Members provided two updates against the previous minutes:

  1. In relation to minute 224(1), TM is due to attend the Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) on 8 November 2013 and will raise the ongoing issues which the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).  .
  2. In relation to minute 225(2), JP confirmed that £240k has been allocated within the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), to fund the York City Centre Local Police Station Office and to relocate the Boroughbridge Safer Neighbourhood Team.


1)  Formation of Joint NYP and City of York Council Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Hub (Decision Notice):  The Board received a comprehensive joint presentation from PC and SW regarding the opportunities and different options to create a joint working ASB hub.  The Board were very supportive of the concept and the approach of combining complimentary roles.  While appreciating that the overall cost of establishing the unit was being worked up there was joint support to create the Unit and decision of the Chief Constable to resource this with 6 officers.  DJ wished to see the operational evaluation after 6 months in order to assess options to expand the resource level in the future.  JM wished to see the overall evaluation to be able to consider the overall outcome and value for money and how this was contributing to the Police and Crime Plan.  At that time there would also be the option to factor in the effect of the Night Time Levy considerations.

ACTION: PC and SW to provide an evaluation after 6 months to cover factors which enable DJ to consider the operational impact and future opportunities and JM to assess the overall value in terms of outcomes.  


2)  NYP aviation contract with the National Police Air Service (NPAs) (Decision Notice):  JP confirmed that £148k has been allocated in the 2014-15 MTFP to fund the increase in air support flying hours to 110.  Following the review in 2009 by the Association of Police Officers which highlighted that the previous arrangements had been fragmented and did not provide value for money, TM confirmed that each request for deployment will be reviewed.  DJ also confirmed that he is a member of the NPAS Strategic Board.

RESOLVED:  The request for additional air support flying hours in 2013/14 from 30 to 110 is approved;

RESOLVED:  That the revised Schedule 1A to the National Police Collaboration Agreement providing 110 flying hours for 2014/15 is signed;

RESOLVED:  That the NPAS annual revenue budget is adjusted to reflect the increase in costs to £148k;

ACTION:  That regular contact with NPAS is maintained to ensure arrangements are robustly monitored (lead TM).

3)  Police Led Prosecutions (Decision Notice):  It is anticipated that this process will generate an additional £231,664 of income for the force, which the Board agreed requires further discussion regarding its investment.  JP offered to provide a financial assessment against the 2014/15 budget.

RESOLVED:  That the introduction of Police Led Prosecutions is supported;

RESOLVED:  That appropriate HR and staff consultations are carried out to facilitate the introduction of PLP, along with recruitment of staff to support the process;

AGREED:  Further discussion of investment proposals is required (Lead:  GM);

AGREED:  JP to provide a financial assessment against the 2014/15 budget.

4)   Integrated MTFP (Report for a Decision):   JP also tabled an additional draft discussion paper to identify potential one off (non revenue recurring) initiatives, to seek Members views on which initiatives should be approved.

The Board discussed various elements of the MTFP, most notably:

  • JP commencing work liaising with local councils regarding tax bases and levels in preparation of the precept setting;
  • Funding for the Professional Standards Department.  As a member of the Home Office Integrity Working Group JM offered to report back and is also meeting with colleagues from the Home Office week on11 November 2013 to discuss service provision;
  • Ensuring the budget links into summer campaigns;
  • On appendix 3 JM requested that the OPCC and Community Safety costs are individually defined;
  • Ensuring time is available during the Executive Board on 3 December to have a thorough discussion on Budget Setting Principles.
  • Allocation of funding in the MTFP for the ISD Strategy to be reflective of high level estimates.

    ACTION: JM/WN to advise TM if he is required to attend or provide any input to the Home Office meeting on 11 November;

    ACTION:  Diary time to be made available following Executive Board on 3 December for discussion regarding Budget Setting Principles (Lead CA);

    ACTION:  Executive Board Members to provide JP with feedback on one off initiatives. 

    RESOLVED:  Version 42 of the MTFP along with the treatment of items as highlighted in report was approved;

    RESOLVED:  The developing position regarding the implementation of the Police and Crime Plan themes that will support strategic consideration of delivery models was noted;

    RESOLVED:  That the updated reserves position was noted.


 5)  Boroughbridge LPSO (Decision Notice):  This Decision notice had been approved in principle at the Executive Board on 29 October but resubmitted to be considered against the MTFP.  JP confirmed that funding is allocated within the budget.

RESOLVED – The Decision Notice is approved for publication.

6)   Command Team Support (Discussion Document):  LW sought Executive Members feedback on the proposals for a new Command Team support structure.    In respect of the PA roles, the PCC and Chief Constable/Chief Officers will retain their distinct support functions (e.g. PA/OPCC staff to support the PCC and the Chief’s staff office and PA support to Chief Officers).  Existing PA’s/Support will now service all meetings in line with the individual whom they support and the meetings that they chair.

The command team support to all other aspects of the Heads of Operations and Support Services, CEO, CFO’s will be further discussed regarding the most effective and efficient model and mix of skills to meet demand.

The 3 internal communications posts within corporate communications will cease to service corporate meetings with the exception of EB which will continue to be supported by corporate communications. The other 2 posts in that team (one of which is vacant now and the other will be vacant from 15th November will remain vacant and be considered within the corporate communications review).

ACTION:  LW to arrange a further meeting to progress command team support to all other aspects of the Heads of Operations and Support Services, CEO, CFO’s;

ACTION:  LW to update individuals affected in the Chief Constable’s staff office and corporate communications team.


Decision making Forecast Update:

  • In light of the Budget Setting Principles Discussion scheduled for the Executive Board on 3 December 2013, the following items will be deferred:
    • Safety Camera Van future expansion paper; Safety Camera Van Operations Decision Notice; and Proposals for the use of Safety Camera Van Surplus Decision Notice – all deferred to 10 December;
    • Exhibits Niche Pilot Evaluation Business Case Decision Notice; and Final Audit Report Niche Exhibits with Management Response – both deferred to 17 December.
  • JP requested that a Budget Follow Up report is scheduled for the Working Session on 17 December 2013.
  • Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator Decision notice re-instated for 10 December.


 There were no matters to note.


DJ provided verbal updates on his recent meeting with the Home Secretary and a forthcoming meeting with Damian Green regarding the Innovation Funding.

 JM confirmed that she was due to meet with HMI Roger Baker.


The next meeting will take place at 9am on Tuesday 12 October in Conference Room One, Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske, DL7 9HA.