Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Executive Board Minutes – 9 December 2014

Meeting: Executive Board
Date and Time: Tuesday 9 December 2014, 09:05–11:45
Location: Conference Room 1, North Yorkshire Police Headquarters, Newby Wiske
Chair: Julia Mulligan, PCC for North Yorkshire


Julia Mulligan (JM) Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) for North Yorkshire
Dave Jones (DJ) Chief Constable – Chief Officer Team – North Yorkshire Police (NYP)
Tim Madgwick (TM) Deputy Chief Constable – Chief Officer Team – NYP
Joanna Carter (JC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the PCC
Will Naylor (WN) Chief of Staff to the PCC – Office of the PCC (OPCC)
Michael Porter (MP) Chief Finance Officer to the PCC – NYP
Jane Palmer (JP) Chief Finance Officer to the Chief Constable / Chief Accountant – NYP
Jane Wintermeyer (JW) Head of Legal Services / Force Solicitor – NYP
Donald Stone (DS) Head of Organisation & Development – NYP
Louise Wood (LW) Head of Corporate Communications – NYP
Darren Harvey-Hill (DHH) Senior Support Officer to the PCC – OPCC
Lisa Matthews (LM) Personal Assistant to the CEO – NYP (Minutes)


No apologies were received in relation to this meeting.

Items and Decisions:

652 A.) Minutes of the Previous MeetingThe Minutes of the previous meeting, dated Tuesday 28th October 2014, were approved for publication. Please see below discussions held around the previous minutes.

  • 643ii. Victims Referral to Support Services Presentation: It was suggested that, to obtain an understanding of user experience of Track My Crime, victims currently in touch with NYP or the OPCC be asked to provide feedback on the system. Track My Crime is being promoted by the Ministry of Justice as the system already developed; however, the use of this is optional rather than mandatory. LW advised that alternative systems which link well with NICHE may be worth exploring.
  • 643iv. Service Review: The ITT issue will be deferred until potential delivery models have been informally explored.
Minor amendments were made, as discussed at the meeting.
B.) Action LogThe Action Log was amended with relevant updates. See the Action Log for further information.
653 Decisions Required
653i A.) Wellbeing Results – ReportT/ACC McIntosh, Leanne Dudhill and Hamish Moore (of Drummond HR) attended the meeting to provide a presentation around the results of the Wellbeing Survey.
DJ suggested that it would be helpful to see how the results breakdown in terms of matters such as age, gender, and location.
The presentation will be explored again at the upcoming Senior Leadership Day. The session will end by seeking support to progress; the results and progression will be incorporated into a programme to be developed between January and March 2015. This will then be presented at the Executive Board and Senior Leadership Day scheduled for March 2015.
653ii B.) OPM (Quarterly Update) – ReportACC Kennedy attended the meeting and provided an update in relation to OPM. The Cyber Crime Units will be implemented by the end of March 2015; funding for these has been linked to the PIF Bids. Resourcing needs to be finalised, effort will go towards implementing the Investigation Hubs by 1st April 2015: a detailed implementation plan is in place. As of 5th January 2015, C/Supt Simon Mason will be the singular Head of Operations, while T/C/Supt Lisa Winward will commence work ensuring linkage between different workstrands, i.e. OPM and beyond, and local and collaboration delivery.
As Local Authority Stakeholders are currently making enquiries as to who in the organisation attend which Boards, it may be helpful if ACC Kennedy progresses this. Internal communications are required.
653iii C.) Draft Business Plan (including Outcomes Based on Updates) – DiscussionJC suggested that it may be helpful if the Draft Business Plan is subject to a test-run to establish how this will work and be interpreted. There is an opportunity to create a pro-forma for this area. JM advised that both qualitative and quantitative data is required in relation to the Draft Business Plan, as these will allow the organisation to measure the success of this. Further development is required.
JM and DJ will provide an explanation of the work around delivery strands to the Key Strategic Leads due to attend the Executive Group on 16th December 2014. CB, MB and JN will meet to work up an example and create a pro-forma; LW is to link in with this work. A brief on key points is to be provided to JM and DJ.
653iv D.) Refinements of Scheme of Delegation – Decision NoticeThe Executive Board was asked to approve the proposed changes to Section D of the Joint Corporate Scheme of Delegation and Consent. JW explained that currently Head of Legal Services consults with the relevant Chief Finance Officer about delegated decisions to settle claims. It was proposed to have a financial threshold for these. Ex gratia payments in respect of customer service were discussed and a procedure to ensure consistency would be developed. The Decision Notice was approved.
653v E.) Co-Commissioning of Custody Healthcare & Forensic Medical Examination Service – Decision NoticeAs a result of a rigorous procurement exercise, Leeds Community Healthcare (LCH) has been identified as the preferred provider. A decision is therefore required to endorse the recommendation of the procurement panel. The funding for this facility will be top-sliced from NYP and paid into the NHS at the commencement of the 2015/16 Financial Year. JC noted that the benefits of the arrangement must be established, and although the NHS will deliver the service, the service remains co-commissioned. The Forensic Medical Examination Service remains the responsibility of NYP. Performance management oversight for both areas needs further exploration. The Decision Notice was approved.
654 Decisions & Delegated Matters to NoteThe Board noted the report. MP advised that a decision on the Government Grant settlement will be announced on 17th December 2014. WN stated that the work relating to consulting the public in relation to this matter will be completed prior to 17th December 2014. MP and JP are to produce a paper following the announcement on 17th December and present this to the Executive Board on 26th January 2015. There will be a discussion around this at the Executive Group on 16th December 2014.
655 Matters Arising from Corporate Performance & Scrutiny GroupNo matters were raised for discussion. N/A
656 Concepts and/or Initiatives to be DiscussedNo matters were raised for discussion. N/A
657 National or Local Developments or ConsultationsNo matters were raised for discussion. N/A
658 Forthcoming Events or Communications
658i APCC, HMIC and ACPO Updates and Communications The Board noted this report. N/A
658ii Events LogThe Board noted this report. N/A
659 Freedom of Information Act and Transparency Matters for Mention by ExceptionNo matters were raised for discussion. N/A
660 Any Other Business
660i Freedom of Information (FOI) Enquiries – JM advised that ACRO provide a free service to process FOI Enquiries. JW confirmed that Civil Disclosure were aware of and used this service. The services provided by ACRO will be discussed in an upcoming meeting between JM, JC, JW and Emma Morris.
661 Date & Time of Next MeetingThe Executive Board will next meet at 9am on Tuesday 24th February 2015 in the OPCC, Granby Road, Harrogate. N/A