Your Commissioner - Your Voice

Commissioner Zoë can ask questions on your behalf in her Online Public Meeting with the Chief Constable or Chief Fire Officer. Ask your question and find out more.

Our Priorities

Youth Commission priorities
Priorities set by the Youth Commission for 2023

Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Raise awareness of the different types of mental health issues and reduce the stigma and stereotypes surrounding mental health, particularly for young men.
  • Hold open, non-judgemental conversations with young people about their experiences and promote positive mental health.
  • Explore what mental health support services are available to young people, and the barriers faced in accessing services, particularly for those not in education.
  • Promote mental health as a medical issue, not criminal, and support stronger mental health training for front-line police.

Online Safety

  • Raise awareness of various forms of exploitation and risk young people are exposed to online, including the early warning signs to look out for.
  • Investigate young people’s experiences with misinformation and hate speech online and how this impacts their views and perceptions.
  • Explore the impact of social media on mental health and promote appropriate support services.
  • Work with the PFCC and Police to assist authorities in engaging more effectively with young people online.

Relationships with Police and Authorities

  • Act as Ambassadors to support police and young people in building new, positive relationships by emphasising the importance of respect and communication from both sides.
  • Raise awareness of stop and search rights amongst young people and scrutinise North Yorkshire Police’s use of ‘Stop and Search’ and ‘Use of Force’.
  • Represent the voice of young people to NYP and NYFRS and investigate the treatment of young people by authorities.
  • Explore young people’s experiences of diversion from crime and understand what barriers they face in successful prevention.

Drugs, Gangs and County Lines

  • Highlight and promote the voice of young people with lived experience of drug abuse, gangs, or county lines and open the conversation for young people to seek support.
  • Promote harm reduction approaches on the topic of drug use amongst young people, and work with partner organisations to improve education on the impacts of drug use.
  • Raise awareness of the impact and early warning signs of county lines and gang exploitation amongst young people.
  • Explore young people’s opinions and experiences of vaping and understand what actions young people would like to see taken by authorities.


  • Explore the impacts of discrimination and unconscious bias within the police and authorities on young people, with a particular focus on marginalised and underrepresented groups.
  • Raise awareness of hate crime, mate crime, and discrimination faced by young people, including incidents that sometimes go unrecognised.
  • Encourage victims and witnesses to report discrimination and hate crime and explore what barriers they may face in doing so.
  • Work directly with and share the voice of young people with lived experience of discrimination to support and empower others.

Gender Violence and Safer Streets

  • Investigate and listen to young people’s experience of spiking, harassment, and violence in public spaces and promote existing safety initiatives.
  • Educate the OPFCC and partners on young people’s experience of gender violence.
  • Challenge ‘lad culture’ and other environments that accept and minimise the impacts of VAWG.
  • Ensure a non-victim blaming approach throughout conversations on gender violence.