Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

20 February, 2024

North Yorkshire Police to benefit from £1m in additional funding  

“I am absolutely delighted that we are being awarded £1m from the government as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan. “My Office will be working with North Yorkshire Police and our partners in community safety, including local councils, on a strategy to use this funding for anti-social behaviour hot spot policing to best effect and to keep people safe and feeling safe.
North Yorkshire Police have been awarded £1m as part of the Government’s Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan.

The funding, awarded to police forces across the UK on the basis of need, will help provide additional police patrols to combat anti-social behaviour, which is consistently cited by the public as one of the most pressing issues facing them in their day to day lives.

This is following a successful pilot scheme that has seen instances of anti-social behaviour drop by as much as 40% in some areas. 

North Yorkshire has one of the lowest crime rates of any region in England and Wales, but in common with the rest of the country has seen increasing levels of anti-social behaviour reported by the public in the post-COVID period.

As a result, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe has consistently invested in measures to help prevent and combat this behaviour, including public consultations and Community Fund projects.  

Zoë Metcalfe, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said: 

“I am absolutely delighted that we are being awarded £1m from the government as part of the Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan.

“My Office will be working with North Yorkshire Police and our partners in community safety, including local councils, on a strategy to use this funding  for anti-social behaviour hot spot policing to best effect and to keep people safe and feeling safe.

“We will report back on our proposals to the Home Office in March, when I will be able to provide more details of our plans.

“People tell me that they are concerned about anti-social behaviour and I understand their feelings of fear and frustration and that’s why tackling  anti-social behaviour is a priority in my Police and Crime Plan.” 

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