Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

27 April, 2023

Commissioner Zoë introduces new format for holding Chief Officers to account on behalf of the public.

Online Public Meeting
Commissioner Zoë will relaunch her Online Public Meetings (previously known as Public Accountability Meetings) next month in a bid to be more robust in her approach to holding police and fire Chiefs accountable for the services they deliver to keep the public safe and feeling safe.

The new format will see the online meetings become separate for North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service to focus on each service individually and to improve the information shared with the public.

Members of the public, public representatives, media correspondents, and local organisations are invited to watch the live online public meetings and encouraged to submit questions they have for policing and fire services to the Commissioner’s Office, which Commissioner Zoë will ask Chiefs during the allocated question and answer time.

There will be a total of ten meetings held per year, five for North Yorkshire Police and five for North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and all will be streamed live on the Commissioner’s website, YouTube, and Facebook.

The structure of each meeting will include:

  • a look at latest performance data in areas of public interest and a report on complaints made against North Yorkshire Police or North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • an in-depth discussion on a key theme of public concern identified in line with police and crime or fire and rescue priorities
  • an opportunity for Commissioner Zoë to raise issues that matter to the public for discission with Chief Officers
  • an update on the progress made against the latest independent inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services to provide Commissioner Zoë and the public with evidence of improvements
  • dedicated question and answer time for Commissioner Zoë to ask Chiefs and their senior leadership team the questions submitted by members of the public

Topics for each meeting have been chosen based on what the public told the Commissioner was important to them during her consultation for her police and crime and fire and rescue plan.

Commissioner Zoë said:

“My new online public meetings will be even more informative for the public, providing value and insight into how North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are performing against the objectives set in my police and crime, and fire and rescue plan, with discussions on specific topics, updates on statutory inspections and dedicated Q&A time.”

Encouraging the public to submit questions, Commissioner Zoe added:

“As your commissioner it’s my responsibility to amplify your questions and concerns to police and fire Chiefs and to seek the answers you need to be safe and feel safe at home, in your community, and across York and North Yorkshire. Please visit my website for details on how to do this or get in touch with my Office.”

Your Commissioner – Your Voice

How to submit a question

The public can submit their questions using the online form by emailing [email protected]

How to access the live online public meetings

The schedule for the new online public meetings and details on how to access them live can be found on the Commissioners Website:

Scan the QR code - Your Commissioner - Your Voice