Jo Coles - York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

Jo Coles - North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime

19 February, 2019

Police Fire and Crime Commissioners’ first meeting

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners (PFCCs) from Essex, North Yorkshire, Northamptonshire and Staffordshire recently met for the first time at the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ (APCC) offices to discuss opportunities to work together on fire and rescue.

The four PFCCs came together having taken on fire and rescue governance responsibilities over the past 18 months. Home Office representatives were also in attendance alongside APCC Chief Executive, Susannah Hancock and Senior Policy Manager, Eddie Smithwick.

The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for PFCCs to identify shared areas of work for the year ahead including finance and police fire collaboration. PFCCs agreed to meet regularly and to continue working with the APCC to deliver on their fire governance responsibilities.

With the successful passing of the Policing and Crime Act 2017, PCCs in England have had opportunity to develop business cases and consult locally on changes to fire governance, subject to Home Secretary approval. The APCC has supported PCCs during business case development as well as through the transition period, helping Commissioners and their offices to prepare for their new responsibilities.